Two thoughts - Jon Peters is mental and don't want to call anyone a liar but it's hard to believe a word he says considering Peters' history with a certain sexual harassment case that happened during production of Superman Returns and the fact that everyone else has similar stories how disruptive he was ("One time he kissed me full on the lips" - Tim Burton).

Secondly I hate that the director inserted himself into the footage - it'd come across more professional endeavour had he stopped behind the camera; he certainly doesn't bring anything to proceedings.

Like everyone says - Michael Keaton wasn't everyone's choice for Bats but that turned out fine. I would love to have seen this. Let's face it, even when Cage's films are car crashes they are worth watching (Wicker Man).

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The documentary itself is fairly solid but a little long.

The film it looks at looks like a car crash luckily avoided!

It had a few year period where the film might have been made but looking at the climate of the last 20 years, thank god it wasn't.

And the Marvel years have changed superhero movies completely that anything else - especially DC - is hammered for being different.

If this film had been made, it wouldn't be looked at in good terms now - of that I am sure.

6.5/10 for the docu
3/10 for the movie ideas

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The documentary itself is fairly solid but a little long.

The film it looks at looks like a car crash luckily avoided!

It had a few year period where the film might have been made but looking at the climate of the last 20 years, thank god it wasn't.

And the Marvel years have changed superhero movies completely that anything else - especially DC - is hammered for being different.

If this film had been made, it wouldn't be looked at in good terms now - of that I am sure.

6.5/10 for the docu
3/10 for the movie ideas

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Shout by Lee Brown Barrow Movie Buff
BlockedParent2016-06-02T13:49:32Z— updated 2016-07-11T14:34:04Z

Seeing this documentary enables the viewer to understand the amount of work that goes into making a movie. Superman Lives never made it to the screen due to a frightened studio. Last year's Fantastic Four did make it to the screen and hopefully one day we will have a documentary such as this one that explores the behind the scenes story as to how the movie turned out so badly.

Tim Burton's Superman film could have been amazing. Or it could have been awful. We will never know. Nobody sets out to make a bad film, unless their name is Uwe Boll so it is sad to see the creative talent behind the cancelled Superman film talk about their vision and how they saw the movie crumble.

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