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The House That Jack Built 2018

It was alright, I guess.

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This is fucked up and I kinda loved it. It is surprisingly funny in a I'm a terrible human being way. Matt Dillon is great.

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Pretentious crap. Drags a lot. But still better than any serial killer's diary type of movie I've watched. The most horrifying thing was the runtime.

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
.5 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
.5 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 stays with you

.5 / 1 misc

6.5 out of 10

Where it failed: The co-narration, and all the disposable scenes that came with it. Blair Witch style shots just to use a different medium (I don't care if this fits one of the themes, it wasn't done well). And of course, the final 15 minutes. Fucked up the pacing, the intensity, the story... basically took everything that was enjoyable about the movie, and removed it for the ending. Thanks a lot. My first and probably last Trier movie.

Without the narration scenes, and with a re-edited end, it could be a solid 90 min movie. (fanedit)

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Up until this I had never seen a Lars von Trier film. I kinda wish I could still say that. This 2.5 jerk sesh is self indulgent to say the least. Look, if you cut out 45 minutes of It's A Wonderful Life style voice over and very, very embarrassing Bob Dylan homages, you'd have a pretty tight little fucked up movie about a serial killer with an absolutely awesome finale. Instead, we've got a guy in a red robe, commanding a boat pushed by naked people. Was stoked for this movie...that is no longer the case.

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Dark, ambitious and unconfortable to watch at times, this is von Trier's best work since Dogville. A must watch for all fans of the controversial danish director.

"Some people claim that the atrocities we commit in our fiction are those inner desires which we cannot commit in our controlled civilization, so they're expressed instead through our art. I don't agree. I believe Heaven and Hell are one and the same. The soul belongs to Heaven and the body to Hell. - Jack." Or is it Lars? ;D

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I LOVED this movie. Adored it! And then the last twenty minutes or so happened and oh boy it lost a lot of points for that.

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This is a Lars Von Trier film so don't expect the usual serial killer schtick. The director punches you in the face with violent acts, some of which have rightfully offended critics and audiences alike. There is a point to the film - the movie artfully makes you confront your relationship with Hollywood violence - but it is sometimes guilty of revelling in the same violence that it is trying to make you think twice about. It's a good movie, although there are some scenes that are almost too disturbing, so I wouldn't recommend it to everybody.

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I'm ashamed for buying a cinema ticket and I funded his next job . Disturbed mind

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he's just a silly man

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How this went under my radar for so long I don't know, but worth the wait.

First and foremost, this movie is fucked. You will see things that are disturbing, not_necessarily_ gory, but disturbing nonetheless. Seriously, you've been warned.

That aside, this was a ride, one that had me tensing my legs and clenching my jaw until the inverted credits started to roll (hey, just figured out why they're inverted now that I'm typing this). Dillon is superb, in both his acting and more so his narration. Supporting cast also great, but Dillon really carries this one. His stoic and monotone demeanor are terrifying once you see what he's capable of.

Fast paced and fluid, The House That Jack Built has a lot of re-watch value. The cuts to archival footage are long enough to be interesting and short enough to not be tedious, giving you a brief reprieve (at times) from the last "incident" you viewed.

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Very hard-to-digest movie. After a short time, I realized that I sympathize with the murderer here. Try to understand him. In the end, I was just completely exhausted. Nevertheless, a well-made movie.

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Gotta give it to Lars on the music score ha ha ha!

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This movie about a mass murder is not too bad. At 2hr 30 mins in length it goes completely off the rails at the 2 hour mark, just switch it off. Seriously... it becomes completely detatched, irrelevant and just dumb at the point he returns to the warehouse and goes inside. That's the point it goes into the toilet and doesn't come back out. For the first 2 hours I'd give it a 7.5/10. The last half hour 0/10

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I'm a sick fuck, I like a sick flick.... My ol'lady was like oooo look a thriller bahahaha she made it 25 minutes and was like fuck this I'm going to bed

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Well that was different, very disturbing, arty, confusing at times, just full on WTF! but also had a little sense of humour. A clumsy serial killer with OCD? come on! just me? A good performance from Matt Dillon.

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What a giant pile of dung. Boring, uninteresting, no thriller or horror aspect, stupid ending, did I mention BORING?

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Shout by manicure
BlockedParent2021-05-01T13:45:52Z— updated 2023-06-21T12:51:44Z

"The House that Jack Built" has been marketed as a horror movie or a thriller, but I found it way more enjoyable as a pitch-black comedy and character study. Overall, the style and structure are essentially the same as "Nymphomaniac", just with an OCD psychopath taking the lead this time. Each story is a mere excuse for Jack to digress in self-indulgent philosophical contemplations on life, death, and art, drawing obvious comparisons with Lars von Trier's career as a controversial and provocative artist. Again, archival footage and visual cues are imposed over the dialogues, reminding me of old-school "Metal Gear Solid" FMVs.

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Whatever you think of von Trier, this is extraordinary filmmaking. Controversial yes, disturbing yes. But it's also a visceral, ascerbic, stunningly created movie that dissects lots of topical subjects such as Trump's America / empowerment / self reflection. Matt Dillon was perfectly cast as the protagonist.

