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The Mimic 2017

Without echoing too closely what the power is of this "horror movie," I'll warn viewers that this is not going to be your standard monster movie/ghost story. The monster is grief, the ghost is the ghost of anyone you have lost. The metaphor is woven so beautifully in this story, and I think the closest we have to a force or concept like this in American movies or literature is Pet Sematary. Yet, even with that, there is a heavy reliance on gore. The Mimic has a handful of jump scares, but the focus is not on how frightened you might be, but on the gut punch of the way this ends. This has the slow, artistic feel of an A24 film, so if you're into that, you'll likely enjoy this. Just don't be fooled by the siren song of a Korean horror movie, think more along the lines of a drama with horror elements - similar to The Babadook.

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Perhaps more a spooky meditation on the power of grief rather than a horror movie, this is (despite the title) something of an original in a world of cookie-cutter chillers.

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This movie got off to a great start, but faltered in the final act.

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It didn't grab me super hard, but that may be on me, not the movie. As others have said, this is less a horror movie and more a study on grief and loss, though there are a couple of jump scares (mild ones, in my opinion). This was a very good film!

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