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Tag 2018

I'm surprised by how well this works. The cast is the best part. Everyone just plays so well off each other.

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I loved the movie! It was really fun to watch from beginning to the end. The cast was perfect and the whole story is just so amazing and funny! The fact that it's after a true story is just so adorable and amazing! The ending really hit me in the heart, but I loved it and the ending scenes where we even got to see a few clips from the real-life event. Great work I really have nothing bad to say, I don't even mind that it finished with a kind of a cliff-hanger even though I HATE those.

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It seems to be a common thread among views - in which, this movie was better than we thought. I enjoyed how it didn't go over the top, but rather kept it simple. Highly enjoyed the cast. Was nice to see Isla Fisher in a comedy again. I thought the energy she brought to her character was a lot of fun.

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Perfect film. About real and unbending friendship.

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Fuck it! This was hilarious!!
I love how easy they start to act like kids again and enjoy life.
This is a true friendship. So many years committed to the "game" and sticking around each other.
Loved it.

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Based on a true story, which is mainly just a jumping off point, this movie gleefully has adults acting like children in a game of Tag that goes on for nearly 30 years. The extreme measures they play by could only be done by adults that just have trouble growing up...but what makes it sweet is that growing up, to them, means leaving their friends behind and they are just not willing to do it. I enjoyed this quite a bit and got some big laughs out of it. 8/10

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'We get old because we stop playing' I loved it, had me in stitches, the cast work great together! (Jeremy Renner) character was brilliant, mostly made the film for me and amazed that It's based on a true story and a great/new idea for a film and didn't disappoint XD

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how the hell did such a bad premise made a good movie?

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Not expecting to be this funny. I had some pretty hard laughs or if it. Action scenes of a game, really crazy but super cool story.

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The film isn't consistently funny, and the miscarriage 'joke' was borderline offensive. However, the cast are infectious, and the jokes that land are good, so in the end the film's good points managed to catch up with me.

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I really loved this movie and the funny thing is I did not want to see it, I went by myself in a bad mood this was the only comedy playing so I went. I laughed so hard I was crying!!! It reminded me of when I was younger hanging out with my friends too. It really turned my mood around and I enjoyed it so much I went a few days later and saw it with a friend who needed cherry up and we laughed our buns off and I could not believe I remembered some of the "Kicker" lines was saying it in my head lol you know it's a great movie when you were so into it the first time that you remember it so well. I will be buying this one when it becomes available for sure.

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Tag! You're it...Tag! You're it, quitsies!....Anti-quitsies, You're it! Quitsies, no anti-quitsies, no startsies!...You can't do that!....Can too!...Cannot, stamped it!...Can too, double stamped it, no erasies!....Cannot, triple stamped it, no erasies, touch blue make it true!...No! No! You can't triple stamp a double stamp! You can't triple stamp a double stamp!!!

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No idea why they had such a promising basic plot and still had to add dick jokes, more dick jokes and then some dick jokes.
American comedies just can't exist without being vulgar.

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"Never been tagged. Just sayin'."

Always wanted to see Tag and finally did this morning and it was as fun as I thought it would be. Love the tag sequences and love the rules of their game of "tag". And I really enjoyed Renner and Jake Johnson in this. Rashida Jones showing up was also a lovely touch.

Tag is a action comedy that you'll enjoy for what it is. 100 minutes of fun. I have nothing more to say about it other than; "We don't stop playing because we grow old." and "We grow old because we stop playing."


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I'm all in for the goofy movies but this was so meh that it just couldn't deliver. The premise was good, the acting and casting was beyond bad. Especially the black dude, totally out of the movie. It wasn't that fun, of course the trailer was more funny that the movie.

I only enjoyed Isla Fisher and the part that it was actually a true story, nice touch with the ending.

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Good cast, good story on friendship and an extremely funny movie. Highly entertaining and highly recommended watch! 7/10

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I was pleasantly surprised. It's actually a really good movie. It's light and light-hearted. It's not full of stupid humour like so many movies from today. It's just good, clean fun. An interesting concept. And that it's based on actual events makes it even more cool.

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Nice one. Quite entertaining. Definitely a fine time killer from a very simple story.

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Loved it!!

And everyone needs to stay and watch the credits - one of the best parts of the film lol!!!

Also for such a serious looking man and actor, I thought Jeremy Renner was the funniest part of this film. He needs to do more comedy roles!!

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This movie really makes fun to watch. Good actors, sweet story and a fucking great soundtrack!

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A very enjoyable, funny movie with some serious moments. This movie sure is good for a night of laughs (eventhough it's not for everybody, because I saw some people leaving the cinema 10 minutes in... maybe they were at the wrong movie).

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Good cast with fine chemistry some how makes this a fun movie. Renner and Fisher steal the show though.

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Quite surprised by how good this was.
A story of a group of friends who has played Tag since they were children, on a mission to get their friend who has never been it.
Filled with laughs and some cliché heartfelt moments.
Fisher was fantastic.


