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The Dirties 2013

Absolutely brilliant and powerful. Astounding performances from the two protagonists.
Owen's depiction of someone suffering from PTSD was breathtaking. I also liked how it was made ambiguous whether there was a cameraman in all of the scenes or it was just in Matt's imagination for most of them (e.g. the cliff scene and a few others where there are shots from multiple angles cut together).

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The real psychopath is the cameraman

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Good but not for everyone. Some will have difficulty understanding the main character. Not because he's complex, but because he's meant to be one dimensional and annoying. The first part of the movie he's even funny. He's obsessed with movies, yet in reality that just means being a walking encyclopedia of movies rather than taking a creative interest. Notice at the end that his title sequence is just a mash up of other moviesa? He's an escapist who turns into a fantasist. He calmy questions his sanity, which was a great idea because it raises the nature vs nurture (in this case social environment) question. Owen has an interesting development as when his character starts to progress out of his hole his attitude changes. This was bittersweet and true to life. One one side someone feels better about themselves. On the other it's sad because even a only friend who you thought was on same wavelength can just be like everyone else in the end; and treat you as disposable company.

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I really enjoyed this, though it's not easy to watch likeable characters go off the rails.

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It was enjoyable and uncomfortable, but I've seen other school shooting movies that have a real feeling of being in a horrendous scenario. What I really enjoyed it the similarities between the leads and the Dylan and Eric, made it feel hard hitting than any of the others.

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Great movie. I was very surprised. I guess I was expecting a lower quality but the characters are interesting and real, the story is relatable and human. I hope to see a lot more from these two guys.

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Why would they go with the cake plan?? :joy:

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Shout by sp1ti

They didn't really play of too well of the bully theme but it was an interesting watch regardless and better than the turd The Final is. The ending was kinda bad though.. after all that planing beginning it like that and then just going after Owen -.-? Another gripe was the found footage style: Who the fuck was behind the camera? We have multiple angles (or often weird ones) in some scenes and filming in scenes where it didn't make sense for their movie (even when editing). One possibility is that at some point he was going nuts and no one was actually filming because even Owen doesn't aknowledge the camera but then again, his name gets mentioned, he grabs popcorn and Matt talks to him (The Office style)? The film also opens with a disclaimer that no footage was altered? I figure they just didn't care at one point...

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