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Taxi Driver 1976

Why does Robert De Niro have a career doing the same thing over and over? This movie is why. One of the greatest movies ever. He gets a free pass for life after this behemoth of a film.

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On a rewatch it's great to pay attention to Travis' very slow descent into psychosis, i think the movie does a fantastic job at building it up. It's great piece on subjectivity and mental instability.

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Seeing all the comments here calling it overrated and boring is depressing. I guess they come from the generation raised on Pixar, Fast and the Furious, John Wick and comic book movies.

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Okay, Robert De Niro made a really good job. You can see the dark side of the city and the general life but the movie was really boring. I wouldn't say it was waste of time but not even a "okay" movie for me.

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I think we could not catch all the details but I just wanna share one

During the scene where he buys guns, the seller says "Holds six shots in the clip, one shot in the chamber. That's if you're dumb enough to put a round in the chamber."

In the end, he uses exactly seven shot.

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Shout by Deleted
BlockedParent2018-05-22T11:26:38Z— updated 2018-09-09T13:50:35Z

Think I might be the only person in the world who hates this movie

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Meeeeeeeeh, got bored. Too much stereotype, the blacks are monsters, the whore is a poor "uneducated" girl, the indépendant working woman is a cunt cause she don't want to sleep with the protagonist.
I really don't see the point of this movie.

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Critics and public liked it so much when it was released. I have enjoyed the movie but I have the feeling that, like other "old" classic movies, i would have rated better if i would have seen them when released. Now, some of them, like Taxi driver, seem simple movies without the "deepness" I would expect.

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I'm just tired of this american point of view of stuff, I guess.

And I think it's time for me to create a "critically aclaimed movies I didn't like" list.

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i don't get the point of this film, it's like it tries to tell you something but it's also retarded

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Pretty overrated like most of Scorsese films.

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The best film to be produced within the last hundred years. FUCK John Wayne, FUCK Bruce Lee, FUCK Sam Jackson, FUCK Clint Eastwood... De Niro is the baddest motherfucker of all time.

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I don't understand how this movie is considered a top, I mean De Niro's acting is spectacular, but the movie is simple, boring and OVERRATED !!

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la película más sobrevalorada del mundo,lenta ,insulsa y aburrida,no comprendo cómo puede estar considerada top

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Watching this with no expectations I initially didn't really like it.

However, it's been sitting in the bank of my mind for a few months now and I find myself still thinking about it.

It's an uncomfortable movie to watch due to the focus on isolation and loneliness.

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"Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets."

Robert De Niro is amazing as Travis Bickle. Paul Schrader's script is excellent. Martin Scorsese's direction is fantastic. The music is wonderful. The cinematography is great. The action is built up perfectly. It's all put together in one hell of a film.

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best film from Scorsese in my opinion. De Niro acting so great.the camera shot so unbelievable.the rest is just well done.

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One of the most thought provoking, deep and gripping movies I have ever watched. My all time favourite movie.

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It's obviously a cult classic. I'm just not part of the cult.

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simply overrated and simply stupid

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A hero of war fights another battle at a more personal cost. Taxi Driver portrays Bickler’s realisation of self-confidence, that pushes him forward to clean the scum off the street. He becomes a vigilante to revolt against the system. His intentions were very shrouded amongst his rage against the futility of the corrupt government. That frequent change of tactics leaves in a notion of unpredictability. The music, accompanying it all, yearns to swell into an outburst but never settles quietly. Colours play an imminent role too in highlighting the state of the streets as perceived by Travis himself. A lively colluded blend of psychedelic colours. Trance is a feeling that I would choose.

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De Niro se consagrou com esse filme do Scorsese sobre uma Nova York tomada pelas drogas e pobreza dos anos 70

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Shout by KannoSugako
BlockedParent2018-03-11T21:15:21Z— updated 2018-04-10T23:58:06Z

A timeless classic that will leave you feeling awkward and make you question who is ultimately right, the protagonist or society itself. Did he try to look and dig only what's worst in society or is it us who try to avoid the harsh reality?

