Great film, shows how broken America really is. Such a needles loss of life, with incredible potential left. Even before Snowden he was causing big problems. But he was doing so much good, driving changes toward a positive, informed, open society and government. The newly discovered pancreatic cancer testing is a testament to this, to give only one example. Tim Berners Lee's quote was exactly how we all felt and the loss is still painful even today. RIP Aaron, I can only hope that you have inspired others to take up your fight and take it to the enemy with even greater, unstoppable force.

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Fantastic docu.... The greatness this kid (Aaron Swartz) had was astonishing... And greatness is far and few between.

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A victimless crime. Sad documentary.

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What loss this world has. Tragic that the system takes out the most brilliant.

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Well, if I was threatened to be made an example of and be sent to jail for life for something that doesn't come close to what criminals in suits do on a daily basis. I'd be pretty depressed too. Thank you Aaron for everything you've done for the good of mankind.

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Surprise surprise. A Jew killing another person. They keep getting greedy and worst. It’s like they’ve become the Nazi’s.

Fuck the prosecutor, hope he gets trapped in a burning building. Fucking greedy jew.

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"Aaron dead.
World wanderers, we have lost a wise elder.
Hackers for right, we are one down.
Parents all, we have lost a child. Let us weep."

  - Sir Tim Berners-Lee, inventor of world wide web.
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such a sad loss of a life....he could have become a legend with so much positive outcomes...the toll on him was too much...the charges against him was truly unnecessary...

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