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The Lady in the Van 2015

This was recommended to me. I really liked the story. Maggie Smith is excellently cast as the lady in the van and does a great job at making this character really hard to like. If anything, I'd say that they belaboured her situation a tad too long and could have leaped to her back story much sooner.

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Outstanding performance from Maggie Smith!!!

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Alex Jennings wonderfully portrays Alan Bennett and Maggie Smith is brilliant as always, as the lady in the van. Bennett's own writing sparkles in this great adaptation of his memoir.

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This movie is so good, it doesn't even have to try... if Maggie Smith doesn't get an Oscar for her stella performace, then I will eat my hat. I cried, I laughed, I loved it. I give it 8.5/10

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This movie is based on the story of a woman who decided to park her fan in the driveway of a famous author. I enjoy the device that shows the duality of the author (we see him in two different lights) but it is Maggie Smith that completely steals the show. I really can't imagine someone without her considerable talent taking on this role as this movie centered on her performance. I can't remember the last time I was so taken with a performance in a movie. I could really see her experiences in theater shining through in this role.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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Alex Jennings and Maggie Smith are fantastic. In fact Maggie is so good, you would swear it was filmed in "Smelly-Vision".

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my sister said lets watch this the lady in the main character seems cute :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes: yes hun “the lady” is maggie smith what u talking about.
ps. its a good feeling witching a gay man with my family i know its not the title but theyre not used to it...

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Excellent. Reminds me of the old ladies I have cared for, who were pains in the neck, but once they had passed away the richness of the experience of them, and the things they said about their lives, and the clues of objects surrounding themselves by at the end, which take on a new poignancy, makes you think fondly of them.

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Shout by José Eduardo Acosta
BlockedParent2018-07-04T02:04:03Z— updated 2019-09-24T15:59:01Z

As always, Maggie Smith makes an unforgettable performance. This is a very well done movie with a peculiar and amazing ending. We all ought to see this movie!

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Shout by Deleted

An truly amazing movie.
With great performances of, in the very first place: Maggie Smith. It's so touching and stellar acting how she plays 'Miss Sheppard'.
The story and the impersonation of Miss Sheppard made me laugh, angry and sad during the movie.

But credit also goes to Alex Jennings, who put a hell of a lot of energy in his character: Alan Bennett

Thanks to the producer and the actors (and all I forget) for making this movie.

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great movie enjoyed it Maggie Smith Oscar please.

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Maggie Smith should receive a sainthood for her incredible acting. Her incredible technique sometimes gets in her way, but who cares! She's a Saint for goodness sake! I've been trying to watch this on Kodi. Found it once, but it wouldn't load, and have been searching for it every day, so I'm going to purchase it online to watch.

If you love the sublime Miss Smith as much as I do, a must watch is A Room With A View where (along with Denholm Elliot) she steals the movie from the prissy, narcissistic Helena Bonham Carter. Of Course another side of Miss Smith can be found in her more introspective role as Muriel Donnelly In the Grand Exotic Marigold Hotel.

Gush, gush, gush. Find her movies, watch, re-watch, and enjoy this incredible actress as she plies her trade.

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