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Tetris 2023

If you think this is not for you because you don't play video games or never got into Tetris, just give this movie a chance. It is an exceptional piece of storytelling with very little cruft. It is witty, it is funny, and it just a wonderful ride from beginning to end. It has a lot of worn-out tropes, but it never dwells on any of them long enough to complain about them.

And the soundtrack must've broken the bank. Not just a who's who list of 1980s hits, but covers in Russian and in Japanese rarely heard outside of their respective countries. And to top it all off, a custom remix of Opportunities by The Pet Shop Boys intermixed with the Tetris theme. This might end up being my favorite soundtrack of 2023.

I know this movie heavily embellishes a lot of fact for the sake of drama. But if there is any truth to the claim that Howard Lincoln not only went to Soviet Russia just to secure the rights to Tetris but also escaped by the skin of his teeth, then my already high amount of respect for the man just went through the roof.

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This film is amazing, i love it.

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"True" story that looks fake as shit

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Great movie! It was weird watching everyone treat Tetris like it was cocaine. :joy:

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Legend has it, that the script took forever to finish. Every time they finished a line, it disappeared

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It was 1989. I was 12 years old. My mother left my dad and filed for a divorce. I cried a lot. She ask me what I wanted for Christmas. I told her a the New Nintendo Gameboy. She told me she couldn’t afford it. She secretly worked two jobs so she could surprise me with a Gameboy. It was the first Christmas without my dad. But I can’t remember ever being so happy. I lost countless hours playing Tetris. I completely forgot about divorce and all the mess that comes with it. This movie made that moment even more special. Long Live Nintendo.

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I was expecting this movie to be good, but holly molly, not THIS GOOD! The movie is a well deserved tribute to all fans of the franchise.

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This movie was more about doing anti-communism propaganda rather than the story of the game.

Its funny to watch how they are so committed to make URSS look like bad guys, while americans, japanese and british keept pulling a fast on each other to get the distribution rights for the highest bid - without any effort. Pure capitalism. And we live thinking that’s alright and acceptable.

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I wish these movies were more transparent about just how much of the story is completely fictional

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I really enjoyed this - It managed to do what few films do these days and be a fine mixture of entertainment and social commentary. The exposition of the inherent problems to both communism and capitalism in the Tetris story are what make it for me.

I wasn't sure who I despised more by the end of it, Maxwell Sr., Maxwell Jr. or a certain member of the Communist party.

I also loved the way that there are plenty of characters at play, all trying to do what was best from their point of view - it's a refreshing take on things.

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This is by far the dumbest movie I've seen all year. Too bad because the story of Tetris Is much more interesting than a plucky and earnest american salesman vs Evil soviets.

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This movie is essentially a love story between Henk and Alexey and you can't convince me otherwise.

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Let's start with the good: Taron Egerton is a charismatic lead who does a respectable job here as well. The Tetris film also captures the end of the 1980s well, even if not nearly as effectively as the recent "Air", for example. Last but not least, the film is quite enjoyable. But it still wasn't able to really grab me. Everything seems too generic, too smooth, and too fake. Obviously, the producers didn't trust the real story and therefore tried to make it more "interesting" with Hollywood bullshit like a car chase. I think this is a mistake. "Air" recently showed that a movie that is only about the negotiation of some rights can work. "Tetris" misses the mark there.

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this was such a great movie, i had the original gameboy and was around 8 when it came out and had absolutely no idea on the nightmare it took to reach me!

Taron Egerton continues to impress me after being fantastic in black bird, very impressed by him and this movie was amazing

nikita really portrayed alexey well too, and i loved at the end getting some of the IRL footage of them together, so happy he made things happen for Alexey and wasnt about greed, fantastic movie and great to learn more about it. One of the best movies of 2023 for me so far

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Very enjoyable.
Well worth watching

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What an amazing movie. I’m sure some parts of the story are exaggerated a lot for the movie (like the car chase in the end), but this was still an amazing watch with great visuals and awesome music. ATV+ delivered another winner in my book.

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The beginning might have been boring but they did a really good job with the soundtrack and scene transitions. Once the plot is established, it really takes off. It sometimes feels like scenes are slapped together, yet this somehow worked to keep everything moving at the right pace. Someone commented that it feels convoluted and lengthy — I do agree to an extent, but overall it was a fun watch. I would like to know how much of it was true!

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Absolutely enthralling! A superbly well made, interesting and fantastic movie that brings such an unknown story to life.

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If the story is half of what was presented here, it was a crazy time! I know this is a dramatisation through and through but come on. If the story was at least 20% this, they were crazy times!

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Hello Billion Dollar Code ;)c

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"Good ideas have no borders."

