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The Great Wall 2016

Finally a movie the brings the best of the east with a Hollywood favor. I love Asian movies that are just huge and entertaining with Epic battles and fantastic cinematography.

Matt Damon & Pedro Pascal played their roles perfectly around a fantastic cast of Chinese Actors like Hanyu Zhang and the likes. The mix was great and they pulled it off right, for once it didn't look like a cheap knock of a Hollywood Blockbuster!

Must watch for any fans of this Genre.

Let's hope for a sequel because they did the story justice, an unexpected twist which I enjoyed.

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"The Great Wall" is visually pleasing to the eye, but everything else, not so much. It's a dumb blockbuster that misses the potential of being something unique.

Hollywood super star Matt Damon fighting monsters on the Great Wall of China? Sounds interesting coming from Yimou Zhang, right? Well, somehow they missed the mark.

That's the selling point the film is riding on Matt Damon as the star, but even Damon himself couldn't make this watchable. With the terrible accent, poorly written dialogue, and wooden character. Not just from Damon but everyone else in the movie was pretty bland.

I'm quite disappointed with this.

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Poor Matt Damon looked like he was dying inside whenever he delivered a line. All dialogue was so bad, it made me feel sorry for everyone involved. The one positive point is that the production is pretty, but still not as enchanting as in other Yimou movies. The plot was bland and some details were just ridiculous, like how they end up in the wall during the first battle because the guard could not find keys to a cell, really?
It was one big eyeroll after the other. I was more entertained by my knitting than the movie, and would not have been able to finish it at all were I not doing something else.

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I actually went into this movie with the idea that's it's an historic piece about actual events!
Just imagine my surprise when aliens started showing up. I seriously considered turning it off, but I stayed.

Although this doesn't fit the recent works of either Damon nor Pascal, i enjoyed their batter and lightness. The action is nice and doesn't take itself too seriously, and most important - the characters aren't dumb!

So overall, just tune yourself before watching it, take it easy, and I believe you'll enjoy. Especially if you don't have anything else to watch - but don't clear out your day for this.
For me, watching this the one time only is enough. 7/10.

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The Protagonist Warrior, Dlanod Pmurt defends his wall after making tax payers pay for it

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I saw this months ago and forgot to jot down any thoughts about it. I remember it being pretty average and also historically irrelevant. You know, in an "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" kind of way. "Hey! There's Abe Lincoln!" "Look! It's the Great Wall!"

The fact that this had monsters in it was a plus since it didn't care at all about history. The CGI monsters were cartoony, but there were some decent action sequences. Matt Damon seemed as weirdly out of place as you could possibly imagine. Most things considered though, I had a good enough time watching this.

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A dull film that rushes through a threadbare plot and barely developed characters, the surprise here is such a talented cast is wasted, though Matt Damon seems at pains to admit in interviews he just wanted to work with the director. A shame then that the director's strength in visuals is nowhere near as impressive as his other films - sure the costumes and design are very well done but this is all lost in a mess of poor special effects and editing. If you're questioning plot developments from the opening scene then you know the film hasn't clicked and when the final resolution is straight out of the "How to stop a drone army with a Queen" manual, you know the film has problems. Very disappointing it is mercifully short and watchable only due to Pedro Pascal and Willem Dafoe who seem to be in just as much of a rush to get this over with as the audience.

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I enjoy it thoroughly. Very good action scenes, nice visuals and neat story. The battles were pretty good and you will not get bored. The duration of the movie was superb with no dragged out points

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I don't know if I'd call it a great wall, but it was certainly a pretty good wall.

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While the film isn't bad, it is a disappointment from a great director. At times visually beautiful, but the CGI creatures are a letdown. Matt Damon is a good actor but here he is a with The Mummy, the film would have benefitted from an unknown actor. A slight story doesn't help, either. However, the film passes the time, and will one day be a staple of Sunday afternoon television.

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The ending was like a benchmark for your graphics card...

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the movie has its flaws here and there but overall it's an amazing film, totally recomended
Also loved that Captain-America-throwing-shield near the end

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I like it.
It was a nice movie.

