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The Foreigner 2017

An unexpected movie from Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan with a story playing out in a way that you really don't expect. The trailer gives you the premise but doesn't give anything away.

You see Jackie Chan in a different light, vulnerable and broken yet determined. The action was constant and the intensity kept building up with unexpected twists you couldn't help but enjoy.

Jackie Chan & Pierce Brosnan in their unique roles made this dramatic action thriller a hit.

Not your typical movie, go enjoy it!

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A serious action movie. Loved the acting from Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan. A good plot and the storyline. Highly recommended.

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I knew - Jackie Chan can fight, Jackie Chan can do his own stunts, Jackie Chan can be a funny man. But now I know - Jackie Chan is a good dramatic actor! Interesting plot premise - Rogue IRA terrorists in 2017 and the foolhardiness behind trying to control such dangerous means for a political end. Great cast (good to see Pierce Brosnan recapturing his native brogue). Good performances. This was a good thriller. I give it a 7 (good) out of 10. [Drama, Thriller]

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It's a good idea in concept, but the politics of the movie felt too unrelatable, making the story more boring than it should have been. The story should have focused more on establishing an emotional connection between the audience and Jackie Chan's character, seeing the story uncover from his perspective, rather than so much of the focus being on the (frankly uninteresting) Irish terrorist side of things.

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Best Jack Chanhoffski flick since Rush hour

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Formulaic, but solid political thriller. Chan and Brosnan are dedicated and impressive here, taking on sides we don't often see from them. The score is fantastic too. Though, if you're a Jackie Chan fan please don't go to this expecting to see a typical action flick from him

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Damn! This was really good. Watching Old Age Jackie doing realistic stunts was pure love. Pierce Brosnan nailed the Irishman role. Overall a good movie. Worth a watch.

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This is a really good Thriller/Action movie. Heavy on the Thriller and light on the Action, which is completely unexpected from a Jackie Chan movie. Definitely worth a watch if you like either genre or Chan or Brosnan.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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i'd love to see Jackie Chan doing more movies like this

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A slick political action thriller that works in spite of a trite overwrought story-line due to some fine action set pieces and a good caliber of acting. One of the better latter day Chan films, I was never bored and found myself fairly invested.

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The Foreigner managed to deliver. Excellently paced and quite good acting hid some of the shortcomings of the story, but there are a few things I wish they had done differently. The biggest one is that Jackie Chan's character almost takes a back seat in the middle part of the movie. I know Jackie Chan is getting "up there" in age, but I still think they could have utilized his talent for action a bit better. Anyway...The Foreigner is very watchable and delivers almost 2 hours of quite decent entertainment.

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I just finished watching this. It was interesting to get a little peak behind the The Troubled (intentional use) times that Northern Ireland had to face. I honestly didn't know. However this is just a peak. I'm left here wondering if this movie had any political message. Brexit apparently has put a new strain on the supposed 'peace' accords that were reached once upon a time (20 years ago?). Anyway, from a historical pov this movie spoke to me, as I am a history buff.

The movie itself was action-packed. Even the easier moments meant for character building and just advancing the story along so that we can have another fight scene featuring Jackie, felt like a minefield. I literally mean it when I say that this movie will have you sitting on the edge of your chair. Brosnan and his accent felt very much at home. The way he plays his role definitely lets you know why he was once 007. McElhatton had a small part to play in all of this, but it just felt so right. I was thoroughly impressed with all the actors and the ways they just took charge of their characters.

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Aside from some questionable moments! A pretty solid movie!

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I have always been a fan of Jackie Chan. However, his acting skills have vastly improved. I believe one of the reasons that I enjoyed this film so much was due to the pain, frustration and intensity that he portrayed each time he was in front of the camera. I enjoyed that he was not invicible, but played an older man with skills who was pushed to the limit for the love of his daughter. It was not a great movie and had some weak parts, but overall and enjoyable watch

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An unexpectedly good movie. 8.5/10.

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I saw The Foreigner (2017) last week and I thought it was a fine revenge film. It was interesting to see Jackie Chan take on more serious roles than the usual comedic action that he's mostly known for. I coulda sworn I heard "Bond" on Pierce Brosnan's Lumia phone (640 XL?). Anyway, it was good to see him, both of the them, on the big screen again. I'd say it's worth a look when it's on your favorite streaming service or home release.

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The fight scenes are amazing but man , Jackie Chan is getting old..

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Chan still has the right moves, but this clumsy revenge thriller doesn't. Good action scenes, but the story is morally dubious.

