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The Descent 2005

One of the best horror films I know: thrilling, brutal, fast and unpredictable!

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Some claustrophobic scary ass shittt there..with them THINGS running around?! can count me out!

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Yo, that was fucked up.

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This is a really well made Horror film. It's got a lot of tricks up its sleeve. It's claustrophobic. It's dark. There's questionable motives and morals. And, there's meat-eating monsters. Other than that, there's nothing to be scared of.

I wouldn't say that I loved this movie but I'm scoring it high because I respect how well it does what it sets out to do. I personally was a bit turned off at how a couple of the girls turned into action heroes. They were regular killing machines. There were also too many jump scares but they were balanced by some good suspense.

The R-rated ending can be interpreted a few ways, none of which I really cared for. But this was a well acted and well directed 90 minutes.

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This movie was going from 7/10 to 8/0 to 7/10 for me and I landed on a 7.5/10. As someone with claustrophobia, I felt the movie lacked a bit on showing the claustrophobic parts, the dialogue is quiet okay for a horror movie, the acting is great from all the cast members. With that out the way, the horror elements were really good in the movie, the creatures were scary and some good kills. Another downside to the movie was i did not give two shites about any of the characters, I couldn't care less if any of them died.

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Dude wtf.. nearly got me an heart attack. :)

Good movie though

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I went to see this film when it was first released. I'd read a review that praised it and said the best way to see it was to sit at the back of the screening room. I did that and had a great time watching everyone jump, scream and be petrified for an hour and a half!

I rewatched it just now on a poor resolution satellite channel and I have to say it has held up quite well. Not great but good enough.

The frights come thick and fast once they start. It's gory with a modest budget for special effects. The pacing means you never rest on your laurels and it ends satisfyingly.


(I seem to remember the sequel being not good and a wasted opportunity. Hopefully it gets a broadcast soon and I can rewatch that for completeness)

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Shout by LukieB

Wow. I am really disappointed. I love horror survival movies, especially ones where the cast dwindles down. However, there was no sense of dread at all for me. I felt like there were many stupid moments where communication would solve everything. They also made the monster not scary at all having it appear so many times and having it be weak.

At Time of Review:
Low 5/10

Story and Characters: 4/10
Presentation: 6/10
Enjoyability: 5/10

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First horror movie I watched. Imagining something behind me when I'm crawling through a tunnel whilst caving gives me the shivers

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This is definitely a good movie to check out with some scenes that will definitely make you jump. They also give it a nice and creepy atmosphere. Obviously it was a low budget movie, so the videos quality, and sound quality could have definitely been better, but they sure did a great job with what they had to work with.

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Pretty solid film. Good atmosphere, creatures were well done. Wish I would have liked the characters more but it works.

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Shout by Deleted

This movie made me feel like I didn't want to watch any more, in a good way. So bloody, dirty and gruesome. Haven't felt like this in a long time. Today I had the feeling that I wanted something... so dirty and pure horror. And I got it. On everything I was like Oh Fuck or Oh Shit. Because I would never do it, and seeing how it is done that you would never do, makes it so good.

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A meh movie, you can't see shit in the dark, in the scenes where they fight you can't understand anything, it bores a little bit, good ending


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I don't have too much to say about this one, I'm going to make it short:
I think it's a good horror, based in the darkness of the caves where you can be afraid of anything, we have some strange monsters in this movie, it's particular, the only thing I would complain about it is that the darkness makes the cast too unidstinguishible from one another so it's hard to see the girls, and the fact that three of them are blonde with the same apparel, and the only one who could have been easily identifiable was the woman of asian ethnicity has different clothes.
I think they should have diversified a bit on the cast.

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I don't understand why this movie has 72% rating. This was just TERRIBLE. More than half of the movie is just a boring, bad acted, set up with cheap jump scares and some ugly effects. The characters are dull and I couldn't care less even for the main one.
When the action starts and the monsters appear, it does not get better. Awful make up, bad camera work, bad acting again. They use some sped up footage to show that the monsters are fast but it is just bad, really bad.
I prayed for the movie to end (I don't like to abandon movies).

Anyway, if you can watch anything else, do it.

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Scary well before the creatures show up

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Claustrophobic and intense. The scares were effective. As good as the first time I watched this.

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Don’t know how many times I’ve watched this, but it never gets old.

Solidly one of my favourite horror films without any doubt!

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A tight-knit trio of outdoorsy ladies invite some friends along for a weekend of alcohol and spelunking, but ultimately bite off more than they can chew in an uncharted system of North Carolina caverns. Darkness is an essential ingredient of any good horror flick, and after a chamber collapses shortly into the expedition, there's no shortage of that. The tight quarters add an appreciable element of claustrophobia to the mix, too, which really heightens the tension when a creepy tribe of pale, man-eating creatures appear and begin picking off stragglers.

It's a good recipe, with plenty of quality spooks, but the low visibility and lack of characterization for most of the supporting cast meant I was playing guess-the-victim during the hairier scenes. Still, points for proficiency and for testing a few new tricks on a tried-and-true formula.

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This has two types of scary, the I'm trapped in a cave scary and monster scary. Both work great. The original UK ending is brutal, as is most of the movie.

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this was the worst movie ever, don't ask me why, it was just terrible.

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This movie is quite bad. It has a good start, but everything goes downhill really fast. It's not good. I don't understand why it gets such a high score everywhere

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Shout by Deleted

Intense. Good movie. Another reason not to go down

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Shout by Deleted

About to watch

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Shout by Mike

Its OK

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