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The Man Who Would Be King 1975

Sean Connery and Michael Caine play a pair of razor-sharp scoundrels, scamming their way through an east Asian joyride during the twilight of the 19th century. On a thoroughly unpredictable adventure, the duo constantly converts lemons to lemonade as they meander from a publisher's office in India to a fictional holy land in the desert. There, intending to conquer a few villages and live the high life, the stakes suddenly spike as they find themselves anointed saviors, kings and (eventually) gods.

Connery and Caine, good friends away from the screen, bubble with chemistry throughout. Their relationship is essential, and that obvious bond lifts an already-ambitious screenplay into something greater than the sum of its parts. When viewed with contemporary eyes, the pace is a little slow, akin to similar films of the era, but that deliberate tempo reaps unique rewards. By lingering in the atmosphere and dutifully setting the stage, director John Huston expertly depicts the vast cultural differences between our conniving, almost-modern Brits and the ancient ways of life still at play in turn-of-the-century Asia. A fine example of old-style filmmaking, loaded with snappy humor, surprising plot turns, high stakes and creeping peril.

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Picture 3.25/5 sound 3/5. Classic Adventures returning to like. Caine and Connery make a great couple

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Film about the British imperialist character.

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D'antan comedy well written and well acted, but overly long and really needing generous cuts.

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"The Man Who Would Be King" is an entertainig epic tale of two British army buddies looking to create their own kingdom far away in Kafiristan. The film has great acting from Sean Connery and Michael Caine and the film really drags you into the adventure from beginning to end. Definately one of the best classic films, and one of the many great films from Director John Huston.

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