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The Cabin in the Woods 2012

Never saw that one coming, lol.

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Wow; this movie was definitely not what I expected. It reminds me of the first time I watched "From Dusk to Dawn" - several distinct parts of the movie that take some wicked turns.

Definitely a different twist on the horror genre. The last third of the movie was intense - loved it!

Oh, and I wouldn't mess with that frog! ;-)

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Outstanding. Managed to see this on the Silverscreen - very lucky!

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An ingenious vehicle for poking and prodding the clichés present in almost every horror movie made over the last thirty years. Part self-referential tongue-in-cheek a'la the first Scream and part identity crisis horr-edy in the same ballpark as Shaun of the Dead, it adds a bevy of original salts and spices and emerges as something completely different. I was told to avoid spoilers like the plague, and I'd strongly advise you to do the same - it's not a premise that translates well to explanation, and half the fun lies in the viewer's slow internal realization of where it's headed.

Brilliantly paced, unrelentingly funny, thoroughly unpredictable and boldly written, (with an ending so ballsy and appropriate, I wanted to stand up and cheer) this is one of the brightest, most daring, original efforts I've seen in years. Great fun that may be directed particularly at hardcore fans of the genre, it's just opaque enough for casual viewers to have a ball, too.

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"I'm sorry I let you get attacked by a werewolf and then ended the world."

I love that this can take a genre with so many clichés and just flip everything on its head. The third act is so bat shit crazy, I love it! Richard Jenkins is a delight to watch.

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The Cabin in the Woods really gets better every time you watch it. I really enjoy the way they deconstruct my favorite genre. The way the spoof things in a great way. It's well written but what do you expect with Josh Whedon being the writer! And all those monsters! So fun to see. Every time I watch this film I try to see which ones I recognize.

Anyway, the cast is really likeable, the jokes land, the suspense is great, loads of blood, monsters, horror tropes and what not. If you like the horror genre and you haven't seen this one yet, give it a watch! One of the best horror films of the past decade!

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A film for anyone who has ever complained that they don't make good, original horror films anymore.

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This movie was one big WTF moment! xD

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Good movie! I was kinda disappointed at first for the beginnings seems more like a comedy than a horror movie but it gets deeper as the story goes. Definitely worth checking out.

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Strange, I know I saw this in the cinema during its theatrical release a decade ago and I remember not getting all the hype. Well, 10 years on and I can't for the life of me understand what that kid didn't get about the refreshing, creative and innovative horror film that is The Cabin in the Woods. It has comedy, action, horror and an original idea that's expertly treated. I don't know, remind me to re-watch all the films I don't like in ten years, I guess.

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A modern classic in every respect!!

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Normally not my kind of movie, but I watched it because of Joss Whedon.

It gets pretty interesting after ~45 minutes.

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Definitely not what I expected. Might even want to add "Comedy" to this one. If you're expecting a scary/horror movie by itself you'll be disappointed; if you kind of know that it's mildly scary with a sort of 80's, campy-ness you'll enjoy it much more. The plot is actually pretty cool and I could see the same storyline being great if done more in-depth by a true horror movie director/writer.

Nonetheless, I can see this movie having a bit of a cult following down the road.

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The Cabin in the Woods (2021) 6.2/10 (Above Average)

I usually enjoy Whedon's work, but this film wasn't that good. I appreciate the point it's making, but the film just feels average. Yes, it does have an element of novelty and creativity. However, it is not quite as clever as it imagines itself to be. The film's main twist is revealed early on, and as a result, I felt disengaged with the story's protagonists. You'll be let down if you're hoping for a suspenseful or terrifying film; instead, the film follows the same tired formulas used in countless other horror movies despite its parodying nature. There's a clever surprise towards the end, but otherwise not much substance. In the end, the meta-aspect of this film isn't explored deeply enough—it comes across like a rip-off of other films that do a better job of delving into the themes this one highlights.

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"I'm drawing a line in the fucking sand, here. Do not read the Latin."

I love this movie. I remember watching this in theaters without seeing a single trailer and was caught off guard in a great way. It has enough horror to be creeped out and enough subtle and not so subtle humor that cracked me up. Great cast, great idea, great delivery, and the ending is chef's kiss. Wife test: She didn't pass out and kept talking about the movie after it was over.

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Now this was fun!!!

The Cabin in the Woods is one of the best horror movie in the later years, and I have no idea why I waited so long before I watched it. The Blu-ray was on my shelf, for god’s sake. Anyway, that grievous error is now corrected. If you have done the same thing, you owe yourself to fix it as well.