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most films/movies get ruined by trailer that give to much away before you see the film. This film i found was the perfect bridge of that the film was good but not great. However since i did not know what i was going to watch because of the trailer i found to love it greatly as most trailers tell the whole story before you even see a film these days. 8/10 XD a Good Watch

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In a word: exuberance. The movie has a touch of sunday-afternoon-action-cliche-triller where bad monsters come to attack the village of the good guys. However, that is positively overwhelmed by the exuberance of the dimension, organization, discipline, and innovation of the Chinese ancient armies and military culture.

The movie is definitely bundled with some fictional action-movie cliches, but it's very amusing and satisfying to watch. You cannot get to the end of the first wave without expressing an honest "uaau". Matt Damon is always Matt Damon but this is also a pretty good stand from the Asian actors.

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This movie was strange. It felt like at any moment it would become amazing but it never got there. I think the performances by the cast were good you could see they put effort into their roles I just don't think the plot and writing was quite good enough to make it shine. I did love the costume designs and the premise. I gave it a 9 as I did enjoy it but I felt this was a movie that could easily have been a 10 but just fell over before the finish line.

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I watched this solely for Lu Han (Matt Damon was a minor bonus), and I don't regret it one bit. It was amazing and Lu Han's character was absolutely adorable <3

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Shout by Deleted

The Great Wall gets off to a solid start but a generic story and disappointing characters bring it down over the course of the runtime. The action sequences are pretty cool and the actors are capable but the overall project feels dull. The film is without stakes almost entirely its just people shooting lizards with bows for 90 minutes. If that's your thing then fill your boots.

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When I saw the trailer at first I wasn´t sure if I should watch this. The Great Wall and monsters together sounded a wee bit ridiculous. But I was postively surprised. The story is based on a legend which gives them leniency with the plot. It is entertaining and looks really good. I liked it that the chinese characters actually spoke chinese because I hate it when they give non-english speaking all those silly accents. Personally I thought the monsters looked to sci-fi for a chinese legend. Would have prefered them to look more ancient. Althought on second thought I couldn´t describe what that means ;-) Anyway as I said a movie for some good entertainment.

But please, 12 min end credits ?! Really ?!

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Some cool monster designs and some fun fantasy action sequences. There's great visuals, even if the concept is kinda bonkers. I will say this, at least it was far more entertaining than Jason Bourne...

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Terrible movie. Bad CGI. Horrible story. Predictable plot.
Waste of time.

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Shout by Joseph George
BlockedParent2017-05-12T17:17:13Z— updated 2017-05-19T16:20:07Z

should be labelled a chinese movie rather than english.. worth a watch though.

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Please just… no… what is the matter with this movie? Someone must have been on all kind of drugs to think of this story… it's just amazingly boring and predictable and horrible…
What kind of creatures are those? Why do they even exist? Why does the west not know of it?
The animations in this movie are so amazingly bad that you think you could make them yourself with some cheap animation software…

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The pageantry of the battles sold me, combination of fantasy, action with oriental art themes.
Weird recommendation, but if you ever played any of Dynasty/Samurai Warriors video games, you'll like this movie.

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A mix of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, crossed with Starship Troopers. It was alright, not to bad, had lots of action, the cgi was at a good level, the story line was good, the cast.. couldn't complain.. some funny one liners... I loved the costume designs.. the effects were great. worth your time..

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Just back from the cinema watching this. A film that doesn't let up from start to finish. Great action, humour and a decent story. Really enjoyed the film and well worth watching - one I'll definitely watch again on the small screen.

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I liked it very much, the fight of the Chinese against the bugs, scenery, costumes

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Definitely crushing on the General Lin Mei. Overwall, the story was interesting, visuals and action pretty good. Honestly I wished it was more drawn out so that I could enjoy the love tension a bit more but overall the pacing was great.

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Good mythical tale of the great wall of china, worth a watch, but nothing special.

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I was really excited for this! The oriental costumes were the same quality as in Marco Polo and the music was on point (as expected from Ramin Djawadi). It was visually really nice to watch but I did feel like it was lacking something..
I guess I would've enjoyed it more if hadn't seen the trailer a several times before hand.

