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The Innocents 2021

Stopped watching it when it resorted to animal cruelty.

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Animal cruelty in 2024? 1 star at best

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I'm beginning to question my sanity with the reviews, the ratings of 8 and 9 the 95%(!!) of fresh stupid tomato thing.
What a cluster f* was this movie. Extraordinary uninteresting and boring.
Slow and completely pointless. I don't hate foreign cinema and nice thrillers but here we have a miracle of meaningless story that keeps dragging with stupidity not to mention the ending. It is like, ok we have nothing else to show let's cut.
My God do not see this movie!

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This isn't even horror, it's just mutant kids.:skull:

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Like trying to get the kids to go back to bed and leave you alone... then realizing you don't have kids.

The movie is the story of a group of children who discover they have special powers when they're together, and of the one, troubled boy who decides to use this power for bad.

The Innocents is the bastard child of other films that led the way (notably Village of the Damned and The Omen) but, fortunately, has learned from their mistakes and gone on to greater heights.

Written to perfection and directed with a good deal of suspense by Eskil Vogt, The Innocents goes harder than any American film with children would dare go and will leave bite marks on the viewer's memory long after the film has ended.

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This is a family-friendly film about children discovering that they have superhero-powers.

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Pretty intense watch. Overall well done, although some parts just make you roll your eyes.

I did take a lot off my rating for the unnecessarily graphic cat death scene. I mean, just come on man. Kill a cat without the dramatics. Skip 24m-28m if you aren't a sociopath.

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The only horror of this film are children, who were not taught any basic ethical values. Animal cruelty is in my eyes not a styletic means but a very cheap way to create horror. As if this were not enough, the film has built up no tension in the first 30 minutes. Absolute waste of time this film!

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a bunch of mind-sick ashole kiddos using some Jedi Tricks to terrorize their families and neighborhood. However - If you let the supernatural Part aside, this Flick becomes boring af!

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i would feel a total retard giving this movie more than a 1 star.... so that's what my rating is.

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This film was all these kids' very first role and they're still better than 95% of the child actors you see in USA movies.

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Blend of psychological drama, supernatural thriller, and superhero origin story. To be fair, those descriptions don't quite do this innovative and smart film justice but if you like any of those aforementione genres, you might like this slow-burning tale if you can stick with it. The performances from the young case are phenomenal.

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This movie somehow reminded me about the manga 'Domu: A Child's Dream' by Katsuhiro Otomo. There's some resemblance, the apartment complex, the kids with psychic powers... I must say I really enjoyed it.

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A foray into fantasy cinema that shows the ability to create moments of tension. And although the elaboration of childhood trauma as a vehicle for growth is not really new, the director makes the silences and the looks really disturbing. The portrait of child psychology as if it were a kind of superpower constructs a drama that causes uneasiness, using very simple elements, but also very effective.

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Pure depravation. The Cat´s dead is authentic evil.

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Intense nerv wrecking piece of gold

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The cat scene was crazy

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Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Innocents’:

  1. Listen… I didn’t expect a Dumbledore vs. Voldemort battle at the end there, but I was hoping for more than a staring contest. This was shaping up to be an awesome movie, but I thought they supremely dropped the ball in the end. Points lost solely for that.

  2. I gotta give the film credit for doing so much with so little. They didn’t depend on crazy special effects to tell a superpower story. Additional kudos to a young cast who did a spectacular job carrying the film. And props for going places I didn’t expect the plot to go. I could have done without the cat scenes though.

  3. I don’t think they should have given Ida powers. It was an interesting layer that she was the only “normal” one. To reveal her powers at the eleventh hour didn’t serve the story at all.

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So many emotions, I don't know what to do with them. This was just brutal.

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That was... aweful and yet thrilling. Unbelievable and hard to describe. The unease by excellence.

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With a script and direction by Norwegian Eskil Vogt, "De Uskyldige" tells the story of a small group of lower-middle-class children who meet in one summer and discover that they share the possession of supernatural powers. What begins as child's play evolves into something terrifying that pushes the boundaries of morality and pits them against each other in a war that only they can wage. The story is thoroughly entertaining and keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time; the child actors are terrific in their first movie roles. I really liked the sound that goes very well with some scenes full of tension. Maybe it could have been slightly shorter, but it works pretty well. See it at your own risk.

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This film's plot felt very similar to Chronicle. Dark. Twisted. Though this film engaged me in a way that Chronicle did not. It had me more invested in the characters (acting was on point :ok_hand:) and the outcome.

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Shout by Maharaja
BlockedParent2023-01-22T00:32:59Z— updated 2023-06-30T05:11:32Z

Eskil Vog, the writer for the TWPITW and who wrote the screenplay for Oslo, 31st August, has finally arrived as a brilliant Director with this cinematic masterpiece of a slow burn horror thriller. The film navigates through the less traveled roads of good and evil within a childhood setting. The childhood's innocence and its corruption, and the power of friendship and how it can help us overcome our fears. Can be disturbing at moments as the film stretches itself wandering into the complexity of childhood emotions.

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A brilliant film with some of the best child actors / actresses I have ever seen in a film. If you like slow-burner horror films, this is the one to watch.

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I'm giving this a 6 only because of the great cast. All of them nailed it, especially the autistic girl. That was brilliant acting by the kids.

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it is a decent movie. above average

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A chilling and cold, if slightly overlong, supernatural horror showing how not innocent of a mind young children can have. This film is as fascinating as it is terrifying. The unsettling mood, accompanied by great score and photography, takes you through an experience from brutal and cruel to pure tenderness. How these kids discover their connection and power is so raw and subtle. Their poor understanding between good and bad gives you a never-ending feeling of unease throughout. The group of child actors in this is impeccable. It's so refreshing to see children in a film acting like real children do. Though I feel that there's quite a bit of unnecessary scenes that could have been trimmed off, it's still an investing watch nonetheless. The best way to watch it is by knowing as little as possible.

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