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The Burning Sea 2021

The unrealistic juxtaposition of coincidences and the behaviour of the main protagonists declasses an otherwise excellent idea for a screenplay.

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Great disaster film! Hope this never happens in real life :flushed: nice special effects too!

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The Burning Sea is like getting the clap: an above average disaster with too much romance.

This Nordic action flick about a woman out to save her man trapped on an offshore oil rig works thanks to its excellent directing (you really feel like you're on the platform; all of the shots on the rig or in the office or on the ships look 100% authentic and create the mood) and the female action hero (Kristine Kujath Thorp turns in a great performance).

The film takes too long setting up the couple as the viewer is anxious to get to the action promised on the poster, and there are no real surprises in the script, but overall this realistic looking and feeling disaster movie provides pure movie entertainment.

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There's nothing new with The Burning Sea, but it's quite solid work. The storytelling is decent, with more of a focus on the human drama than a big spectacle. The acting is decent, especially the interaction between the leads. The tension is there, but the tension building leaves a little to be desired. The tension practically comes up and hits you in the face when it's time. The effects are also just decent. Mainly because of budget restraints. This had nowhere near the budget a big spectacle disaster romp usually have. As I said... Nothing new or groundbreaking, but as disaster flicks go, I've seen quite a lot worse. Recommended for those of us that is "disasterly" inclined...

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Norwegian catastrophist film about oil platforms that is fine. I was surprised that the politician doesn't say that's nothing, we shouldn't close the platforms, it's bad for the economy.

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This was a good action/drama film! I've watched a few oil rig films and I thought I knew where this one was going, but the direction of this one really took me by surprise.

My only complaint is that the characters could have probably been swapped out by completely different people mid-movie and I wouldn't have noticed. There wasn't great development pre-disaster and so I wasn't very engaged by what was happening. Stakes didn't feel all that high even though they should have.

But the plot and cinematography was good. I can't imagine the horror of something like this happening in the real world. What a nightmare.

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