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The Fundamentals of Caring 2016


Shout by Nathan Lellouche
BlockedParent2016-06-30T16:49:28Z— updated 2016-07-02T19:27:52Z

I have to say I only watched it because of Paul Rudd and Selena Gomez. But I got so surprised. Every cast members are awesome and this is so real, touching, and funny too. Dot/Selena Gomez's insults are just magical. I really really liked this movie !

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They put a great cast together. Selena Gomez is underappreciated as an actress, but her acting is very genuine and convincing, I am positively surprised.

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Having worked in home care myself, this movie is actually too realistic. I feel like I actually know Trevor(Roberts). Too often disabled people are portrayed as being tired, boring, and incapable of character growth. And caregivers are always mothering nurses. This is much closer to the reality of individualized health care. There's some pain to the situation, but you can't dwell on that all day.

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The very end had me laughing out loud :P

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Not a bad movie, but not very original either nor does it really challenge the viewer. Even though it has an original source material, you always have the feeling you've seen this one before. It doesn't help either it is so closely comparable to Intouchables (which is a way better film imho and not as predictable.)
Decent acting, decent script, decent camera work, decent story. Everything is just a little bit too run of the mill and average for it to really get to shine. But then again, it isn't a waste of time either.

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This is one of those laugh/cry movies that I'm ashamed I like so much. It was funny and yet had some sad and heart tugging moments. It didn't slip over into being sentimental or sappy which made it a breath of fresh air. Worth the watch.

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Yeah its slightly predictable but it works. It's funny and sad.

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I absolutely love this movie!

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I have to admit, I thought this was going to be another clichéd sick kid falls for obscure girl trope. No, The Fundamentals of Caring is something very special, the performances from everyone were SO real - incredible talent. Craig Roberts played Trev so convincingly and Selena Gomez' performance was also superb; she has a brilliant acting ability and is lovely to watch. Paul Rudd also should not be forgotten for his amazing performance, this ensemble worked really well together. A totally underrated movie!

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Men, this was a special movie, heart-warming, funny, and above all, real.

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Heartfelt, funny and moving, this is a special film.

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Nothing like Paul Rudd being himself to just brighten up your day. And Gotta say amazing movie! I don't know why i waited so long to watch it.

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I just happened upon this little gem after scrolling through almost 2 hours worth of random Netflix movies. Paul Rudd just seems like someone genuine and down to earth. Just an all around good movie.

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Heart-warming and fun at the same time. Recommendable. Actors are great and script are effective.

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SUCH A GOOD MOVIE. The characters felt so real and you feel such a connection with them. It’s definitely one of those comfort movies for me.

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Going from “GRAB YOUR PENIS” to “have a little bite of the James” within just a minute or so had me toppling over from laughter :joy:

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While this film has a quality cast & successfully executes a well-written story, disabled actors do exist. It is all well & good to have a representation of the life of disabled folks in a film but it would be better if the characters were portrayed by disabled actors. For this reason, I knocked the rating from an 8 to a 7.

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For better or worse this movie is exactly as you pictured it would be. Paul Rudd does his best Paul Rudd and then there is a mix of crass humor and sentimentality. It's paint-by-the numbers but I've seen movies that did it worse than this one did. It's an easy watch if nothing else.

follow me at or facebook IHATEBadMovies

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This was a nice movie, apart from the utterly unrealistic 5-minute-speedrecord-birth that threw me off completely. Paul Rudd is always worth a watch and he and the kid played very well off of each other.

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Nice movie with lots of emotions,funny momments and good acting from the main characters..Selena did also great job with her perfomance and the ending is not what you expect..7.3/10

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I smiled and laughed from beggining to end. Literally.

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This movie will keep you hooked! One of the best movies I have ever watched. The ending made me laugh so hard haha. #ShiftvW8

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This movie keeps you hooked! It is one of the best movies I have ever watched. Would recommend it to anyone. #ShiftvW8

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I don't know the book but Paul Rudd and Selena <3 Can't wait for June 24!

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