Never played Tetris in my life but I had to check this out for Taron Egerton. He was amazing in Black Bird and while his performance wasn't as spectacular here, he still did great. Tetris isn't your regular origin story, it's actually a political espionage tech thriller with... special agents and a car chase! I did not expect that. Not aware of the actual story of Tetris but this felt like more fiction than history. It started really strong but eventually gets convoluted and redundant. The runtime felt overlong but I was entertained nonetheless. The drama was already thrilling enough before the introduction of a car chase and guns - It didn't need that to be thrilling. Loved the synth score, some cool 80s throwbacks and I wanted more Tetris visuals.

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Having just seen the trailer, holy :poop: this film looks amazing

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Wow. What a story. Russia is a terrifying place to create something. My appreciation for Tetris had definitely increased.

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The acquisition of the rights to Tetris is quite a film.

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A somewhat strange story that involves many events, the film only told part of the story. The direction is excellent, the plot is engaging and the characters are very interesting.

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I did not have high expectations when I started watching this movie. But I was positively surprised. If this is based on how it really got down, I am impressed. Really enjoyed the movie all the way through.
Looking forward to more movies in this similar style.

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I was attracted by the aesthetics of the film, but I thought that, due to the theme, it would be dull and even a little still. On the contrary, what a fantastic film, well written, excellently paced and visually interesting. It didn't get the visibility it deserved.

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A pleasant surprise, because of what it tells and how it tells it, the setting, the music, the drawings, the spy movie style.

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I can't believe my grandma liked it even though the name of the film is a video game.

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Forgettable. Long. Bland.
Great acting. Great set and costume designs. Decent plot.

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Rated a Connor 0, normal 6

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Sooo good! Great movie for every one, because Tetris is known by everybody. But specially for Nintendo fans like me, this movie is a little bit more special. Great to know the history of this legendary game.

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An exceptional movie, I am baffled that Tetris took so much to make happen. I highly recommend, it’s a long movie but so full of twist and turns that you don’t even notice! A thrilling ride from start to finish.

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I enjoyed it, it started out as a lot of fun and I didn't know any of the history so it was very interesting.

Over the course of the movie I had a harder time staying focussed. Maybe it could have been a little bit shorter.

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The pieces are all there but they just don't fit together as they should.

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A mostly enjoyable nostalgic trip with excellent production values. Egerton is great as is the soundtrack, but it's clear they had a tricky time deciding what to dramatize and/or straight up fabricate for excitement. This leads to feeling like a lot of the story is bs and hard to discern fiction from fact (until looking it up afterwards). Still a mostly enjoyable piece. 7.3

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Fun but a bit hard to follow to fully appreciate. If I’m being honest, I wish this particular movie would’ve given me a quick upfront history lesson about the Russian politics at this time. I’m 34 and even I, who enjoyed playing Tetris on gameboy, lost some of the sense of scale the further and further the story went without calibrating us around the culture.

But, with that being said, this was still an easy, fun thriller about one of my and many other childhood obsessions.

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I wasn't excited to watch this movie, but it surprised me and undoubtedly one of the best movies of the year.

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This is an excellent film telling the true story of one man's challenge to bring Tetris out from behind the iron curtain. As the cat and mouse antics of the Russians play out, you really feel for Henk Rogers as he struggles against all the forces at play including that of Robert Maxwell. An entertaining movie with a killer soundtrack as well.

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This movie was so much fun and as an eighties kid I enjoyed it even more. I respect and like Taron Egerton more and more with every movie I see him in. Such a likeable actor/guy. Loved Sofia Lebdeva's performance as well!

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Got too long and convoluted for me, all the talk of rights and contracts and percentages etc I lost interest in that stuff. The pixel art was just dumb.

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i never would've expected this movie to be SO GOOD ! i reccommend it to everyone ! its very engaging and keeps you entertained the whole run of the movie . the plot was very sweet and shows how amidst all of the greedy corporations fighting for their next cash cow, theres still people that truly care about creators of media !

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Another biopic in 2023 means almost nothing. A dime a dozen. Repetitive and uninteresting is a common thing. Origin of TETRIS?!? How interesting could that be? Apparently, very. This is a low key thriller that gives of seriously Kingsman vibes (having Egerton definitely helps). Apple TV+ has a real winner here.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Worth Watching

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Love it :heart:
I was looking for a movie to chill and have a nap. Did not lost even a second of this stuff

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Really great film.. we’ll worth watching !

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The presentation, and story was absolutely fantastic in this film. Way better than expected. I know how the story goes, considering I played Tetris on Game Boy for HOURS, but I was still on the edge of my seat. Gets you hooked from the very beginning.

