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The Houses October Built 2014

“I never know what I am getting myself into”
- Brandy
I liked the idea, just felt like a long buildup and a short payoff. That is never a good thing!
:japanese_ogre::clown: :end:

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My biggest problem was actually just the way found footage was used. The film itself was cut together, there was voice over and sound effects. Cameras outside on the car? I wonder how this video came about and who decided which recordings to use and how.

Otherwise, the idea of the film is very interesting. The haunted house culture is something new for me, I don't think we really have that. It was almost really fun to go on a trip with the group. And I shuddered with them too. I will definitely take a look at the 2nd part, maybe this will clarify a little more.

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Another need idea for a Found Footage film! I do go myself through Haunted Houses every year in Walibi Holland, (going again this saturday) so I liked what they were going for. However, I do agree with people here that they could've done more with it.

Somehow it became predictable and you knew what would happen because of the beginning, I also wished they had more of those interviews, like really, really, make it a documentary, I wish we got a clearer view of the Haunted Houses they visited and the abrupt ending wasn't so good.

But I did like the acting, the costumes, the traveling and searching for the houses and it did entertain me, it's just that I really have a feeling that there could've been more to it.

I might sound negative but The Houses October Built is worth a watch though! It did get me hyped for Saturday though!

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Cool premise, with a pretty creepy and effective buildup. The end is a bit of a letdown, but overall it's a pretty good found footage movie. It's interesting that they used so much of the footage from the documentary it was based on...

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I thoroughly enjoyed this one. Low expectations in hand, I saw it on Netflix and came away quite surprised. Original premise, solid acting and some good scares. Proof that a low budget does not, necessarily, equate to cheap thrills.

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I quite enjoyed this. The whole idea of looking for the most extreme haunted house i thought was pretty cool. The parts at the "haunts" were great, but the other parts did drag a little. If you're into haunted house attractions it's worth checking out :)

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Shout by sp1ti

Consider me slightly pissed at this movie... I wish I would have neglected for the "FROM THE PRODUCERS OF" blurp like I usually would but the internet PR never sleeps.
The premise of the movie is cool and timely but it is really freaking boring for like the whole run time. They don't do much other than search for the edgiest "haunt" all movie long while stopping by at like 8 of them. Half of them would already have been enough because I wouldn't even call the people here characters so little interaction/time they had with each other.
Once they seem to get to the "place" it throws away it's main idea and comes along with the most generic baddies around and pulls an anticlimactic shitty ending.
Just like many other found footage movies this one is extremely guilty of idiotic and illogical camera recordings. The main story points make hardly any sense and are a cheap plot device.
At least it wasn't that predictable and had a few OK scenes at the "haunts".

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