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Survival of the Dead 2010

Worst zombie movie of 2009. Survival of the Dead is just a weak movie and I know George A. Romero can do better than that.

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Probably the weakest of all the Romero "Of the Dead" series. Watch the one that started it all with Night of the Living Dead.

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There may be people who wonder "wait, why did this get rated a 6?" in my ratings pool.

The ratings I run set 1-4 as "don't watch" in varying degrees of awful, "5" as a toss up, and 6-10 in varying degrees of "watchable".

Essentially, I'm saying this movie is watchable, but it's not great. Maybe if you're baked and there's nothing else on.

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George A. Romero completes his second Dead Trilogy with Survival of the Dead. In this zombie tale a renegade Army unit finds themselves in the middle of a feud between two families that are fighting over whether to kill the undead. Once again Romero finds some interesting material to explore in how the living would deal with the undead, and what remains of one’s life in a zombie state. However, the CGI effects take away some of the gritty realism that made the original Romero films so frightening. Additionally, the characters aren’t fleshed out very well. Survival of the Dead is an interesting and entertaining zombie film, but it doesn't have any edge to it.

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