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I honestly didn’t like this film. There is a plot twist at the end which made it better, but I was pretty bored throughout most of the movie. I know its gotten really good reviews, but I really didn’t understand the hype at all.

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"The Cabin in the Woods" is gory fun complete with biting satire that sets the very cliched Horror genre on its head. This is not a slow movie. The tension builds quickly and the fun starts right away. I really liked the last 20 minutes and to say they were chaotic would be a severe understatement.

The movie is almost a little too cute and clever sometimes and that keeps the scares to a minimum. The cast is solid and the special effects are good but not great. I really liked the way the movie ended. I kept expecting a very pedestrian ending that made sure that the audience left happy about the future of the very likable main characters. However I was surprised at the conclusion.

There are some neat twists and turns but unfortunately I saw a trailer by accident and I'm certain it took away some of the mystery of the story.

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Such a smart story…. Never saw it coming. A great twist on regular horror.

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Shout by Lorna
BlockedParent2020-12-28T23:00:40Z— updated 2021-07-23T01:11:50Z

Gutted, I mixed this film up with something else, when my daughter suggested watching it. I said I think it’s rubbish and we didn’t watch it.

It starts off like so many before and lulls you in to a false sense of security, believing it’s nothing special. However, it has some good twists and I like the light comedy thrown in too.

A refreshing film.

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I love the background concept of this story sooo much and am also a big fan of supernatural beings and mythology so I really want to give this a 4 but ironically I’ve just never liked the whole group of friends going out to some far off area to let loose and then get terrorized genre. Also, I know it was a bit intentional, but the main characters were so bland ‘cept for Shaggy and since that was like the main plot of the story I just can’t bring myself to do it.

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Manages to fuse horror and comedy with a touch of sci-fi. By no means is it a great work of art but is a really entertaining and cool movie.
I loved how the movie completely changed about an hour in and still felt right.

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Best horror movie that I seen for last 12 years. God bless Joss Whedon for such genial and amazing writing.

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Take a new and refreshing look at horror movies and totally screw it up by explaining the plot twists and secrecy while unfolding the story. Defenitely a big disappointment as far as suspense and story-telling goes.

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"The Cabin in the Woods" is a horror film that takes every considerable horror film idea from the past, and creates an enjoyable and entertaining blend that really takes you away from the simple/usual plot at the beginning of this film. The story takes a very surprising turn and really delivers. Mr.Thor chris hemsworth does an acceptable job in this film butthe story is what makes this film entertaining. Definately worth checking out.

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Really a new-thinking horror movie. Loved every bit of it!

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Really great spin on the same old format.

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Shout by Deleted

A horror film that is more psychological thriller than horror. There are some interesting elements in the mix but fails to truly rise to the occasion. I wanted a Promethus-like moment of 'meeting the gods' that didn't exist.

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Achei uma bosta..

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Shout by Deleted

I’m gonna come out and say it. The Cabin in the Woods is a straight up masterpiece! A must see for every horror fan that has ever felt bored or irritated by the over use of cliches left over from the 80s. While most discussion around this film tends to revolve around the genius call-backs to classic horror films and Easter eggs but I believe focusing on these elements does a disservice to the film as a whole. This is far more than a serious of Easter-eggs. All of the horror elements are genuinely effective (especially Jules’ death scene), all the humour lands perfectly and the third act says everything that Goddard and Whedon wanted to say about the horror genre. “We would rather let everyone die than let the old gods have their way.” It is a truly remarkable film that needs to be seen again and again to be fully understood and appreciated.

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Very Boring and extremely overrated.

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I can't believe this movie got such a high score... Amazing crap... Unless people who vote have seen less than 20 movies in their life

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Shout by Deleted

Did someone pause on the "betting board"? Witches, sexy witches, Yeti, goblins, Unicorn, a lot more... And Kevin! Now I wonder what would Kevin be like? :)

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Now we know why they're always dumb and horny ;)

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Shout by Deleted

Sus ojos, ciegos, no han visto los horrores que les esperan. Sus oídos han dejado de escuchar. Ahora, están a merced de Dios.

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I believe this will be the final film of the 31 Days Of Horror, unless I get really ambitious. It's been a fun month!

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I don't like when comedy is mixed with horror and terror. Definitely I can't advice this movie

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Still one of my favorite go-to movies for that oh-so-fine line between horror and fun. (Not "funny" but "fun".) Seen it multiple times already but just watched it again and it's STILL fun to watch. It has its dark moments (not really "scary" or horrific but just kind of creepy-ish) but the overall tone is just a lot of fun in the way that a unique twist can be "fun". A good cast, great acting, a terrific story, excellent cinematography and score...there's just not much (if anything) to not like about this movie. It should be noted that the movie probably won't mean anything unless you're familiar with at least a few of the all-too-common "teenagers' weekend sexy romp at a getaway cabin", such as the Friday the 13th films, Evil Dead , etc etc. If you've never watched any of those, this probably won't have as big an effect on you; it could, I suppose, even be confusing to those who've never enjoyed the standard "cabin in the woods"-type movies, though. Definitely recommended and highly enjoyed...and yes, I'll certainly be watching it again sometime!

