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The King 2019

Great acting and potential, but why didn't they even try to tell a story? I mean, nothing but one battle? There is more content in 5 minutes of an average Vikings episode than in this whole movie.

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This is neither an action fireworks nor has it endless battle scenes. You should know that before you watch.

It is a slow build up that can be percieved as running a bit too long. But I really liked it. It's an honest movie, well produced. It looks and feels real. And so does the battle once it takes place. I so appreciate doing this not in CGI but putting the camera right in the middle of it. As for the historical accuracy or how it relates to the source material, I do not know. But it also isn't that important to me as this is a movie that, first and foremost, is there to entertain.

All actors are doing really well but Sean Harris was the one who really stood out in my opinion.

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With Outlaw King and now this Netflix really knows how to film medieval battles. In both movies the battles were absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.

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It was good to watch the story of the Young King Henry.

I just wish it was longer.

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"A king has no friends. Only followers, and foe."

This line encapsulates the essence of the film. A somber retelling of Henry V, loosely based on Shakespeare's play, The King is a slow-burn tale following a reluctant Henry V as he navigates the deceitful royal court to establish his rule.

It is a non-action serious drama, with no pretension to be historically accurate, that relies on cinematography, acting, and brass-heavy music to create a brooding atmosphere, establishing Henry's isolation as he stands atop the lonely peak of royalty, devoid of trust. The film's bleakness, gripping the audience throughout its two-hour runtime, reminds me of Robert Eggers' The Viking, although with much less arthouse touch and much less visceral intensity; serving a calmer ambiance reflective of the peace Henry longs for. As Henry softly implores his wife to speak only the truth in the film's ending, the climax deliver a decent twist, leaving us wondering if Henry is willingly plunging himself into another pit of deceit.

The performances by Chalamet (Henry), Sean Harris (William), Edgerton (Falstaff), and Pattinson (Dauphin of France) are outstanding, even if Pattinson's portrayal leans a bit too heavily into goofiness.

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It's long slow and boring but has some decent fight scenes.

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Great movie. Amazing music. Can't emphasis how important the score is. Everything great and believable until Robert Pattinson showed up. Every time he is on screen it's like a really bad SNL skit. We are in 2019, couldn't they cast a real French actor or at least someone with a better accent? This is especially jarring because they did everything else so well and everything felt so real. Removing one star because of Robert Pattinson.

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A very enjoyable movie, what stood out the most were the beautiful cinematography and some great battle scenes. Performance was good across the board, however Timothée Chalamet's character in this movie was very skinny which ultimately made some of the action scenes a bit unbelievable.

What I didn't like was that the movie was very slow at the start, and a bit too quick in the end. Also, the overall plot wasn't that great with a twist that was predictable from about 30 minutes into the movie.

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Great movie. The battle scene was really well done.

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To be honest the first half kind of bored, so it's off to a slow start, but it pays out, because the second half has amazing tactics and at the end the plot is fast, surprising and well crafted.

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Lot of inconsistencies, bias about French white flag jokes

They really did take the Frenchmen for fools in order to fullfill the scenario.

The ending was guessable since the beginning and didn't come as a surprise...

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I still don't understand how that guy was a better antagonist for the 3rd act then the f*cking archbishop. That was wasted potential and would've made the movie go full circle.

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Shakespeare adaptations are sometimes hit and miss, but by sidestepping the tendency to use the exact dialogue from the play, this is a very watchable and easy to follow film. As usual, Chalamet is an engaging presence on screen.

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Shout by Monika
BlockedParent2021-01-15T18:14:18Z— updated 2021-01-19T21:02:05Z

To be honest it's not an outstanding movie. But atmosphere and music was so incredible that this movie dragged me into it. And the fight scene between king and prince in the mud? Well you need to see it I didn't expect this and it was really good and maybe funny too. As I said it's not perfect but I really love it anyway.

Edit: Okay I had to rewatch this movie because I'm still listening the soundtrack and I've wanted to watch the movie again. And yeah maybe because Timothée as Henry V. was really awesome. It was really awesome even to watch the movie for second time.

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"Giant balls.... With a tiny kok....


'The King' is a beautifully shot movie with a dry pace. The production design and actors are the reason this movie has a pulse. Timothée Chalamet was great as a soft and quiet king. Joel Edgerton and Sean Harris were fantastic as always.

But Robert Pattinson was the real scene stealer here. He brought so much life to the screen with his incredible French accent. He was having a blast and so was I.

