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StageFright 1987

A pretty standard slasher movie, from an era that already had many classics. We have a small theater troupe being stalked by a killer in an owl mask. The kills are bland, and in a few cases ridiculous. Our protagonists are mostly annoying - the type you want to die, rather than see survive. Having never been a stage actor, I can't say for sure, but it seems as though there are an awful lot of lethal weapons just lying around. It's funny to think of how different this story would have been if the police were competent or if it were made in a time when cell phones existed.
Not a bad movie, just forgettable.

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Overacted and pointless with so little redeeming about it. 2 decent on screen kills, otherwise a total waste of time.... right between the eyes, that's where I'd want it if I had to sit through this ever again.

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Boring mediocre waste of time

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