There are some really chilling, squeamish scenes. If you can get through them, the final 15 minutes really is some beautiful cinema to look at even if the subject matter is downright shocking. And the late Bruno Ganz is brilliant.


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Disturbing and horrible. I don’t understand the need to show everything like that. No thank you.

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Dark & Disturbing
Too long and becomes boring at times.

Characters 7/10
Story 6/10
Pacing 5/10
Visuals 7/10
Rewatchability Factor 3/10
Enjoyment or Emotional Value 5/10
Average Score 5.5/10

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Mhhhhh, very strange, very good BUT VERY STRANGE, like... It's strange, a lot

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What a hilarious riot. Thoroughly enjoyed witnessing Jack’s growing pains. Only slight criticism was the abrupt end, but overall still a great ride.

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"You know, I take it all back. What I said earlier about you looking like a serial killer... You're way too much of a wimp to murder anyone."

Disturbing, sickening, controversial, arty-farty. Some of the darkest comedy you'll ever find and it does a good job at making you feel guilty for laughing. Some moments cross the line of comedy though and that effects the tone, I just didn't know when to laugh anymore. It's pretencious as fuck but that just goes with the character, he's pretencious so it works in bringing you into his world. I didn't like the shaky cam at first but in some parts it gives it a documentary/reality TV feel but without the fourth wall breaking—worked for me but I doubt that was intended. Enjoyed the first half more than the second. It was too long and I would have cut out the long over-explaining scene (the one a little bit passed the middle). Not sure how to digest the last 15 minutes, totally different but unsatisfying because of how different it was from the rest. Matt Dillon was excellent. Some very shocking stuff, this one's for the twisted souls!

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Verge: Let me put it this way: very few make it all the way without uttering a word. But do carry on merrily. Just don't believe you're going to tell me something I haven't heard before.

Yeah, well, yeah. That sounds about a prophecy about this movie experience. Trier does his Trier thing; innocent women tortured, academic references and some arthouse twist to it. But for myself, it's not quite enough with the unsurprising shock effects and some clever discourse on his own artistry. It's become stale, formulaic even.

Unless it's a self therapy piece where the ending reflects Triers own inability to escape his own artistry, then it's almost a bit interesting again.

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Great movie but the last 20 minutes keeps it from being that much better. I swear it's like it was a different movie, director, writer, and most of what the hell happened. Im like dumbfounded. The ending just pisses me off but the rest so damn good.

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I liked it up until the ending

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Shout by Chris

“If you feel like screaming, I definitely think that you should.”
- Jack

A dark twisted deranged film that brought back memories of “Henry: portrait of a serial killer”. It has been a long time sense I felt that type of gritty feeling in a serial killer movie.

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Using Mat Dillion as a psycho ensures your success. For the rest, elucidations of Lars Von Trier

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152 minutes of my life wasted :) what a pile of nonsense ...

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Lars, you son of a bitch, you've done it again. For the record, Nymphomaniac is still my favorite, but you can see the evolution and maturity(?) of Lars' work through the years. Don't be mistaken, it's certainly still a mind-f*#k movie. If you only watch about the first 15-20 minutes, you can still turn back; no-harm-no-foul. But, if you decide to continue, you're in for a ride/treat. Don't worry, he'll give you a satisfying resolution... but you'll have to earn your way to that point.

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The film has an approach that pretends to be original, and in part it is, but that does not get that at times of feeling that it lengthens unnecessarily, and above all, it is not uniform in the final result

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Macabra, espeluznante, bizarra y humor negro. Lars Von Trier arruinó mi noche de sueño.

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This was a good film.. The Ending Killed That Big Momentum the movie provided in the earlier stages.. Matt Dillon was legendary in his role as "Jack" In the End my rating was a 7.5/10

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Seen a lot of people ripping into von Trier about this one and I get the criticism, but Lars is gonna do what Lars does. I'm not terribly offended by his movie so much as I'm offended by Matt Dillon's performance.

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Shout by Deleted

A purely philosophical film ... My feelings disturbed the scene of the killing of the children and their mother, ,, good film .

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very interesting, amazing work again, a must see of 2018

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You've got to love dark comedies. I found it to be quite enjoyable I particularly enjoyed Lars' take on Dante's Inferno. However, it is apparent that Lars used this movie to indulge himself, perhaps a little too much.

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Reminds me of belgian cult movie "C'est Arrivé Près De Chez Vous" from 1992

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A loved it so much. So funny and sick. The end was so interesting.

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Shout by Juan Ignacio Sánchez
BlockedParent2018-12-16T21:04:05Z— updated 2019-01-20T22:20:38Z

A fucked-up portrait of evil nature with sadistic violence, disturbing imagery and a bizarre epilogue with quite stunning visuals. In all of that, a film that you should only watch once or just avoid completely if you are not a von Trier fan.

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A horror movie where the horror is replaced by artsy rhetoric about art. At least the horror part was engaging.

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