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The Chaser 2008

South Korean movies are really impressive

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This movie reminds me a lot "saw the devil" Great tense and well made movie 8/10!

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American Movies: Here's the formula for a money making flick.
South Korean Cinema: What if we want to break the rules?
American Movies: Why tf would you do that?
South Korean Cinema: Because #TheChaser

The hero is a pimp, the killer uses a chisel and all the wrong people die. South Korean cinema is as hot as well-constructed flame on intricate skin.

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I liked the movie all in all. But I'm not a fan of the ending. It doesn't leave a satisfied feeling. Perhaps that was their intention but it left me wanting something else.

Either Mi-jin had to stay alive, or
Ji Young-min had to die...

Or at least fast forward a year and show us Jung-ho adopted the girl and he got a normal job and takes care of her....

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2 / 2 directing & technical aspect
1 / 1 story
1 / 1 act I
1 / 1 act II
1 / 1 act III
1 / 1 acting
1 / 1 writing
0 / 1 originality
0 / 1 lasting ability to make you think

0 / 1 misc

8 out of 10

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This is based on a true story and the film is much closer to reality than I thought, back when it came out.

Incredibly distressing and impressive.

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Many of the Korean movies I've watched through the year have been more hits than misses. Especially their crime thrillers. The Chaser is one of them.

The Chaser is about a ex-detective turned pimp named Joong-Ho played by the fantastic Kim Yoon-seok. He had two of his girls gone missing on him and as he pressures a third one, Mi-jin (Seo Young-hee) into working that night, at that moment he realizes that the client Mi-jin is about to visit, is the client that his missing girls went to. The client is played by Ha Jung-woo and is inspired by real-life serial killer Yoo Young-chul.

I won't say more about the story but it is an amazing chase that will have you at the edge of your seat and in the end it will have pulled on your emotional strings.

Na Hong-Jin's directional debut is one that will be hard to be topped. He came out of the gates with a bang. The Chaser is well directed and is a great ride.

If you want to get into Korean movies, this could be a great entry point. It is a must watch and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Wow! Chaser is so intense. Then there's that ending!!!

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Plays with your emotions easily, turn your mind like a blender, in one way, in the other one... Is original, weird, fine... Watch it!

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Muy buena. Muchas veces crea una tensión difícil de ver, pero eso, hoy día, ocurre pocas veces. Cuando te lo encuentras, aunque te cueste mirar, agradeces que te hagan sufrir, que dominen tus emociones por un momento. ¡¡Es lo bonito del cine (y del teatro)!!

Very good movie, in my humboldt opinion. Several times take your emotions and play with them, kidnap them, but turn them back to you quickly! This manner of suffering is to be thankful. Is not easy to find it in the actual cinema. I liked it a lot. And the "The yellow sea" too!!

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