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The Devil's Doorway 2018

I chose this because of its apparently found-footage nature, but I don't know for sure. It has the aesthetics, but it doesn't really click with me. If there is someone filming something because they heard voices or saw something, it's hard to feel with them if there are also artificial noises and music. Also, the whole premise is so hackneyed that I felt there was nothing more to explore. Surely it has a very creepy atmosphere, and the style is not that bad, but I feel it's only the idea that shines here; overall, I was kind of bored, and I've already forgotten half the movie.

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Unexpectedly impressive

Taking its inspiration from the history of Magdalene Laundries in Ireland, specifically the Bon Secours Mother and Baby Home in Tuam, Aislinn Clarke's laudable debut feature, The Devil's Doorway, is a found-footage horror film. It undeniably has its share of clichés, but overall it's an impressive piece of work, dealing in an interesting manner with a truly shameful part of Irish history.

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Two of the same actors as Don't Leave Home star in this movie about two men investigating a suspicious convent in the 1960s. The plot is a bit thin and it ramps up halfway thru quickly with lots of secrecy that has the reverend mother acting so obstinate you lose any interest in knowing what the secret actually is. I still enjoyed it but don't expect be amazing. The filming style was good.

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