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Definition of a "meh" movie. Good actors, nice characters, nice storyline. But it was never really catchy and sometimes it was just too...stupid? And it had to much dick jokes and sexual innuendos for my taste. I get it, they're supposed to never have fully grown up, but come on? Playing "tag" is one thing, but still being on the joke level of a puberty-hitting 14-old? And they're mostly just lazy jokes, not even funny, creative ones.

The music is good, tho. Can't recommend "Runnin" by "The Pharcyde" enough. And the tagging-screnes itself were OK, too, I guess.

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How hard can it be to tag Hawkeye when Jon Hamm works for the Avengers?
I could’ve sworn the building where Ed Helms and Jon Hamm meet up in this film is the same location used for the Avengers compound.

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Multiple memorable and funny moments. Seeing Thomas Middleditch was definitely my favorite part of the movie. It was funny seeing Jeremy Reiner in such a non-serious role as well. However, there was a fair share of jokes that felt forced or perhaps overused. That didn't hurt the movie enough to ruin it for me though, so I would still recommend seeing it.

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That's just so funny

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It's a shitty movie, I can't watch it again

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Very enjoyable movie, great cast. Loved the narrated pieces with Jeremy Renner when they tried to tag him. Maybe a little bit too much sexual jokes for my taste but overall a nice movie.

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It's interesting how this is based on a true story, however a poor execution leaves much to be desired. This is a slow, tiring movie that never really delivers and always appears to drag on a little too long. It's fun and there's a decent cast but after an hour it gets old.

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from "8 is Great" to "9 for Damn Fiiiine" if only for the credit's cover of CTD mmm mmm mmm mmm. That was freakin' awesome.

I really enjoyed this one.
I wish me and my friends came up with something like this...
and that I had the guts and commitment for playing it.
The finale vids and pic seems like they're having a great time.

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I went in with low expectations and came out having them exceeded. The cast is great, as should be expected. The plot is more akin to a spy comedy than a high concept game of tag, which works to the film's advantage. There weren't many laugh out of your chair moments, but it was generally entertaining throughout... well, barring the slightly cornball ending, but it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

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This was generally the biggest postive surprise I have had with a movie in a very long time. A wonderfully fun movie reminding everyone to stay young and have fun.

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I only watched this because of Jeremy Renner, he's the best part of the movie. The rest of the cast is really good too. Overall though the movie is not much.

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Great cast and fun children game that adults all ages should play more offen......i think they should make a sequel maybe do it on vacation or something

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this movie was so so soooo fun!! i did not see that ending coming! wow it got super sad so quick! i'm gonna try to play this game with my bros & family beautiful way to enjoy life!

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I really love how Original this movie is.. it's not like many comedies... I liked the Pacing and Plot. The Acting for a comedy was Very convincing and I enjoyed every character in their roles... Director did a good job with this film but I didn't like the writing too much. My final rating 3/5

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Just a fun and funny movie about the power and stupidity of lifelong friendships. Nice work by the entire ensemble and it all makes me jealous of the fact that I didn't do a better job of staying in touch with childhood friends.

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I love me some good comedies. And this is one of them. I'm just blown away by how original, funny and thoroughly entertaining this movie was. Definitely give this movie a watch.

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It's pretty damn fun. Ridiculous and stretches the concept out, milking it for everything it has. But it's a fun bromance distraction. Goos cast, having a good time.

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I went into watching this planning to use it as some background noise I wouldn't have to pay close attention to, but it grabbed my attention and held it all the way through. This movie just worked, the actors played very well off each other and I found it to be very funny. Completely surpassed my expectations and would recommend to anyone.

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Shout by Khawlah

I totally forgot this was based on a true story until the footage of the real friends were shown at the end. Now I love it even more. I expected this movie to be funny but did not expect it to be totally BADASS. And the last ten minutes got me in the feels, man. Wonderful cast, they really did feel like a group of friends who've known each other for years.

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This film was..... good.  It reminded me a lot of Game Night but that was definitely a better film.  This was worthwhile.

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Good movie, plenty of laughs but not as great as was expected. 7/10

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Really loved it. The song at the end was like a car crash, so horrible but you just can't turn away. So funny!

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The movie was fun and fairly well done with the exception of ending. But it left possibilities for Tag 2 I guess.

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Good movie. Funny and based on a true story. Reminded of the Hangover movie. We worth a watch. Very entertaining.

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Shout by kinky

This was definitely way more fun than I expected it to be. The cast had great chemistry and the constant chase no matter what gave us some genuinely funny moments. Overall, an unexpectedly pleasant surprise.

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Shout by sp1ti

The only redeeming thing is the cast... hardly funny enough to offset the stupid scenarios. I wonder how much of a struggle it must have been for Annabelle Wallis to go to set everyday: what a shitty role to play.

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