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Splinter 2008

This is an above average film over most of today's gore fests that claim to be horror movies. It's got an interesting enough beast and the actors are engaging and you do actually care about their plight. There's quite a bit of suspense but it's been done better before. The editing can be frustrating because the camera is often out of focus or the shot is blurred. This relays a sense of chaos but you never really get a good look at a lot of things. Now this isn't always a bad thing. I could have used a little less detail during the scene when one of our heroes has his arm cut through and then busted off. Weak stomachs need not apply.

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Could have been better. Could have been a lot worse. The creature effects weren't bad and it was definitely an enemy I wouldn't want to fuck around with. The ending left me wanting.

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This movie totally suprised me. My expectations where really low, because I got the BluRay handed down by someone who thought the movie was horrible (together with other titles such as Pinup Girls on Ice, Sirens, etc.), and so I had next to no expectations.

In the beginning I thought, that they would come true - it's a low budget movie, the effects in the introduction did not look like much, and the introduction scene was not that good, either - some strange animal attacking that guy in a really fast paced shakey montage, not the best dialogues, the acting kind of random. But all in all I pretty fast changed my mind: First of all, the shots are greatly done, especially for a low budget movie. The acting is great as well - there is no VIP involved, but all of them have good talent, the special effects are all hand made and this is ingenious - it looks great, once they stopped with the fast-paced shakey cams. And the idea is quite original and innovative.

Not a milestone for movies or cinema, but definately worth a watch if you are into creature feature horror movies.

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honestly had no clue this was low budget til reading comments here - this was a deranged body horror flick and i loved every minute of it. even when it made me kind of nauseated, which is a pretty big accomplishment for any movie. watching it in the midst of an actual pandemic ups the impending doom of it all, even if it's a parasitic creature feature and not a viral one.

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"You are suffering from a severe case of CDS: Can't Do Shit!"

I have never met anyone in person who even knows this movie. It came on TV years ago and I remember watching it and enjoying it. This time around I think I liked it even more. The CGI and practical effects are pretty good for a low budget movie which always helps. This movie is underrated!

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One of my favorite horror movies. I really like it.

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A terrific low-budget creature feature. Or is it a zombie film? Or is it body horror? Actually it's all three, put together with credible characters and a taut script. Very well done.

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You wanna go out there??..with them...things...runnin around?!...well you can count me out mannnn

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The whole mold thing was kind of interesting but I wish the camera wasn't so shaky during the monster moments.

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Easily one of my favorites. Some of the CGI is goofy and the characters don't always think things through as much as I would like, but for a 15-year old, small budget indie film, it all holds up extremely well. It's tense, well-acted, and (most) of the characters feel real.

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Random find on Amazon Prime - A surprise gem.

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Could they shake the camera any harder than they do in this movie? There is a lot of cool body horror in this movie that I am sure I would love to have seen, if they did not shake the camera so much. I mean some shaky camera work is fine but wow, it is almost impossible to get a good look. And I really like to get a good look.

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Unexpectedly interesting creature venture which was very good for a low budget movie. It was and intense ride. 6/10

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Any hope this movie had of being any good is obliterated by the extremely heavy use of shaky cam and 20 cuts a second every time the monster comes into view. What's the use of having some pretty amazing looking practical visual effects if your audience can't see them for most of the time?
Also, the script and characters are extremely shallow and simple, so that doesn't really help...

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This is zombie like movie

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