Many don't know the controversy of getting Tetris from Russia, and the lying/cheating. Such a simple game caused the biggest political stir. This film covers it perfectly. Downside is the movie is on Apple TV + only. Hopefully a separate release down the line, or watch it on a free trial! it's that good!

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I was waiting for this movie sooo much, why? bc I'm in love with with new level of acting of Taron Egerton and he didn't disappoint me at all!!! so yah i really liked the movie and as a gamer this movie made my day, specially to know the story of one most epic games ever and how it was hard to bring it to life omg, didn't feel bored for a second,
sooo recommend for gamers!
and for anyone;)

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I lived with Tetris and GameBoy, so i'm biased for the story.
The movie was really good, very entertaining the music of course superb as '80s goes and really good enhancement with the 8bit graphic scenes especially the car chase.

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Now that‘s what I call a great movie. Such an amazing story that is commonly very unknown. Overall a very well done film which I would especially recommend to video game enthusiasts but also to everyone else.

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And now I have an uncontrollable need to play Tetris :joy:

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Eggsy, I mean, Taron Egerton was remarkable to me. I went without expectations because Tetris (the game) is a giant milestone for the game industry, I didn’t even expect to like it so much. And I loved it a lot.

To the religious people of Tetris, the film is not a limitation or decrease of what was Tetris and its conquest. It’s just a perspective that was well told, of the parts they wanted to count and show with that vision.

Taron, as always, delivered a lot. He really plays in acting and does more than everyone else, right, but in general, I loved it. I was a little shocked by the KGB woman, but maybe it was naive, just like the character.

Well, now I’m going to play some Tetris.

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Now this was a very pleasant surprise.

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An absolute thrill ride from beginning to end. Great mix of social commentary and drama. The soundtrack is A+

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excellent, wild and awesome history movie, congrats!!

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I’ve loved the game since I was little but was not expecting to love this movie. It was really fast paced and kept my attention. It was really a wild ride. I definitely recommend it, even if you don’t think you’d enjoy it.

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Excellent story. Based on a true story. Very well told,. Very intriguing, has you rooting for Hank. :thumbsup_tone1:
David verses Goliath. :thumbsup_tone1: Well worth a watch. :thumbsup_tone1:

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An enthralling and captivating origin story which keeps you engaged

Tetris is a highly intriguing and consistently engaging real-life story of the popular game as the name. The screenplay is riveting and makes you sit through even if its predictable. Powered by a fantastic fusion of enticing drama, politics and power the film gives a sense of tention and excitement as it draws to the climax. Tetris's also masters in world building, character design, skillfull editing and fast pace narrative. Taron Egerton is just fantastic and at his usual best. Jon Baird's direction is commendable. Overall, if you like stories based on real life which thrills you to the core, donot miss this. Higly recommended.

Check my Instagram:

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Hmm, why does Henk have a European Union passport when he visits the USSR?

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Smart execution and a banger soundtrack, this vastly exceeded the well-I’ve-seen-everything-else-guess-I’ll-watch-this expectation. I literally raised my arms in triumph when the credits hit and Nintendo dog-cussin’ Atari was hilarious.

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fantastic film!! I did NOT expect to love this film to this level! highly recommend!!

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I’m no fan of Russia, not many people are atm (no fault of the people of Russia) but this film, as entertaining as it is, seems a tad ethnocentric and biased.

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There's so many things that amazed me about this movie, I honestly don't know if it's because I absolutely adore Tetris. One thing I can say that it definitely captured the Tetris spirit - so if you love the game, you will love this as well. Bonus relatablity points if you're from any post soviet country

The constant thrill, the soviet environment and the whole political situation in Russia at that point - it was all on point. I absolutely lost my mind during the car chase scene with Russian version of Holding Out For A Hero - it was SO on point, the cars getting pixalated, and the car fitting just right in the crack.

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Shout by 020202

visually it had a great look, and i loved the pixel art and transitions throughout the movie, also, Taron Egerton was great

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This movie is a blast. Kudos to Noah Pink for turning an interesting story into a thrilling ride. Probably 80% of the movie didn't happen but I don't care. This is must see for any (retro) gamer

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So many people involved charging others money while not doing any labour. Crazy

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This was actually a really fun movie to watch! It reminded me a lot of the Founder except the main character was definitely more enjoyable. I really liked how it had all of these aspects of business, politics, and gaming in one. Very intriguing and heartfelt too!

At Time of Review:
High 7/10

Story and Characters: 7/10
Presentation: 7/10
Enjoyability: 7/10

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What a beautiful “feel-good” movie that keeps you on your toes! It’s fucking fantastic how this was made. P.S. who knew communism played such an important role :P

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