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Taxi 5 2018

taxi 1 2 3 and 4. check. mediocre films but entertaining.

taxi 5? garbage. old characters are gone. the ones who remain are plain idiots. even the driving is lackluster.

waste of time.

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Horrible. Terrible. I watched only half the movie before I'd had enough. I regret even starting it. Avoid at all costs if you liked any of the previous 4 Taxi movies. My evening is ruined. I want to go back to a time when I didn't know this movie existed.

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Wow, this movie is crazy, not 100% political correct and the movie takes it self not that seriously. Just fun.

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Extending the franchise beyond what is recommended. Very bad movie and with very little to save

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Taxi sans Samy Naceri (RIP) c'est pas Taxi! :)

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Bébé XX pas que ça me casse le nez. Jjjbvvbvv

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