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Superman II 1980

I enjoyed this new cut of Superman II and found it to be a lot different than the "Lester" version. It remains a corny movie to be sure but I was quite impressed with the street fight in New York between Superman and the three baddies. Gene Hackman is just the best here as criminal mastermind Lex Luthor and Christopher Reeve is most enjoyable when he is playing the clumsy Clark Kent. The HD DVD version makes the dated special effects look even more dated

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Christopher Reeve is still great as Superman but this doesn't feel as fresh as the first one. There is a lot of time wasted on some pointless stuff. General Zod is a decent villain but he is kind of dull. I wish there was more of Lex Luthor.

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definitely my favorite of the Christopher Reeves Superman movies I remember loving this movie when I was a kid because of all the action sequences involving the other kryptonians which was definitely a step up from the previous Superman film where there was no real villain to challenge him physically

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Superman II is a great addition to the classic franchise, and in my opinion, this film edges out the original. The sequel ramps up the action and introduces formidable new villains, making for an even more thrilling adventure. Christopher Reeve continues to shine as Superman, and the deeper exploration of his dual identity adds emotional depth to the story. With its engaging plot and memorable battles, Superman II not only upholds but also enhances the legacy of the original, solidifying its place as a standout in the series.

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Three baddies from Krypton versus Superman. A spectacular duel.

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Way too cheesy. Very much of its time in a way the first one didn't feel like.

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One of the most beloved superhero films ever made, Superman II delivers an exciting adventure that would set the bar for a generation. When three Kryptonian criminals are freed from their prison they come to Earth seeking world domination, and only Superman can stop them. Christopher Reeve, Margot Kidder, and Gene Hackman return and give excellent performances. Hackman is especially good, and owns ever scene he’s in. However, director Richard Lester ups the camp factor and interjects a lot of broad comedy that cheapens the film. But the action and fight scenes overcome the cheesy humor. Terrifically entertaining and action-packed, Superman II is the rare sequel that outdoes the original. “Kneel before Zod!”

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The direct sequel is not bad, a few more humorous scenes makes up for the repetition of certain plot solutions.

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"Get me another plate of this garbage" is my favorite line of the entire franchise

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2019-06-12T18:19:00Z— updated 2021-02-25T04:55:50Z

Despite Superman being able to erase memories with a kiss. Or throwing his “S” at people. Superman 2 is an almost solid sequel.
Some say the Richard Donner version promised to be superior. To me Lois comes off more psycho in that version. Throwing herself out the Daily Planet high floor window. Hoping Clark would turn into Superman and save her.
Yes, is even crazier than throwing herself in a wild river hoping he’d save her. Since there’s more of a chance in surviving that without Superman’s help. Incase she was wrong.
One deleted scene from the Richard Lester version that was cut out. Is darker than anything in a Snyder Superman movie. That you might have seen on television in the 80’s.
Involves around a kid named Willie riding a horse to get help from Zod and friends. Zod orders Non to kill him, which he does with an explosive throw of a police siren.
Ursa savagely replies to a woman saying “he was just a boy” with “he will never be a man.” That version is messed up and hasn’t been seen in years.

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