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Stowaway 2021

The main problem with this movie is that it just feels really dull. There is one character in the movie that gets some form of characterisation and actually allows for you to care for them, however, the other 3 have almost no characterisation making it practically impossible to care for them as much as the movie makes you want to. The cinematography and acting is fine, but nothing great, however the direction feels a bit bland. You never really get any sense of tension or stakes and this is worsened by the dull characters. There are several moments I thought the movie could do something unique or clever, but instead it just went along with a plain, almost predictable plot. You can't say you've never seen a movie like this, with several others doing much better. I can't say I hated the movie but it just wasn't anything special.

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Kinda slow, with no real "edge of your seat" moments, more "Oh no ! ... Anyway".

So for a 2h movie it just kinda trudges along. Many, way, way better movies out there with the exact same premise.

I honestly wouldn't waste your time on this one, has absolutely nothing that makes it stand out in any way. Actors are good, sets are well designed, it's just a bit of a flat script. Should absolutely have been 30+ minutes shorter.

Also, there's no real "conclusion" to the movie, it just ends predictably ... and that's that.

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Shout by dnzt
BlockedParent2021-04-23T06:15:03Z— updated 2021-04-30T06:07:33Z

It all started somehow OK but after a time it evolved to an ordinary space movie shot in a room with long talks. No excitement at all. It does not worth to watch. And how the hell did that guy end up screwed to that small O2 recovery unit? There is no specific answer to that in whole movie.

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Forget some of the negative reviews on this page. Its actually pretty good, being less about sci fi thrills and more about interstellar dilemmas. A slow film doesn’t have to be a bad film, so be patient and enjoy the drama.

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i still wanna know how he got in there, like literally, how the f did he ended up trapped in there and who the f closed that pannel, and how in the flyiiiing f nobody cared to know
i mean wtf

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Netflix choosing the right time to make a movie about a bunch of white people trying to save a black man from himself.

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Stowaway begins with a loud bang and an interesting premise, only to slowly pull away and reveal its true intention: a scathing look at the future of privatised space travel a lá SpaceX & Co. There are other human stories explored here such as the search for purpose and purpose finding us when we least expect it, as well as the sacrifice of living for the sake of our work, but neither feel fleshed out enough to leave a lasting impression. While not terrible, Stowaway does little to really set itself apart from tentpole space movies that came before it. Its angle is unique but it's message is lacking, leading to a pretty meandering movie with little direction and not much to say outside of its initial statement. Ultimately a dud, which is a shame considering the talent on hand here.

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It was a really good movie, I don't get why many think it's a bad one.
If the ending is not what you want,it doesn't mean it's a bad one.

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go into this expecting a thriller, you'll probably be bored. it's a drama, and it's poignant and intense. definitely not a thriller though.

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Snooze fest... nothing new here at all. Save yourself 2 hours.

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What a waste of talent, I've never wanted a character to go psycho and murder the rest of the crew so much in my life.

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Opens very exciting but the arrival of the stowaway, which should have been the thing to ramp things up, slowly squeezes all the interesting aspects of the film out. If you enjoy watching a balloon slowly leak, maybe this would be entertaining for you. Others should avoid it.

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I didn't like this movie, mostly because I couldn't care less about the characters. I didn't felt invested in their stories, halfway through the movie, I just wanted them to die already to end the story. That last scene where that doctor (that I don't remember the name) could have a greater impact if we, as spectators, cared about her in any way. Maybe they should have focused on their back stories, and show the importance of the mission at the beginning of the movie.

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How the stowaway ended up there was silly but the dilemma the crew are left with was interesting up to a point. The movie then became a series of predictable sacrifices that shouldn't have got that far in the first place. Not really worth watching them fail again and again, sorry. 5/10 for half decent acting and effects and soundtrack.

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Wtf Anna? Really? You signed up for this?!?!

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Zoe Levenson is a monumental superhero in the truest sense. She answers the question asked of every viewer: What is the most important thing? This is not a laser-shoot'em-up space movie. It's a test of your character. Similar to Clooney's movie but instead of an appeal to collectivism motivated by remorse and regret of the individual, it exemplifies the raw courage of the individual in the face of overwhelming odds. Not a social justice movie.

