I'll never look at those three guys the same way again... and that's a GOOD thing.

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Amazing movie. Very advanced for its time. It is still very contemporary today. Very good performances. The costumes and choreography are insane.

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I can't be objective with this, as it's been my official "feel good" film for decades. The direction and pacing are a bit off, the jokes are not even that funny, but somehow I still end up watching it regularly. There is just something charming about these characters and the way they use humor to deflect discrimination and hard times in life that makes you love them instantly. Bernadette is my childhood hero, his character is pure genius and I loved Terence Stamp's grouchy lip-sync and stiff dance routines. Guy Pearce really got into the role, but the most convincing as an old-school drag queen was hands down Hugo Weaving.

Three decades later, the public perception of drag queens changed drastically, and this film certainly lost its edge over time, but it's still moderately fun and extremely heartwarming. After Drag Race became popular there is an invasion of glamorous, second-rate haute-couture drag queens, but I still prefer the ridiculously showy, masculine feel of the scene portrayed here. And that soundtrack!!

6 for the film + 1 for the emotional attachment= 7

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It was a great movie for its time.

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Might have been progressive back in the day but now it's just problematic. The Asian character being the worse offender.

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