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The Empire Strikes Back 1980

The greatest film ever made ? Depends what you are looking for in a film but for sheer entertainment value there are few films that can match it. This is the film that turns Star Wars into a saga. Not content with simply rehashing the original, here we get a greater scope as new worlds and characters are introduced, but more importantly the returning characters are all developed logically. Crucially, the chief villain becomes something much more significant and the final confrontation has lost none of its power regardless of the prequels. It is a rare sequel that can take practically everything introduced in the original and improve on it in every way, especially when the original is already so highly regarded.

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love every single one of them!

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I wasn't the biggest fan of A New Hope and wasn't super excited for this, but boy oh boy this film is incredible and literally had my adrenaline pumping the entire way through with every actor now feeling more natural and comfortable in their roles and this goes especially for Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) who made me feel so emotional for his character as I felt his struggle the entire way through the film. Also, the visuals are miles better in this film with the lightsaber battle near the end being one of the best in the entire franchise.

What can I say but The Force is truly with this film and I understand why it is many peoples favourites as it is by far my favourite in the entire franchise and I can't see that changing any time soon.

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Still my favorite Star Wars movie, not gonna lie. It has its flaws of course, but who cares. It's 40 years old. That's almost Casablanca's age when I was born ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Hard to say but I think this one is my favorite of them all

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Without a Doubt The Best Star Wars Movie of all the films.. Force Awakens was great as well

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all time. not afraid to take it's time and develop characters and story, with the pressure of following up on one of greatest movies in history

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Mine Or I Will Help You Not

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More than 20 times viewed and it NEVER gets old.

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Best of the series.

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"Sir, the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1."

The Empire Strikes Back still remains my favorite among all of the Star Wars movies. I really like the darker tone of it, I really like the opening act on the ice planet Hoth. Still freaking love the classic scene with Luke and Vader. Vader just killing every admiral that fails is still brilliant. The scenes between Leia and Han are still great. C3P0 is still annoying as ever but with a charm. Yoda training Luke! The ever growing Star Wars lore, the cliff hanger at the end. Boba Fett! And the AT-AT Walkers are still among my favorite Star Wars machines.

This was a great rewatch and it is always great when a movie is still as good at your latest watch as it was in the one before. The Empire Strikes Back is a bonafide classic and one everyone should have watched at least once!

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Watched on Disney Plus. It was an okay movie, with a defined plot, action, and great special effects. Definitely, it is not as good as its prequel, but it is not bad either. The topic that is part of the movie is how Luke can be tempted to join the dark side of the force, and how he is also too impatient and less disciplined. Also, quite a surprise what Vader reveals to Luke, something that Yoda seemed to have been concerned about. Some comical scenes too, of course: the cyborg is always talkative, teasing R2, and when Luke lands and does not know who Yoda is.
Some things that needed to improve: there was no need for so much romantic parody between Han and Leia, and also it is not too realistic to see that the empire is too bad at catching the rebels. They have all the power, and still can't. The new character, Han's friend, was not too convincing either, but he was not bad either.

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There isn’t a single part of this movie that isn’t good. Everything about it is so good

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This movie should be called the amazing Star Wars 5: The Empire Strikes Back.
It's much too good, I'm not saying that the story is extremely good, anyway, the story from star wars 4 continues.
Yoda is made very funny in this movie.
It has a lot of funny scenes.
The special effects like in Star Wars 4 are also there.
But as if in the end there was another scene as if he had taken Han Solo (I don't want to say what happened).
It is a very good film that deserves above 10 grade.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Empire Strikes Back’:

  1. Films don’t get much more :asterisk_symbol:epic:asterisk_symbol: than this. After this rewatch, I completely understand how this is hailed one of the best films of all time.
  2. Somebody told me recently that the original films don’t hold up anymore, especially for a new generation. I highly disagree.
  3. Seeing this in a theater - in 1980 - must’ve been magnificent.
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Shout by Katnerys
BlockedParent2018-09-17T08:42:05Z— updated 2018-12-28T11:17:12Z

The best movie of the original trilogy. Even better than the first one, the characters are more developed, we have more fights on different planets, Luke is trained by Yoda and there is a shocking twist. There is a lot happening and it is just amazing.

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Never tell me the odds!

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My 3rd best out of all and It's been rated the best.

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the best film of the original trilogy in my opinion of the greatest films ever made

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Again...What prompted this rewatch was, of course, the untimely death of our courageous, powerful, and sweet "Princess" Carrie Fisher...may you Rest In Piece. We all miss you dearly...

Leia is still determined, powerful, and even more beautiful....Luke is starting on his road to becoming a Jedi (and to loose his "whinyness"). Han is still the best character ever written. Chewie becomes "more" than a sidekick. And the droids is starting to develop more into the (some might say "all important") comedic relief role. In other words, everything is as it should be...

The Empire Strikes back is my favourite of the Star Wars movies and THE BEST science fiction movie ever written and produced.

Does that mean it's the best movie ever? No...but to me it comes damn close...

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I like "The Empire Strikes Back" better than "A New Hope". It has a much more accessible opening, SFX are better and it features a tighter and somehow more consistent plot.

