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The Company Men 2010

A well acted film about entitled people getting impacted by the GFC (well, impacted if that means you have to give up the Porsche you haven't paid for, a $16,750 corner table, or use of the corporate jet)

The only character I could really like was Maggie Walker (and her down to earth brother). Despite all the high powered execs and exec wives, Maggie was the only one who actually looked at being laid off as problem to solve, and managed the risk, and still looked after the family (her boy even gave up on his playstation for the family ). Meanwhile, her husband remained an arrogant SOB in denial, and apparently with no transferable skills.

I'd have liked to see this same cast playing normal people when they got laid off during Y2K, GFC, covid...

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A tale about the problems of the very rich or semi-rich when the economic recession of the late 2000's hit.

It is quite hard to feel much sympathy for their troubles when you see the mansions in which they live. The only likeable character there was the carpenter who had trouble making ends meet, and yet still managed to find a job for his brother-in-law in his tiny enterprise.

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Excellent drama to learn leadership.

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