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The Cabin in the Woods points to the cliches of the horror genre with a critical finger and a smile on its face, but it is out loud laughing at those who claim it to be great. It is intentionally bad and unoriginal. It is everything it is disparaging. And those who sing its praises are the butt of the joke.

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An excellent 7/10.

Does nothing great but it checks all the boxes on top of having a pretty original and visually pleasing last 30mins.

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I'm not into horror movies, however this one was really enjoyable. The plot is very original. While it follows the typical horror movie formula of 5 friends in a cabin in the woods most of the time, it has a unique underlying storyline that makes it more appealing to watch. Also the humor in the script is enough to bring a smile to your face throughout the movie without losing the seriousness, and the monsters are really well characterized.

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I've never laughed harder at someone dying on screen than when Chris Hemsworth gave this triumphant speech on the motorcycle, and then, as the music built to a crescendo, he went splat against the digital wall. I had a lot more fun watching this a second time for some reason. I love the concept, the meta humor and all the over the top chaos at the end. It definitely had a Lovecraftian vibe, especially the talk about the "ancient ones," and an Operation: Endgame vibe as well. The acting was generally meh, but Bradley Whitford, who usually plays kind of a swarmy heel, did a fantastic job in this more darkly comedic role. Fran Kranz as the weed fiend was spot on, too.

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I didn't get the hype when it came out. I thought it was too clever for its own good and I didn't get the satirical tone. Now I can see why it was so well received. It's not the conventional horror movie I wanted it to be.

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Still a very fun movie with a very interesting plot made from a very basic and used up one. For anyone into horror, this is definitely a movie they must watch.

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Marty is the best friend we all need in our lives.

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I don't really like horror but this was good

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So clever and funny. The scene where she makes out with the wolf frightened me. That wolf looks so scary

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Saw this when it first came out and I bloody hated it.
Never thought about it again, it was on
sky cinema the other night so I left it running and found myself watching it as I was busy watching something else.
It's a
"It's that bad, it's kinda alright" movie still shit but that's what makes it alright
Sorta. But I certainly won't be watching it again anytime soon.

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the yellow ranger from power rangers jungle fury is in it

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The subtle jab it throws at horror audience telling us to broaden our horizon.

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I once saw this when it came out but in a very tired state and didn't give it anymore attention till now. I liked it very much. Though i dont see the movie 'thirteen ghosts' listed as inspiration , im convinced this movie ,appart from the very bad dialogues and all, is also used as inspiration.

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This was definitely an interesting movie, but it was pretty fun over all. If you like comedy mixed with your horror, than you’ll like this one.

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Not a new horror story/twist, only added a lot of crazy fantasy to horror. Starts well and looked promising but then descends into utter nonsense. Last half hour is more fantasy than horror. If your a true horror fan then a one time watch is enough as theres countless better horror films from the past decade. Certainly worth a viewing though if your a fan of fantasy as that’s where the high ratings are coming from. 5/10.

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Just finished a re-watch a decade on. Really still enjoyed it quite a bit. 7.7 for me. For meta comedy horrors you can't do much better. An excellent fun filled ride. The last third is absurd and so hilarious.

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It starts out looking just like another teen slasher flick, but if you wait 30 minutes it really pays off. Definitely original, and keeps you intrigued until the end not knowing what's going on.

Also, it makes for a good Halloween movie for teens, it is not very bloody or scary.

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Ridiculous. I love this movie and I'll defend it.

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That was different.
very good cast, interesting story.
Not the best Horror flic, but extremely entertaining!

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I don't usually do movies reviews, but I'm doing it to spare people from watching this one. They tried to make an "out of the box" horror movie but they did exactly the same as 90% of this types of movies: stupid and childish characters, bad use of cliffhangers, but above all tons and tons of cliches. If you're thinking of watching this movie because you've heard from someone that this is a alternative movie or something like that please reconsider it. I think that every movie is worth a shot and consider that time spent on watching a movie is never wasted time but this one got really close to that, so don't get your expectations too high for this movie because you could end up disappointed.

