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The Minute You Wake Up Dead 2022

It was a decent movie to me

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The story and cast are good. What ruins this movie is piss poor direction. Was there a director at all? It seems like people just showed up, read the script, recited their interpretation of the characters, and the camera dude recorded it.

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The credits couldn't come fast enough, and obtw best part of the movie.

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I love Morgan Freeman but not even he could redeem this

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Yeah, turns out that when you make a movie with absolutely 0 likable characters in it, the viewer doesn't care about the outcome. So about or around murder 2, the viewer has lost his 'I like him/her' anchor, and is suddenly adrift in a sea of assholes he cares little or less about. This makes the conclusion of the movie a bit of a moot point, as neither resolution nor retribution can be had. The movie tries (and fails) to end on a profound note, but by then most will have stopped caring.

Whats left is a 100 minutes of wasted time in a very flimsy whodunnit 'mystery' where at one point I started rooting for all participants getting the Ebola virus to end the movie early. Please heed the warnings here: Avoid. It's not bad enough to be good, trust me.

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Unbelievable bad. Please don’t waste your time

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My first clue on how bad this was going to be was having an 85 year old sheriff run the investigation. It just got worse from there, I didn't watch the last 30 minutes.

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