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Yeah, this time was even more awesome! Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back continues to provide an amount of fun and quality with a much darker tone than the previous film, what makes it even better!

All of the characters are more developed and interesting in this second film. Then there's the strong addition of Yoda to the story.

Excellent sequel.

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Solid 7.5/10 for the plot twist ! Otherwise decent like the first movie of the original trilogy..

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The best thing SW based and 1 of my fav films period

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The greatest film sequel ever made, yes I am considering the godfather also. This is the greatest Star Wars film ever made at that.

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The Empire Strikes Back is one of the most iconic and groundbreaking science fiction films ever made. Director Irvin Kershner takes the helm of Star Wars and delivers a dark and edgy adventure with an engrossing story. When the Empire attacks a Rebel base on Hoth, Luke escapes to the planet Dagobah to train with a Jedi Master while Han and Leia seek sanctuary from an old friend at Cloud City. Both the acting and the special effects are appreciably better than in the first film, and John Williams’s score is especially effective. Additionally, it’s quite daring and isn’t afraid to go against convention. Some write off The Empire Strikes Back as just part of the Star Wars trilogy, but it’s a spectacular film in its own right and propelled Star Wars into becoming the phenomenon that it became.

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The Anoat system? There's not much there.

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I swear to Hell, EXECUTOR is the hottest ship in the universe.

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With the addition of more characters, such as the now-iconic Yoda, better acting, and some surprising twists--especially the now-infamous declaration by Darth Vader during his lightsaber duel with Luke--this is classic Star Wars at its best.

However, some new viewers may be disturbed to discover that the flick has no end; you have to watch Return of the Jedi to see how things get resolved.

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This takes everything A New Hope did and made it better. I wish I could forget it and watch this for the first time again.

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Cinema Paco 1: Picture 4.25/5. Sound 4.5/5. For 2nd time this year, now in better screen, sound and image. One of my favorites. Help you I can yes

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By far my favorite Star Wars movie

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"The Empire Strikes Back" is still easily my favorite "Star Wars" film. Everything just feels right here, and I particularly like the dark tone. And then, of course, there are all the memorable moments, with every sequence proving a winner, from the evacuation of Hoth to Luke's training on Dagobah and finally the finale on Bespin. "Star Wars" was never able to reach this high level again, but to be fair, after such a fantastic film, that was an almost impossible task.

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If anyone who loves this movie wants to see what it could've been, try finding the original draft that Leigh Brackett wrote just before her death.

It's wild to see how the story developed from her draft into the finished movie, especially with nearly 44 years of Star Wars canon contradicting everything in her draft; the Luke/Leia/Han love triangle, especially.

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My personal favorite movie of all time. 10/10 :star:

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I have so much to say but I’ll leave it at if I saw this in 1980 I would have straight up shit my pants

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There are a number of papier-mâché characters left over

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The Empire Strikes Back is a masterpiece and a shining example of what a great sequel should be. The film takes everything that was great about the first Star Wars movie and amplifies it, adding depth, complexity, and incredible visual effects. The story is emotionally engaging and the characters are given room to grow and develop, especially Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. The action sequences are thrilling, and the reveal of Darth Vader's true identity is still one of the greatest moments in cinema history.

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Han and Leia romance was so wack. Yoda's voice at first also caught me off guard, he sounded like a troll lol.
it was nice to see different worlds and such, but overall it was a slog more often than the fourth movie for me

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Terrific, again.

'The Empire Strikes Back' follows up on the greatness of 'Star Wars' with a highly enjoyable sequel. This one feels like a big moment in the franchise, at least to someone who doesn't know what's upcoming, as we get sizeable moments alongside some cool character reveals.

Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher continue to impress in their respective roles, as does James Earl Jones. Elsewhere, Billy Dee Williams and Frank Oz make for strong additions. There are, once again, fun roles for Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker.

I'd say its predecessor has aged better - though that's not to say this film looks even the slightest bit bad, as it still looks fantastic throughout. The plot is as great as before, as is everything else really - namely the music, for one.

I think I prefer the 1977 film over this, but there's barely anything separating the two in my thoughts to be honest. Both are awesome!

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Would anyone of my followers like to see me take on the Star Wars movies before the crap-fest Han Solo spin-off comes out? I have some thoughts I could get off my chest, but it'd take awhile to write.

Just going to throw this out there: I like The Phantom Menace.

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"A spectacular piece of work that carries the new Star Wars tradition forward."

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This movie is old, but it looks pretty modern xD

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Another fantastic entry. Dark, tragic and packs in even more great characters and fun adventure. It's easy to see why this is most people's favorite.

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Can't say anything else than a classic that everybody has to see.

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This one is My Personal Favorite

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I really enjoyed this instalment. Han and Leia's will they won't they? Just everything about Yoda. Han being frozen in carbon. Feels like a classic adventure fantasy film and I think it links the trilogy together well.

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I love you Darth Vader! I want to join your Dark side! Please take me!
Darth Vader is the best character for me. I don´t know why but I like bad guys in movies more than good guys.

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no doubt why everybody like it

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June 29 is the day to watch The Empire Strikes Back, good SW saga and the best of the 3. Hoth, Vespin, Dagobath, legendary film

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