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The Dig 2019

Bleakly compelling, although the last act is weak

Written by Stuart Drennan, and directed by the Tohill brothers, Andy and Ryan, in their feature debut, the film is essentially a study of psychological breakdown, and the emotional damage that can be done by a self-appointed Sisyphean task which, by definition, can never be completed. Looking at the tendency in rural Ireland to anthropomorphise the Land, celebrating how it sustains and condemning how it betrays, the film probes the thin line between obsession and insanity, whilst also examining issues of memory, guilt, and the question of whether the guilty should be afforded an opportunity for atonement. It's bleak and oppressive (both in form and content), and doesn't feature a huge amount of (or any) laughs. Working extremely well for about three-quarters of its runtime, the script unfortunately comes undone in the last act, suddenly turning into a murder-mystery, complete with a ridiculous twist that belies the realistic minimalism employed thus far. Still though, it's beautifully shot, brilliantly acted, and very well directed.

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