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The Darkness 2016

There is nothing here that you haven't seen before. Its competently made but lacks scares or shocks. A disappointment from the director of Wolf Creek.

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Well, this one was full of dick swinging and a lot of “alpha males” with 20-30 year younger wives, whom they all disrespect. Strong start.

I did like the
“Your god cannot help you now” though.

I like how we can just blame the marital problems on demons from the third world, we don’t need to work on it or anything.

And then it gets very convenient, what with the portal, and Mikey suddenly going from “wheeee I love my new friends” to “ok imma save you now”. So random.

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Not content in dehumanizing just autistic people or native Americans, this movie makes the extra effort to get them both, all while sucking completely. The cast rocks, though. Always love seeing Kevin Bacon in this crappy horror flicks just because I know he's a horror fan.

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The Darkness is a derivative horror film that’s not all that frightening. After returning from a camping trip a young boy starts exhibiting strange behavior that concern his parents, leading them to believe that he might be possessed. Starring Kevin Bacon, Radha Mitchell, and Lucy Fry, the film has a decent cast that gives solid performances. And the characters are especially well-written; particularly in how the parents workout and come to accept what’s happening to their son. However, the special effects are rather weak and the possession stuff is cliché. Yet while it has its problems, The Darkness is mildly entertaining and has its moments.

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Wow that was just terrible. This whole family is just so damn obnoxious. I was really hoping the evil would just consume them all and set the rest of us free.

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I recently saw another horror/thriller with Kevin Bacon called "You Should Have Left" which I thought was sub-par. This was much better.

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High production value, moderate to average acting, overall the film was very slow and uneventful. The action only picked up towards the end but left more to be desired. Wasn’t intolerable but was an acceptable horror film to passively watch.

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Not a bad horror movie, kept me engaged until the end.

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while I don't understand why this movie is being compared to 'Poltergeist' I did however find the movie to be overall poor. For such a great cast lineup I was expecting better, the first half of the movie was very sketchy and just all over the place, things just happened and all at once and I felt I had no idea what was going on, or why it happened. When that eventually did die down it just came to a very lame and unrealistic end. There was never any real jumps or scares, maybe a few atmospheric moments at best. I had only just realised from a comment below that this is the producer from 'wolf creek' which is even more disappointing as I LOVE that film.

The movie could have used more Jennifer Morrison too, but that may just be me and my personal taste! :P

But yeah all jokes aside just a week urban myth story with no real substance.

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This is a poor twist of the poltergeist. Do your self a favour and the original poltergeist instead.

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