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The Girl in the Spider's Web 2018

This film can't live up to the original film trilogy - it's missing the complex psychology that was written by Stieg Larson and the multilayered, unique characterization and performance of Noomi Rapace. As a stand alone movie, it is almost a super-hero action movie (the petite Lisbeth seems to miraculously recover unbruised or unbroken from physical encounters with assailants twice her size and weight). It has a couple of profound moments and definitely a gut churning sinister vibe. Under that revised criteria, I give the film a 6.9 (average good) out of 10. [Action Adventure]. As an addition to the original series, I give it a 5 (disappointing) out of 10. [Psychological Thiller].

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Just a dull, boring and bland movie. Claire Foy is the only thing this movie has going for it.

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Competent if not outstanding continuation of the Lisbeth Salender story. As impenetrable as the others, but with a healthy dose of action to counter the head scratching,

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A conventional plot with some kind of action and suspense thrills you with no commitment.

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more like a girl clutching straws

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This is a very boring movie.

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Rooney Mara was nominated for Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Despite that I heard she wasn’t even asked to come back. Also no Daniel Craig. So that made me not want to check this out. They also skipped 2 or 3 books to adapt this one.
Claire Foy surprisingly isn’t bad either though as Lithbeth. Sverrir Gudnason doesn’t stand out as much as Craig as Mikael though. The movie is decent but the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is better.

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DO NOT WATCH THIS - it's terrible. I could spend more time pulling apart every scene and it's lack of logic, than it would take for you to watch this. 0/10

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I am not sure it was the right cast, the right story to tell.I read the book so it was very difficult to watch.

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So are all women in this movie lesbian or bi? So, not a good as the books or the original movies, but not a fail like the first one, with a so called actor Craig.

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Being spoiled by original trilogy (in both book and movie forms), I can't enjoy this 'spin-off'.

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it seems more mission impossible than Millenium, from Milenium has the name and 2 characters, there are things that make the characters that have no meaning, and parts of the story either

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Didn't quite like it as the Dragon's Tattoo. I seen it almost back to back, and Mara's Lisbeth was excellent. Still to watch the swedish version (and maybe read the books)

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Finally! A site that treats this sadly underrated and overlooked thriller properly (the rating is worthy at last). A great and dark action thriller that has no fear of putting its central character in downbeat and painful places. Claire Foy is excellent and shows why she's my favourite actor these days. Underrated, It deserves much more (and fonder) following!

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The Millennium series is rebooted once again with the somewhat route techno-thriller The Girl in the Spider’s Web (the fourth book in the series). After stealing a nuclear control program from the NSA, computer hacker Lisbeth Salander is attacked by a crime syndicate that takes the program and kills the programmer who developed it, and when Lisbeth attempts to get it back she discovers that her estranged sister Camilla is behind the syndicate. Claire Floy leads the cast as Lisbeth, but doesn’t have the charisma or mystique of Rooney Mara or Noomi Rapace (the previous Lisbeths). However, the script writers do a good job at adapting and paring down David Lagercrantz’s novel; making it more cinematic and compelling. And the action sequences are especially gritty and exciting. While it has its problems, The Girl in the Spider’s Web is an entertaining film and a solid reboot of the series.

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I honestly wish they let David Fincher do whatever he wants and not f**k him over. I mean, there are redeeming qualities in 'The Girl in the Spider’s Web' with the cinematography and Claire Foy doing her best as usual.

At least they tried.

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Quite a bundle of poor reviews. I can see why, viewers were expecting a claustrophobic, bitter film noir, but were served up an action / comic book movie, with only a nod to the abuse that that fanned the flames of Lisbeth's hatred.
Having said all that, it is a reasonable movie, the action scenes were fantastic, and Clare Foy, who has a hard act to follow, does a great job of playing the moody Lisbeth.
Christopher Convery who played the child lead should also get a shout for his excellent portrayal of August Balder. In all, if you are going to watch this, don't expect a movie that is like the trilogy, it is not the same and you are likely to be disappointed.

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One of the worst adaptations from a source material, is not loosely based is just taking random elements from a book and dispersing those elements to make you believe it was something about a well written book, don't get me wrong, I know that a work ok 800 pages can't be shaped or assimilated in a two hours or so movie, but that is not the only issue, the lack of cohesive ideas on the adaptation, the poor casting choices, the more than obvious betrayal of the two main characters, the choices to create the relationship between the protagonist and the antagonist, is simply not working here and further more is hurting the source material, bottom line, is a horrible take on the book, they never understood the characters.

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Shout by Deleted

I went in with no expectations. I had a pleasant time.

I liked Claire Foy. Sexy girl.

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If not for the sick systematic anti-russian propaganda I would give 10 stars to this movie...... now I give only 1 star

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It’s good movie to watch on a rainy night , a decent amount of action.

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Definitely entertaining, and a few scenes kept you on the edge of your seat. I haven't seen the Rapace trilogy, so I can't compare it to those.

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This was fine to watch at home on VOD. I wouldn't waste a cinema ticket on it.

I have the distinct advantage of having seen neither the Swedish series, nor the David Fischer film. Nevertheless, this was mostly dull, often bad, sometimes marginally interesting.

Claire Roy helps a lot - the movie would've been a complete write-off without her.

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Rather pedestrian spy-thriller. It's decent enough, but feels pretty hollow and unnecessary. This character deserves better.

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I enjoyed the book (having read them all) but felt the movie tried too hard to turn Lisbeth into an action hero. Foy is good as Lisbeth (Mara was much better IMO) but the casting of Blomquist as a younger man completely missed the spot for me. Decent film but one that is ultimately forgettable.

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A GoPro in a crime scene, and Swedish authorities fail to notice. Camilla goes to all that trouble rigging basins with gas but just to knock her out for a few minutes. The supposed villain Camilla acts as if her joints have frozen over. Her henchmen decide to poison Blomkvist and the kid when they have no problems shooting others.
The book is absurd. The movie is even more OTT. This is certainly not a Larsson. Stieg Larsson had class. This one has everything but.

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It's quite an entertaining movie. Very different from the Fincher movie or the swedish trilogy though. I'd call it an action movie with very nice visuals.

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Claire is amazing as Lisbeth Salander and carries the film in her back. I didn't like Sverrir's performance as Mikael.

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