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Stranger Than Paradise 1984

A very underrated movie. Even back in the 80s, suburban America was very dull and boring, and immigrants pretty much regretted having moved to this so-called “great” country that has nothing to offer. The final scene is very spot on: Willie always wanted to get the fuck away from the US, he just needed the movie and go back rich to his home country, and he didn’t lose the chance. Eva, on the other hand, wants to leave too, but since she’s already been for a year, she hesitates and wants to give a last chance to f*** America. Eddie, being American, doesn’t understand this reasoning. Jarmusch pretty much gives a good representation of what immigrants think of this country, the regrets for having left Europe.

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If you're looking for a movie about three slackers that don't have much going on and don't say much, this is your movie. It was strangely watchable despite not being very interesting or entertaining.

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I don't dislike films that don't have a plot but nothing interesting happened. The characters don't have much to say.

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In urban suburbs the life of marginal characters takes place.

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