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The Cabin in the Woods is a smart and clever satire of the horror genre from writer/producer Joss Whedon. The story follows a group of five college friends who head off for a remove cabin to get away from it all, but it turns out that there’s more to the cabin than they could’ve imagined. A strong cast has been assembled that includes Whedon alums Amy Acker and Fran Kranz. And, Whedon does a brilliant job crafting the story and using the tropes of horror films in new and interesting ways. Surprisingly intelligent and adept, The Cabin in the Woods offers an interesting perspective on the horror genre.

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As a huge Joss Whedon fan, even I can admit I have no clue how anyone enjoyed this.

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It would've been nicer without the Gods part. As in Hostel the amusement park.

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This might just be the weirdest movie I have ever seen. It starts as a typical slasher movie - or you think - but quickly turns into some sinister version of the truman show mixed with the hunger games and it ends in some next level craziness!
I can't quite wrap my head around what I watched but I did like it, minus the ending though, didn't really care for the Gods who will destroy the world idea. Everything could have been sort of 'realistic' (I thought those monsters where possibly robots or something) and then that happened...

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Some on point humor and a very interesting plot idea. But ultimately the "horror" part bored me, like it pretty much always does.

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This is a great movie,a couple jumpscares but with a few laughs in the middle it makes it really enjoyable.
Acting is really solid and best of it is how unpredictable it is.I saw the trailer and thought i basically knew the story but man its full of surprises,even while i try to predict whats happening next or whats gonna be the outcome i still didnt get a single thing right.
Great to watch if youre into horror films and looking for something a bit different.

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Cliche horror movie that mock cliche horror movie

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Well that was surprising. Definitely NOT expecting this ending: it's not exactly a horror movie, it's more like a parody, or... a "comedy" horror movie? Anyway, really liked the character played by Fran Kranz (high guy).

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Shout by Mounir

that was an absolute horror movie indeed,i liked it so much although those gods giant evil we didn't see them!

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Routine can kill You ;>

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Shout by Deleted

Holy moly, that was awesome!

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What a fun ride! Loved it! Joss Whedon can do no wrong.

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On a day I needed a good laugh or two, it delivered.

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Shout by Deleted

This film has to be admired for its creativity. The Cabin in The Woods has definitely one of the most original stories in horror films ever. The concept is really cool but I am not so sure about the whole other aspects of the film...

I can't tell if the acting was just poor or if this was trying to be a B Movie, if that was the point I did not laugh even once. I found most of the scenes just stupid and that might be also the point but... I don't know, the truth is that at the end I didn't know if I even liked it or not and that's not a good sign...

I've seen that a lot of people love this film and think it is awesome but I think it's too weird, too bizarre and afterall turns out to be not so surprising has I thought it would be throughout the story.

Sorry fans, I respect your love and I can actually understand why all the hype about it but unfortunately it just not worked so well for me.

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BEST horror and comedy mixup, soo awesome idea of movie, and really OSOM ending :) Mine best horror/action movie :) enjoyedthis very much.

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Now, what do you think you will find in a cabin in the woods. It's just like those idiots that get off the highway and take the back roads. Either way, you'll get what you deserve.

I couldn't figure why there would be three guys and two girls going to the cabin, but I guess the stoner is only interested in one thing.

Zombies! It has zombies. Yeah.

But, Drew Goddard (writer and director) and Joss Whedon (writer) have surprises in store for us. Technology geeks (Richard Jenkins and Bradley Whitford) are part of a whole crew that is behind the scenes manipulating what is going on in the woods. Why? A reality show? Some weird science experiment? It's a cinch that this is not your daddy's zombie in the woods flick.

Kristen Connolly and Fran Kranz make this film work, especially at the end, which we totally did not see coming.

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Trash Horror Comedy - I´m a bit confused now... :D

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Storyline very tin.... Nice effects and girlies nothing more....

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Shout by Deleted


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Definetly not what I expected (and I knew a great deal about it before-hand), but classic Wheadon nontheless. Great fun.

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Did we all watch the same movie?? How are people giving this a 10????

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Not your usual horror flick, but definitely worth a watch!

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Shout by Deleted

Not scary movie , but it's great

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Wow... Great blend of a mild horror movie AND of subtle parody of them...

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Haha, good fun.

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what is this I don’t even...

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Not really an horror movie, but the idea is good.

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I liked the idea of the movie... Something different... I sure did "WTF" the whole time.

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Shout by Deleted

Very good film, but a serious WTF movie lol.

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Very nice plot twisting indeed! But he's a bit, well... egoistic at the end ;)

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Shout by Deleted


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Can't go wrong when Joss Whedon is writing. Just tons of fun!

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Expected DVD release: September 18th 2012

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Nice twist on horror movie bit.

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Just about to watch this. :-)

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