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Sr. 2022

These kinds of films are tough to review. On a personal level, I thought the piece was an endearing gift to Sr. from Jr. On an entertainment level? Not nearly as good. I did find it odd that Jr. seemed to be almost questioning his father's gifts while trying to understand his filmmaking. This probably would have been unwatchable without the presence of Jr.

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For a wider audience, Robert Downey Jr. is certainly more well-known than his father. I myself have only seen a few films in which Robert Downey Sr. was featured, and not a single one of his own. Based on that foundation, this documentary is definitely a success. I now know significantly more about what kind of person Sr. was than I did before. The film "Sr." is a bit unfocused for a long time, but that seems to fit well with the life and work of the filmmaker. Towards the end, this documentary presses the tear-jerker button quite a bit, which works quite well. The Downeys are both very interesting personalities who have experienced many ups and downs in life. "Sr." works as an intimate tribute by Robert Downey Jr. to his father on almost all levels. Only a little more structure might have done the film some good.

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