The documentary starts off well enough - we see some funny clips of Johnathan back in the day. We see some famous people talk about him. We see his life right now. And as every minute goes by the documentary becomes less interesting. The angle that the director goes for is both not believable and not interesting. By the end it just kind of sputters to a halt.

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director is an attention whore. story suuucked except about 5 minutes

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I was disappointed in this one. I saw the one released on youtube about his young friend and that was great. This one was kind of a mess and I get why the director inserted himself, but it also felt like he made it about himself toward the middle, rather than focusing on the mystery surrounding Johnathan and the multiple documentaries.
I kept waiting for him to ask Johnathan: "If these people told you they were part of an award winning documentary team and then they weren't, don't you feel duped? And why are you still happy about it if you were, in fact, duped? Pretty key question left out of this.
Either way, there were missing elements and it kind of felt like the film was taking this guy dealing with his pain and showing most of his a*hole moments. Was insightful at times but mostly a cluster-f**.

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