This movie it's not just great for it shows us one of De Niro's most impressive and shocking performances but Scorsese's direction really digs in and succeeds in immersing the viewer into the psyche of a very troubled Travis.

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This movie was very special. For the first time in months, I felt like I was really focused on the movie I was watching. Prior to watching this movie I hadn't read the plot which was a good thing because I didn't know what was going to happen or what the movie was about and I was surprised at every twist and turn. The music was very good. I am normally not a fan of crime dramas but this one was so different from the others that it was much more interesting. The filmmaking and the acting were incredible from beginning to end. It's so hard nowadays to find a movie that is as good as this one in all those aspects especially a crime movie, they don't make them as good as they used to.

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I once rated this movie 9/10...hahaha Stupid me...

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Scorsese's dark masterpiece of urban alienation is disturbing, powerful, relevant, important.

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What a great film! The young Robert De Niro and Jodie Foster give an absurd interpretation in a film that is pure poetry. Scorsese, as always, proves to be a master of direction, photography and screenplay. Masterpiece to watch and re-watch to be fully appreciated.

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I liked the plot. De Niro is excellent. I loved the cinematography, it is brilliant. I didn't like the special effects and editing of the killing scenes.

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It is not in the realm of honorable mention. I know it's an excellent film, but I don't see the process of being mentally cornered. I would like to see some madness like a sharp knife cut like in "Joker" (2019). I think Martin Scorsese is a great filmmaker, but I personally have no chemistry with him. Other than "Raging Bull" he is inconsequential. Is his direction really Oscar-worthy?

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What was the point of this movie?

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Like feeling at home in a party you wish you hadn't been invited to.

Taxi Driver is such a strong film that it actually created a type of person. Arguably the birthplace of modern cinema.

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Incredible film about a lonely man on a quest to fight for what he thinks is "Justice". The music and the cinematography makes the film feel like a dream.

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That was pretty boring overall.
I feels like its trying to be sophisticated and profound but in the entire run time, it really does and says nothing.
The aesthetic was cool and I can appreciate what it was for the time period but the level of praise this movie gets I was expecting something really special.

As the movie ended I found myself saying "wait... that's it?". I just felt like I gained nothing from watching the movie.

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this is good
the scum comes from the people
we all look for the shit in government and the high authorities ... but Travis tells us it's we the people who are the scum
as u see We Are the People in a lot of shots.
this is V for Vendetta but more realistic and in another point of view
the more u think about the movie the more you love it

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Still a great one from Robert De Niro since I last watched it. I love how his character changes. Definitely up there with best picture. It’s one of them films where I admire the camera work and picture more, specially the ending, than the acting and never could go wrong with Robert De Niro’s acting skills anyways.

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The neon-lit, dark and gritty streets of New York set the playground for a disturbing, emotional journey seen through the eyes of an outsider, who is slowly but surely radicalising himself.
Perfectly written by Schrader and directed by Scorcese (who is also visible in front of the camera (in a quite important role tbh - maybe you spot him)). Robert De Niro does an amazing job in all stages of his personal trip while carving his way through creepy, rotten fellows and emotional impasses. Definitely worth your time!

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This film both typifies a distillate of the character study, putting Travis Bickle under the kind of electron microscope that few movies could accomplish in 180 minutes running. It also presents one of the most compelling character studies that film has ever seen.

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Classic film.

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one of Robert De Niro best movies

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Scorsese's best movie, just ahead of Raging Bull

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What an incredible cast of future legends

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Meh, I expected more. I guess we should not believe in everything the critics say.

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Shout by JC

A unpleasant movie from the perspective of an unpleasant character, and it achieves this in spades. It influenced hundreds of movies in this vein, most recently Joker, but really this is the only one we needed. DeNiro is captivating as Travis, a man who looks at the hell around him and is envious and hateful of those who give in. This hate makes him as wretched as them, if not worse, and he’s a pathetic, horrible being. Foster plays her role to perfection, her childishness highlighting the depravity of the city. It’s well shot and cultivates a smothering atmosphere.