The rest of the movie was pretty stale and really does test your patience. The battle scenes was pretty solid, but I didn't buy for one second that Chalamet has the strength to tackle and cut through nameless soldiers.

This movie had a lot going for it, but the execution was lacking. And what a waste of Ben Mendelsohn.

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This film would've been better if it had more violence

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This film rips and I sort of blame its platform for the reason it’s not spoken about as our generational muddy brown medieval king-and-war movie. If this had been in cinemas in the early aughts everyone would’ve gone three times and then ran the DVD into the fucking ground. Instead it’s hidden in a load of menus, a deep scroll away from whatever Office episode you were watching last. Robert Pattinson’s French accent is worth the 2h20 alone

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Mediocre at best. Couldn't find a single piece that is pushing line of the genre forward

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Shout by 020202

Timothée Chalamet was great in this one, and i'm a sucker for a medieval period type of movie, set & custom designs are amazing as always, it was overall a fun watch i'd say

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The cast, acting and filming were all good, producing a dark, sombre and murky view of the times. Historically accurate in that a) There was a Henry V and b) there was a battle at Agincourt. In just about every other respect though the movie is WILDLY inaccurate. This would perhaps be forgivable if it was an entertaining movie like Guy Ritchie's King Arthur but sadly it's overly long, drawn out and overall just dull, so much so that it was a struggle to get to the end. A 90 minute story (at most) crammed into 140 minutes that bestowes a 15th century medieval king with 21st century morals and values that simply did not exist in that era.

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This modern retelling of Henry V is all about mood. It's dark, dour, and slow. If you accept that, and are fine with a bit of a bloated runtime, you'll see a number of great performances from Chalamet, Edgerton, and Harris. The grit and grime of being at the ground level for the few action scenes kept things grounded, while you also were able to emotionally relate to the main cast. This was better than I expected it to be and the only real drawback is Pattinson's somewhat goofy performance as the Dauphin. If medieval films (or Shakespeare) are your jam, this will hit the spot.

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I will rate this film mud/10, l+ratio for the french king

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I'm not into colossal nor war movie but the carisma and the true potrait of the characters really got me. Superb and honest

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Shout by Deleted

Henry V for Shakespearophiles.
Good acting and un-flowery language.
I for one would like to see more interpretations like this.

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The movie is a blend of the real king Henry V and the Shakespearean play inspired by him. I enjoyed most of the acting and I did not find the plot lacking as Henry did not live much after anyway. The film sends a message for the vanity of war as the - seemingly peaceful- king is tricked by his men to begin a war only to eventually find out it was all for nothing. Timothee Chalamet and Lily Rose Depp were good casting choices. Can’t say the same for Robert Pattinson who was for some reason cast as a mentally weak French prince, struggling throughout all his scenes to imitate how French speak English.

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Seems like most comments, even the highest ratings always want to down a movie. This is not one of those.

I gave it an 8, probably more like an 8.5 but not quite a 9. It was well written. It looks like they left out a scene or two giving more explanation to the ending. Not that whatever was left out was needed, but it probably would've made the story more complete. The one battle scene might have been a bit too long, but that's about it. The acting, the writing, the overall storyline, is pretty good.. Could they have focused more on the nuisances of how he united England? Yes probably... in a series, but it would be one season since King Henry II's reign was short. It's worth the watch overall.

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I'd never heard of this movie before today and too be completely honest, despite my 7 star rating, I don't think I was missing out on much.

The acting and cinematography, along with the music score were all outstanding but there bare bones if the film was pretty much book existent. The whole film seems to centre around the one war which was pretty epic but occurs within the last quarter of the film.

I feel like, as the movie is called The King, that we should of got a more wide story of Henry V instead of the battle being the main focus of the plot. I understand that this was a big point in history for this particular king but I feel as though it overpowered the movie a little too much

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The first part of film is slowly, but the second is more compelling. I liked the last battle, a little different from other.

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I usually don't like films set during this time period, because they tend to bore me, but this film was actually pretty good. I loved the cinematography, along with the costumes. I thought everything and everyone looked the part. The acting was top notch as well. Timothee Chalamet definitely commands your attention. He was exceptional in this. I was impressed with Lily-Rose Depp and Robert Pattinson for their bit parts. The ending was quite good as well.

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"Timothee Chalamet as Henry V doesn't quite live up to expectations, giving a muted performance when something deeper was needed."

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Timothee Chalamet was "UNBELIEVABLE", by that i mean "NOT BELIEVABLE AT ALL".

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