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The Karate Kid 1984


Shout by CinemanicBonkers
BlockedParent2020-08-25T00:06:42Z— updated 2021-01-09T18:43:37Z

“Daniel San” This film will never get old, always a 80s classic! It didn’t need a remake..

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'Wax ON, Wax OFF' :-)

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Without looking at this through nostalgic eyes, this has all the hallmarks of a pretty average 80s teen film and the resolution is never in doubt. Apart from Macchio, the acting from the other teens in this film is poor, which affects the theme of bullying that the film is trying to address. But once Mr Miyagi enters the film, it becomes something else entirely and the relationship that's explored between Miyagi and Daniel is the heart of the film and still resonates.

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Just caught up with cobra Kai ready for season 4 for a 3rd time decided to come back to the classics and was not diss appointed at all great film

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Put him in a body bag Johnny!

How can you not want to learn Karate after watching this movie as a kid!

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This film still stands up. Loved it as a kid and love it now. At its core its about the relationship built between Daniel and Mr Miyagi. And bringing with it overall the core of karate itself: honour, tradition and respect.
The Sensei of the Cobra Kais has polluted that with American military values. I see that more clearly watching as an adult.
Planning on rewatching all the films and checking out the Cobra Kai series for the first time too.

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Pretty good for cobra kai fans :)

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - Karate Kid is a great 80s film, full of action and good music

My rating system works:
10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:heart:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:heart: - Bull Shit

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It won't be a great movie, but it is very entertaining.

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I understand why this affects young people, but at this point it left me underwhelmed. I saw it "back in the day" and had similar affect on me, but I never had a bullying situation in my life. I think for those that had that type of experience, this film would have a stronger tie. Just not my cup of tea.

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The start of 'The Karate Kid'. Good viewing, this.

I'd be lying if I didn't say I expected more from it, but that's not to say I didn't enjoy it - because I did. Coming into this I had only seen the 2010 remake, therefore I did know what was coming in certain points. Still, the plot is interesting and holds a positive message.

I would say the run time is longer than I would've chosen, I feel they could've shaved a bit off and not have taken so long to get to the karate event itself. It builds up fairly slowly, meaning the opening 40 minutes are less interesting - to me, anyway. The rest is good fun though.

I definitely sensed the 'Rocky' influence, particularly in Ralph Macchio's acting. He reminded me of Sylvester Stallone from the aforementioned film, in terms of the acting perhaps not being anything incredible but there being the required amount of likability and glimpses of hidden talent. Macchio (Daniel) is very good here, as is Pat Morita (Mr. Miyagi) of course.

Onto the sequels!

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8/10. Classic movie. My only criticism is that the timeline is all over the place. It seems like in every following shot time sometimes passed for hours, days, weeks and sometimes months.

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I hear Corba Kai is great and never seen these before so I thought I would go through the movies before the show. This is a solid 80s sports drama.

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Good movie, the ending could be worked more . I prefer the remake.

update: I didn't know the sequels so I guess I'm gonna watch it.

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what a legendary movie it's always good to go back and watch it from time to time

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Some people call Daniel the bully but watching it again. Definitely not when Johnny broke Ali's stereo for no reason at the beach, then Daniel stepped in. You also have Johnny's friends bullying Daniel at school. Then Johnny knocks Daniel down a hill when he was riding his bike at night minding his own business. Only one fight Daniel instigates at a Halloween party.
In the new Cobra Kai show though I sympathize with Johnny more though.

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Shout by Andy
BlockedParent2018-03-22T18:03:13Z— updated 2021-01-10T17:55:54Z

One of my favorite movies as a kid. Saw it for my 9th birthday and I was enamored. It hasn't aged very well visually, but the story is so well done that even my own children love this movie. Goosebump-and-tears-of-joy-inducing climax (the crane kick) never gets old no matter how many times I watch it.

I probably watched the karate tournament scene alone 100X on video growing up. I even knew the exact counter number to fast forward to on the old VCRs so I could get right to the part where Ali yells out "You're the best!" and the classic Joe Esposito song begins. Not sure I ever found a better mix of music & sports combined in a movie scene.

Not sure yet how I feel about the upcoming "Cobra Kai" series ( On the one hand, it's always dangerous to try and revisit the well (see Karate Kid III & Next Karate Kid) but on the other hand, the original actors are returning and there's just no way I'm not going to watch it.

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Johnny Lawrence is the real Karate Kid.

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Sure, it's predictable, but it's still such a satisfying movie. It's wonderfully reflective of the time it came out. Macchio and Morita have a great chemistry together and help make it so engaging. It would've been really interesting to see Mifune in the role though.

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Will never forget this movie. Bring back so many memories. Lol

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A classic! That is all.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie was really cool and I liked it as a kid.

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my favourite trilogy!! all time classic ahead of it's time.

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