But it’s not a movie that hit me, personally. Whether it’s the influence of all its imitators, or the story itself just not appealing to me, I couldn’t emotionally connect with this movie. I admire it and see it’s impact. But I don’t love it. It’s worth a watch to round out your film base, but it’s not one I’ll feel tempted to return to.

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this is the only movie ever

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bear in mind the year the movie came out - this ain't for squid game fans.

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I was prepared for a lot when I finally got around to watching Taxi Driver, but not that I'd end up not really liking it. It made me very aware of how hundreds of later movies (and games) were strongly influenced by it, but the original just didn't age well. The things that were so novel and controversial about it when it came out no longer are, and what's left is simply a not-so-good story with ridiculously implausible characters. It's supposed to be gritty, but the characters are such stereotypes that it often feels more like a parody.

I'm still giving it an above-average rating for the technical aspects. The acting is good, the soundtrack great, if a little repetitive, and the cinematography is absolutely fantastic. This is not a waste of time by all means, if only to see and hear legendary quotes such as "are you talking to me?" or "here's a man who would not take it anymore" in their original context. But many classic movies I watch make me intuitively understand why they're considered legendary, and Taxi Driver wasn't one of them.

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It has not aged well (something that I did not expect as it is a Scorsese film)
The action sequences a laughably bad. So I do not its reputation one bit.
Skip this one!

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I liked the soundtrack. I also liked the story, and after everything that happened, the ending ! Great movie.

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An insane Robert de Niro. But are you talking to me?

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I still can't believe this was released in 1976. Such a deep and dark story with relatable and realistic characters. Deniro really made me feel both scared and safe. The era was completely different from how it is nowadays, but the plot doesn't seem any different. Through time, it's remained, and when you see the suffering up close, you feel disgusted and appalled. The directing was great, not Scorseses best but still up there, the music on the other hand, got out of hand. I could deal with the score up until the last 30 or so minutes were I wanted to pull my hair out. I dislike jazz, if that wasn't obvious. The people watching this in threatres on release must have walked in with the biggest smile and out forgetting what one is.

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A classic. An easy 10/10.

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I don't get it. De Niro's performance is great, but the story is so slow and boring. It's not the worst thing I've ever seen, but I was expecting a lot more. And I mean A LOT more.

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pulling. it. off.
yes im talking about Deniro’s mohawk and cowboy boots.

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why the top comment on every classic movie on this website is "overrated" or some shit. EVERY SINGLE TIME.
what type of movies y'all like lmao.

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A hypnotic story of a ticking time bomb.

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Sorry film majors - technically speaking it’s well made and was probably a great movie with high entertainment in its heyday but it suffers the same fate as another hailed movie, The Graduate: both their themes and shock value aren’t as relevant as they once were. Thus, still high quality films, just not very entertaining.

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I think this movie was a product of it's time, still a good film and a great performance from De Niro. 7/10

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It is utterly dramatic film to watch. Due to the evolution of music, i completely hate the background music in this film. I personally felt that this film is much more relatable to the recent Joker movie

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i absolutely love the mood that's set in this film by the neon lights, the soundtrack and the burning colours. i think it's successful in leaving the audience asphyxiated by the degradation of society, seen from the inside of a taxi, roaming the streets, and its passengers. these are by far my favourite aspects of the film.

Travis' character arc is okay, De Niro's performance is brilliant, I'll give the shooting sequence a break since this was made in the 70s. I can see the appeal, but it's not an important movie to me, personally. Doesn't pull on any particular emotional or intellectual strings of mine. The social commentary aspect of it is, again, what i take away from it.

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Shout by Deleted

Une claque jusqu'au bout ! De Niro est incroyable.

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Shout by Deleted

One of my favourite films. Mind-blowing.

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Shout by Deleted


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