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Very Smart movie..A lot of Moving Pieces,..It All comes together Great

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Some pretty good action scenes. I would of liked to have seen more of those. This is more of a drama/thriller than a full action movie. Decent story line with some twists and turns that are entertaining. Pacing is a little off, there are some slow times in between the action. Jackie Chan is great and I'm glad he is still doing action at his age. Pierce Brosnan is good too. This is would be the perfect plane movie.

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The last 30 minutes were good, and the rest of the movie wasn't.

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just complete and utter waste of time. avoid. I really like Jackie Chan but this was effluence for many reasons.

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Rewatching all of Jackie Chan's Adventures.

Jackie Chan is my favorite action star to watch and I kind of stopped watching movies for the past few years to watch some more tv show I missed this gem.

This is for me, Jackie Chan's best English movie, the action is good, Jackie Chan shows his acting chops, Pierce Brosnan as one of the leads, a bit of a darker story, Jackie being ex-special forces and fights smarter than he used too which is good. He is getting older. I even loved him portraying a man his own age. Makes him look more vulnerable. And I just loved that he is still kicking ass! Give him a small bit of space and some bad guys and he's at his best!

The Foreigner was a nice surprise and really entertaining. It's great that Mr. Chan is still making great movies!

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A very interesting, dark film. I like Jackie Chan in more serious roles, but at some point in the film I had the feeling that he was only decorative attachment. The film would probably have worked just as well without him. On the other hand, I only watched it because his name is on the cover. In this respect: Really good. Really oppressive, sometimes very brutal. A great synthie score is bubbling in the background, while the terror theme is well rolled up.

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Great movie and great premise. Politics and revenge take over this fl. And it doesn’t disappoint

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This could just well be Jackie at his best. Pierce still has it too, played the role solidly. At first the build up felt a little slow and I was wondering where all the action is.. then it hits and it’s a good ride until the end. Recommended.

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Great action movie, keeps you guessing all the way through. Ever wished Jackie Chan was in a "serious" movie where he was using his skills to take down a terrorist plot? Your wish is granted.

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Excellent movie! Actually several movies in one - political thriller, martial arts and revenge. Awesome acting and story - and this beautiful Irish accent... 10/10

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This is a fantastic movie, with good action and a decent plot. Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan bring this film to life and it's definitely worth a watch if you find yourself with a couple of hours to spare.

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The Jackie Chan part is terrible and feels "foreign" to the rest of the story.

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I expected a ton more out of Jackie. Fell way short of my expectations.

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The only thing that comes to mind about what I didn't particularly like in this movie is that Jackie Chan's character, Quan Ngoc Minh, didn't have as many scenes as he should've.

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The Foreigner

Another movie about a dangerous man with nothing to lose, getting revenge against the people who took everything.
But the setting and plot had me very invested.
It was great seeing Chan still has the moves at his age.


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Chan vs the Irish and the weapon of choice bombs and the old master still has the moves and plays a good serious revenge character. I enjoyed all the action but give the plot a fair because it felt rushed and all over the place.

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Something new and different from Jackie Chan! I love it! I enjoyed it so much!

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I don't understand the remarks about Jackie's age. Liam neeson is older and still rocks action movies!

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There are two things that buged me about this movie:

  1. The Tone:
    So: What is better? A movie that fits your expectatios? Or a Movie that does not? Most of the time I like if I don't get what i expected. This time i was confused. The whole movie this serious setting did not seem right for me. (You have to notice: I just scrolled in my vod-store without watching any trailer.)

  2. Jackie Chans Screentime and Lines:
    Lines spoken by....:
    Jackie Chan: 3%
    Other people 97%
    Scenes shot by:
    Jackie Chan 15%
    Other people 85%

In the end the movie is for it's seriousness a fair movie. I enjoyed watching it. 6/10

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The movie is dope... action pack, terrorism and politics.

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Mix of revenge and terrorism and IRA politicking, well by Jackie Chan

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The movies of Jackie Chan always are good, and this is not the exception.

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I was amazed what a good actor Jackie Chan could be. I mostly know him from bad comedies but in this one he was really convincing. Either the makeup was amazing or he really aged a lot. Pierce Brosnan's accent was hard to understand but really great as well.
The story could have been a little better but in general quite interesting view on the Brexit.

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The best of jakie chan in recent times, a popcorn watch

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1 / 2 directing & technical aspect
0 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

6 out of 10

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Action thriller is probably my least favorite genre, and the fact that the good guys fight each other for more than half of the film was a little annoying, but I still quite enjoyed the characters, who were all masterfully played - there is not a single bad note on that cast!

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What an achievement! They managed to make a Jackie Chan movie I don't like. This is a political thriller, not "Taken with Jackie Chan." What it needed was Jack Ryan, not Jackie. Such a disappointment! 2/10

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The trailer looks promising. Seems like it has a little bit of Bourne and Taken in it but with Jackie Chan style action.

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