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An average peril-in-space movie. While the four actors do well to carry the film, through its two hours it is let down by a weak ending that can be seen coming from a few thousand miles off!

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I have a serious problem with films that depart from an ethical question, such as “who must die to save the others?”. Basically because writers usually pose the most difficult circumstances and situations for the characters to face. This makes it hard for me to really connect with the story. The acting doesn’t help either. What’s more, writers’ not knowing much about how things work in space makes me angry. They conveniently have the spaceship provide artificial gravity and the crew back on earth are incapable of predicting when a solar storm will occur or are so inept that they can’t anticipate problems with the life support system, like having just enough oxygen for three people and not four. Some writer do abuse of Murphy’s Law.

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Left wondering, never explained how he got on the ship tucked under a panel.

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This movie just isn't believable.

The whole scenario hinges on the idea that NASA (or whoever this agency is) doesn't have sufficient contingencies. I'm sorry but there's no way an unwanted person is getting on a spacecraft, willingly or not. But let's just say somehow they do. The moment they're found, the mission is over. That's it, they're coming home. And the idea that they can't come home because they don't have the fuel when they just left Earth is ridiculous. Also, how do they not have a backup CO2 scrubber? Again, it's just too much to believe.

It's like they started with the idea of an astronaut having to sacrifice themselves to save the others and then worked backwards from there. The whole thing just makes Zoe's sacrifice fall flat and its emotional impact nonexistent. Also, there's absolutely no way our current space agencies would ok any of this.

It's not like this is laughably bad. The performances are fine, the cinematography and special effects are actually well done. But none of this can make up for how ridiculous the plot is.

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Quite liked it. It's a four-person cast. Think of it as a four-person play set in space. It has that kind of pacing.

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The beginning of the film is good, but then it becomes monotonous. The ending is predictable.

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This movie should have been called Tether...

Nice ethical issue and well shot but way too slow and unsatisfying ending. I would at least have liked to see them recuperate after the sacrifice and get to Mars.

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Oh God this was a horrible waste of two hours. imagine the trolley problem but stretched out in a Netflix quality space ship set for 2 hrs

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Interesting idea, but the movie just fizzles out and left me saying: "Was that it?"

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Well I liked it, although its silly to trade your knight for a pawn the space shots were good, and it was a believable plot on the whole.
Mind I never watch Kung Fu movies.

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Ummm.. Typical netflix flammel with a silly endig. Based on the trailer i was expected more. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Shout by MokiNS
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-04-22T11:57:39Z— updated 2021-04-26T07:29:33Z

movie sucks and is boring and the ships gravity is kind of inconsistent,
strong enough to make a person crash down onto the ship but not strong enough to keep a door or oxygen canister from falling out into space

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A waste of 2 hours. Couldn't care less about the characters. Just wanted them all to die so it would be over.

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A good movie, set in space with very cool scenes. Towards the middle the pace slows down, but the good story makes it worthwhile.

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It was an OK space movie. But how the hell did the guy get screwed into the ceiling?

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This is basically The Martian/Gravity lite. There's a very interesting moral conundrum at the center of the film, but there are only a few scenes where you're allowed to really see the characters sitting with it. Instead there's a focus on trying to find a solution (which is fine, but it's the less interesting part of the film). Ultimately you get a resolution that has the weight of sacrifice, but also feels a tad too easy. Regardless, the cast is great and if you like more grounded sci-fi, you'll enjoy this.

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Don't lose your time... a slow 2 hrs movie which not even tries to add some excitement to the story. Boring.

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If I knew what I know now, I would rather have spent two hours watching four amoebas on a petri dish.

