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The Forest 2016

I found the first 75% of the movie to be good, albeit lacking a little character development. The suspense was good and there were definitely moments where I jumped in my seat. Unfortunately the last 25% was a bit of a mess.

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Pretty decent except for its reliance on jump scares...that ending was crap, feels like nothing got resolved.

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Just do yourself a favor and shoot yourself from the pain endured during this horrendous boredom you’re about to witness.

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amazing movie with good jumpscares and an eerie feeling that lasts throughout the entirety. The only reason it is not 10/10 is because of the ending.

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I enjoyed parts of this and I enjoyed the main actress. It just fell abut flat like the concepts where good just not executed fully. Definitely not a horrible film just ok

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The idea is not so Bad, but unfortunately, basically everyone is either stupid, unlikable or has too little screentime to be mentionable. Also a lot of jump scares.

To be fair, that's about what I expected so take it with a grain of salt.

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Natalie Dormer stars in the atmospheric horror film The Forest. The story follows a woman who travels to Japan to search for her twin sister who is believed to have gone into a forest known for its allure for those intent on committing suicide; but the deeper she goes into the forest searching, the more she begins to sense a malevolent spirit at work. Dormer gives a decent performance, but she really doesn’t have much to work with as the script is incredibly weak. And the plot, if there is one, is paper thin. Additionally, the scares aren’t that frightening. Still, while it’s monotonous and uninspired, The Forest does deliver a few chills.

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the acting is good - natalie dormer is strong as always, and having seen kinney act well, i'm pretty sure that the more stiff moments in his acting are intentional, as it contributes to the overall sensation that we shouldn't trust him. the minor characters are all believably people, not cutouts to further the story. when the movie employs japanese horror elements, it does it surprisingly well. the jump scares therefore feel a little out of place, but aren't completely awful.

here's the thing though: this movie could have existed without aokigahara forest. this was made before the latest western entertainer controversy with the forest, but even before logan paul was around to be tone deaf it was fairly common knowledge that the forest is a sad, unsettling place that gets treated like a weird circus act by tourists and foreigners. when the producer wondered why a movie about it had never been made, he probably should have taken an additional moment to consider that there were no aokigahara forest movies for a good reason. it's not horror fodder so much as just sad and unfortunate. a fictionalized setting with fictionalized lore would've made this worth the watch, honestly.

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I had 0 expectations seeing all the bad ratings. But I found the plot really interesting. Could be way better, of course. The ending could've been better developed.

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The Australian Guy could have his australian accent at least... ;>

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I really thought this movie could be better after watching the trailer… I was proven wrong…
It's just horribly boring. Except for the expected surprise moments in ever horror movie, this was just plain boring! The story would have been really promising but execution was poor.

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was excited about the premise, but poorly executed...the hauntingly beautiful forest could have been used more effectively in the horror aspect, but instead they decided to use jump scares and loud screams, which was disappointing...and the ending was fumbled by the director, instead of an unnerving finale twist that left you surprised, it had me confused and aggravated that I had wasted my time

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Looks beautiful and some interesting themes but really cliche.

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A great concept for a film, and one based on a real location, but falters in the execution and takes too many wrong paths to be anything remotely scary.

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This movie was boring and not scary.

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Shout by Deleted

The story is interesting, but I dare to say the script failed it. I also dare to say that if it were better developed, it would have done better rating-wise. The movie goal seems to be a jumpscare-based production, but the jumpscares weren't jumpy or scary.

I've been really looking forward to an Aokigahara movie since I read about this place years ago. Althought it's fair and its interesting plot, I think the movie didn't deliver the full horror potential this forest has.

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With poorly acted sequences that are strung together by cheap, unrewarding jump scares, and an overall plot that pays no mind to it's rich and interesting location, The Forest proves to be an unfortunate headlining debut for Dormer, especially when it is evident she's capable of so much more.

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So bad at every aspect. A horrible film

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It was honestly not that bad. I saw it at the cinema last night, the acting was way better than you see in most horror flicks, the cinematography was decent. Some of the writing was a big weak and every single jump scare (while really effective) was essentially the exact same thing, but it was decent enough.

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Shout by Deleted

not bad. the movie is scaring with tension and good actors. but the end is disappointing and deceive a lot.

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