They were trying a little too hard with those dramatic dead scenes

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Such fantastic dialog. I had forgotten how funny the exchanges were between William and Tovar.

Not a fan of Matt Damon's accent, but it is workable, even if it is inconsistent. Willem Dafoe is always awesome. Pedro pascal and Jing Tian are both great.

A good blend of Eastern beauty and choreography with Western action movie plot and pacing. A masterpiece it is not. However, it is so very enjoyable. I think I enjoyed this more the second time than I did the first viewing.

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Visually stunning monster epic with Matt Damon, but suffers from a rushed plot and predictable hero's journey.

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Great visuals and gorgeous
Epic backdrops and the most
Beautiful looking army I've
ever seen.
this movie could have been
Great instead of just good,
it never really goes anywhere
and it definitely started to
drag through the 2nd act,
(felt like a 2H+ movie
instead of it's 1H 43M
With that being said
the defence of the wall
was awesome and we had
some good strong lead
characters, all in all it
was just a nice movie with
Good enough monsters
that were a bitch to drop
and a nice lighthearted
happy ending in a bow.
Verdict "Not Bad"
Worth a watch.

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6.5/10 Go in to watch this movie with no great expectations - and this becomes the perfect light entertainment for the afternoon or when you are just too tired to watch something serious. Go in to watch this with expecting anything more than that and you will be seriously disappointed as the reviews show. Great action sequences, beautiful, fascinating costumes, never before see counter siege tactics (think the spear bungie killer hotties) on one hand - pretty ordinary, borderline boring story on the other. And Pedro Pascal aka Javier Pena was at least for me totally out of place.

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Maybe because I went into it with such low expectations, I actually enjoyed this movie.
A completely stupid premise, a really obvious script, CGI-ed everything all bought together with a couple recognisable main characters made this just a fun stupid movie for me

So don't expect much - and Great Wall will deliver

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I refused to watch this for years because I thought it was going to be a white saviour movie starring Matt Damon set in Ancient China and I was not here for it.

I was wrong, there are for more reasons to not watch this. Okay first yes, white saviour, two insane fantasy nonsense that is too far removed from any mythology to really appreciate, and some really crappy plot, with little character development.

Props to the cinematography, the costumes, the visual effects. I mean if you go in with no expectations at all it’s an okay watch. But ultimately there was a reason I didn’t watch this for over five years.

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Absolutely hated it. Maybe I would've liked it a bit if I didn't know who directed it beforehand. As crappy as a cross-culture movie can get.

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Pretty standard action film with a few logical holes (ropes as bungee cords and the entirety of the blue spear girl division), but if you want some quick mindless action this is a good choice.

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This is an odd movie. It’s beautifully made. The colours and costuming are gorgeous. The scale is large like old Hollywood, but the quips are all contemporary. And, yet, it doesn’t quit live up to its scale. I enjoyed it, though. I give this film a hesitant 7(good) out of 10. [Legend?]

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"The Great Wall" is visually pleasing to the eye, but everything else, not so much. It's a dumb blockbuster that misses the potential of being something unique.

Hollywood super star Matt Damon fighting monsters on the Great Wall of China? Sounds interesting coming from Yimou Zhang, right? Well, somehow they missed the mark.

That's the selling point the film is riding on Matt Damon as the star, but even Damon himself couldn't make this watchable. With the terrible accent, poorly written dialogue, and wooden character. Not just from Damon but everyone else in the movie was pretty bland.

I'm quite disappointed with this.

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Heh heh... bungee-jumping Power Rangers

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Worst movie in the history of mankind

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It is a really great movie, that is different in good says from most Hollywood movies. Some animations weren't the best, maybe I should have watched it as Blu Ray. Also it felt a bit too short, it seemed like they could have improved the story a little bit at some places, but it was alright. I love this movie :)

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"The Great Wall" was really better than expected. Yes, the dialogues are not very intelligent but the story feels kind of original, at least to me. The visual effects are really awesome and overall it's a nice action adventure flick.

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Shout by Deleted

took me a while to see this one due to the critics. screw the critics. i had fun.

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Shout by Deleted

I want to watch a movie of this kind for over 2 hours .

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Shout by Deleted

is lu han not in this?

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