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The BFG 2016

For kids only… As an adult, it's really booooring !

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Mark Rylance has the stature this movie needs to make it work... and he is fantastic! Spielberg returns to the family genre and brings to life a wonderful story. It sags a little in the middle but on the whole it worth seeing.

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I am a huge Roald Dahl fan and I continue to read his books on a regular basis. Alongside A.A. Milne and Jeremy Strong, he's the greatest children's author of all time. Therefore I cared deeply about this film and hoped it would live up to my expectations. I'm very pleased to say that this is a masterpiece, which stays very true to the book. It's very rare that a re-make is ever better than the original, but I was never a fan of the 1987 adaption anyway. (With the exception of the song "Whizz Pop Whizz Bang", which sadly wasn't included in this new film.) My only tiny criticism is that I felt like the battle scene didn't last long enough. I'm not a warmonger by any means, but I felt like they captured the meat-eating giants far too easily. They could've extended it a bit to give it more drama.

If given the choice, I would happily eat Snozzcumbers for the rest of my life, rather than eat dead bodies, which is disgusting. I am 100% with the BFG on that one.

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I'm not the target audience but I didn't enjoy this movie. This isn't one that kids and adults can find entertaining. I was just bored. The visuals were alright and immature me thought the fart jokes were almost funny. Unfortunately not worth your time unless you are trying to watch all of Spielberg's movies or you have little kids to watch it with.

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Think I'm in a minority here but I really didn't like it. I know the tale well from reading the book and watching the animated version as a child, but I found this one dull and boring. I nearly fell asleep in the cinema watching it. I don't know what it was but I just didn't personally enjoy it.

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Really excited for this movie.

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This was a cute movie. My 11-year old really liked it. I haven't read the book this is based on (though I did like a lot of Roald Dahl's books when I was a kid), but the movie does a good job of explaining itself so you don't feel lost. I must admit I'm slightly surprised they didn't swap release dates w/ Finding Dory. Not sure this feels like a 4th of July weekend-type movie.

The highlight is certainly Mark Rylance as the giant. The visuals are very impressive, and I thought 3D was worth the $$ if you want to spend it. I liked the little girl who plays Sophie, the main character. Bonus: you get flatulence jokes.

I think people who already like the story will enjoy this movie. Those who like Steven Spielberg (especially his stuff aimed at younger viewers--E.T., Hook, etc) will also like this. It's Disney so you know it won't get too overtly dark in tone. I think most people who go won't regret it, but to me it wasn't one of those movies where I just want to tell everyone to go see it ASAP.

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You should watch this movie through a child's eyes. It's great for kids but might be mediocre for adults.

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so like what happens in this movie

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Well this was a boring movie with a creepy undertone in a predatory kind of way.

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"The BFG" is decent at best. Which is a real shame, because it's directed by the greatest and the most iconic film makers of all time. You'd expect more from Spielberg after last year "Bridge of Spies". Coming to think of it, I can't believe Spielberg directed this. Even with all the bright colors and the bizarre adventures, I still felt I was missing something.

But I don't hate the movie. It dose have it's magical and sweet moments that separates it from being a miss fire. Ruby Barnhill as Sophie was pretty good and it proves that there are good kids actors out there. But the saving grace of the movie is Mark Rylance (as the BFG) who really made this movie watchable. Rylance captures the lovable, fun, and joyful giant from Roald Dahl's book. The film itself is technically well done and it's not boring, but quite enjoyable.

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From phizzwizard Steven Spielberg comes the fantasy epic The BFG. Based on a rummytot book by Roald Dahl, an orphan named Sophie is kidnapped by a giant and taken to his home in giant country, but eventually the two become friends and work together to stop a group of man-eating giants from ravaging England. It starts out fairly well and the characters are rather interesting, but before long it trogglehumpers and then completely falls apart in the last act. And the animation isn’t integrated with the physical actors very well, resulting in some awkward movements and uncanny valleys. Unfortunately, The BFG is a jumpsquiffling mess that’s not very fun or magical.

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I didn't really care for it

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Visuals are top notch and Mark did an excellent job. The rest didn't work for me as well. I missed many classic kid movies ingredients like charm, feeling of wonder or magic... or sympathetic protagonist. Damn. Yeah, I felt like Ruby visited a wrong audition and Spielberg was drunk or something.

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Slow not worth watching. For graphic I gave 5.

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Shout by Deleted

"The BFG" is decent at best. Which is a real shame, because it's directed by the greatest and the most iconic film makers of all time. You'd expect more from Spielberg after last year "Bridge of Spies". Coming to think of it, I can't believe Spielberg directed this. Even with all the bright colors and the bizarre adventures, I still felt I was missing something.

But I don't hate the movie. It dose have it's magical and sweet moments that separates it from being a miss fire. Ruby Barnhill as Sophie was pretty good and it proves that there are good kids actors out there. But the saving grace of the movie is Mark Rylance (as the BFG) who really made this movie watchable. Rylance captures the lovable, fun, and joyful giant from Roald Dahl's book. The film itself is technically well done and it's not boring, but quite enjoyable.

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My daughter really love this movie cause its fun and light..

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Brings back lots of memories, doesn't beat the classic... but not bad. CGI just right.. some good acting... loved his way of speaking english... funny at moments... over all fair :P

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The Good:
- Beautiful animation (and the colors, omg)
- Good mix of characters
- Humorous

The Bad:
- The main characters acting is not very believable but she is very young so its forgivable
- I didn't really enjoy the fart humor but I imagine its for catering to the younger viewers
- Doesn't really feel like a Spielberg film

Best Part:
The dream lab and the dream catching scene

Overall the film is clearly geared towards children but I enjoyed it. If you like animations and are looking for a feel good film then give it a watch.

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Hello there,and have a goood night!!!

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(Written July 4) 3/3 for my Forget the Fourth. This movie was a good time. Again I find myself bummed at the need to make BFG CG. It's forgiven it's just that the girl was so clearly comped into everything they could have easily shrunk her into real life set pieces and Rylance just in giant prosthetics. It did have an old school vibe to her comped in scenes though, like she was so clearly washed out and flat in a world of vibrant colors. Maybe that wasn't on purpose but it made it feel 80s to me or early 90s effects, like watching Indian in the Cupboard to me. Speaking of the 80s, apparently that's when this was set. It was written way before then right? At first I thought it was the 1800s then I thought present day then Reagan got a mention. So weird. Anyway a fun way to end Forget the Fourth.

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If you can get passed the thought that off screen, tthe bad giants like to snatch up kids and eat them. The film is a magical delight. While there's laughs but mostly during the dinner scene with the Queen.

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The book was my favourite when I was younger, the movie was made really good. I guess I have grown out of it :(

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I had a really bad feeling about this movie, as I thought it was a children's movie. But I actually did like it quite a lot. And the BFG was very nicely done.

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