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This is the first time I’ve seen Anna Kendrick in a serious dramatic role and she nailed it. This is a movie based on a moral dilemma but it also deals with themes of courage, self-sacrifice, hope and resourcefulness. There were a lot of science inconsistencies but the movie was not about science but was all about the premise. Excellent casting with Toni Colette, Daniel Dae Kim and Shamirr Anders giving solid performances. I give this film a 6 (fair) out of 10. [Moral Dilemma Drama]

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I did not like this movie at all

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terreble mooie wast of youre time

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Moves along pretty slowly, but still interesting.
Predictable ending, but still a better movie than most "space" movies.
Don't be heartbroken if you miss it though.

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Slow but appropriate for the theme. Plenty of sweaty palms, but a little predictable for WHEN things are going to go wrong but not exactly WHAT will go wrong.

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Shout by Deleted

It’s decent enough to watch at home.

Not good enough to actually watch in a movie hall.

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Stowaway held my attention through the majority of its lengthy runtime. A weighty ethical dilemma, strong acting and a tense second half are just enough to support its questionable premise and passable conclusion.

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Let's see. How can I say this? The movie defies logic. So if you have some brain cells to spare then by all means go ahead and kill them. Or you can smoke some weed and kill them that way too. Whichever way you go, rest assured, they would be equally dead. That's all I can say. LOL

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This is by far the most pointless movie of the year so far. They literally did nothing, accomplished nothing and in the end, i feel like I watched nothing.

I can’t be the only one wondering why they never tethered themselves to the thether? Like you are really gonna free climb in outerspace…. The stupidity of this alone squashed it a bit for me.

do not waste your time

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An interesting premise spoiled by a melodramatic and half baked conclusion.

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Holy shit! Unexpectedly thrilling! Action in slow motion like sandra bullocks „Gravity“

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Lol wtf was that for ending, don’t waste your time...

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It definitely has you thinking about where the danger comes into play. If you were to compare this movie to the other ones previously made and are here for that, I would say - skip it.
Unless you just genuinely like movies about traveling through space on a space station. There was more they could have done with the 2 hours, but I respect going in a different direction than most of the other movies involving space.

The ending was not as satisfying as I wanted it to be. Too many questions left unanswered.

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This is a mostly bland movie. But this is much the way I expect the first SpaceX flight to Mars would be like.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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Tense movie, but how did the guy actually get on board behind a closed shelve.

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Like an enema in space, I expected something bad but this wasn't what I expected.

A strong cast, an interesting moral dilemma (I'm still not convinced this isn't an extended metaphor for refugees), and some gorgeous cinematography means I'm glad I went along for the ride.

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Shout by Deleted

Sad haunting ending. I enjoyed seeing Anna Kendrick in a non-comedic role.

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I had really high hopes for this one as one of my favorite youtubers was a consultant in this one (Scott Manley). Characters were a bit blunt and the whole movie was less epic then I hoped for. At Least it was all kind of plausible. Fly safe!

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Can I have my 2 hours back please?

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Started out ok but was a little too slow. Love the actors but there was no action, only some towards the end. It was also not very clear how the guy ended up stuck in that space where he was found, so weird. Would not recommended this movie.

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For what it was worth, 2 hours is a stretch too far. It kept me interested for most of the time, but it’s lack of direction left me disappointed by the end.
The set pieces and graphics were cool though.

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It’s not a bad film, a good cast, interesting plot but the ending could of had more too it and felt it left you short.

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Shout by Pascal

2 Hours with basically no end? We didn't need The Circle but in space

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Shout by Douglas

It's a nice story, even if it leaves me to wonder what was left out in the cutting room for the characters' progression seem uneven by the end. As advertised, the mission's importance gives way to characters' personal decisions, and that's a turnoff for people who like the genre but won't take the synopsys seriously. On the other hand, that does create the problem of limiting how high the stakes will go since there's always the notion that the environment can't kill a character as that's reserved for said decisions.

While I probably wouldn't have watched it if not for the chance to see what's next for Shamier, I'm glad that I did as the whole cast didn't disappoint.

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The description alone gave me cancer.

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Great ship desing to create artificial gravity.

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A slow-burning psychological thriller that's a bit unrealistic but not that bad. 6.5/10
Them going outside the spaceship and the spinning made me nauseated and uncomfortable tho! :sweat_smile:

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