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The Man Who Never Was 1956

The first time I heard about "Operation Mincemeat" I instantly thought it would make a great movie. Now I discoverd this movie has already been made decades ago. For someone who didn´t know the story it might seem like a fiction but this actually happened. OK, some stuff has been added for the drama and some things have been changed like it´s always done in movies but in general it depicts the operation quite well. Even if you´re not into WWII history you´ll get a very good spy movie. But keep in mind this is a 1956 movie which is made in the style of the time. It is in no way cheesy or overly patriotic which I consider to be a great plus.

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I decided to watch this film after Stephen Fry mentioned it on the show QI. I was pleasantly suprised at how good it was, you do get the sense from the first half of the movie that they are just building up to something that really happened and you pretty much know what it is by reading the Synopsis, but the second half of the movie featuring the German Spy was very good at adding tension to the film and I found myself gripped that it could all be undone at any second. I'd recommend this film to anyone who is interested in the historical films about WW2 (even though there is a lot's added to the story for dramatic effect) and for those who like a good spy story.

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