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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 2022

It was a great movie, filled with lots of funny moments and thrills. The Master Emerald reminded me of The Avengers movies as it served a similar purpose to the Infinity Stones. From the end credits it appears there will be a 3rd movie including Shadow The Hedgehog!`

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Sometimes when you have a surprise film success like this film's predecessor, you should just count your blessings and walk away from the table.

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Shout by Siliwinter
BlockedParent2022-04-01T10:01:01Z— updated 2024-04-03T06:34:59Z

Succeeds over the first film, Idris Elba as Knuckles was a great choice but I can't help but find him adorable, and Jim Carrey delivers as Robotnik once again, I hope he returns for a third film.

With the way this Master Emerald works, I wonder if they will introduce Chaos with a different backstory, if it all, also can we please have Crush 40 music next film?

Shadow reveal I didn't expect this early.

Edit: Just want to reiterate, please have one Crush 40 song or cover for the 3rd film.

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Significantly worse than the first film. The effects look exceptionally bad. The side stories are pointless and the scenes have no cohesion. It felt like several unrelated stories smashed together to make a movie. The memes are also crap and not funny. Plus key character outcomes (Stone!) are suddenly dropped and not picked up again. Left the cinema because of the crowds and missed the mid credit scene.

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Like a toy left out by a toddler: not very entertaining for an adult and even a bit painful if you should chance upon it unawares.

You don't need me to tell you what to think about this flick because you know what you're going to see here even before you walk into the cinema. It's more formulaic than baby's milk, but that also may be their target audience.

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I think the first is fractionally better, mostly because it had surprise on its side. You go into this one expecting more of the same and you get more of the same, but that's not a problem. It's still a delight to experience (especially more of Jim Carrey enjoying himself again, which can never be a bad thing).

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After the first movie, this one was a disappointment to me. It felt so ambitious, yet it got me shocked how trash it was at some point, it felt like a hardcore trash movie with all the most unfunny things thrown at you at all times. All. The. Time. You get bombarded with bad takes - what the heck was that dance scene? Atrocious. The CGI is also lacking here for most parts, not sure why, it just felt cheap.

The acting of Jim Carey is great as usual, and I really like how they portrait the characters (Sonic, Tails & Knuckles) here, with their flaws and strengths. The final part is also good and fun for the most part.

I just don't comprehend the move target audience, to be honest. I know it's for kids, but I was expecting a family & kids movie, not a cheap movie for <12yo kids only.

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I really enjoyed the first one but this was boring and cringe

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Better than the first.
It has everything in it for making enjoyable.
after seeing that teasing at the end for shadow,i want to see them to continue with a third one.

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A fun movie for the whole family. The story is basic but amuses the kids. Adults have fun too. When CGI effects are used only in 3D models, they are beautiful; however, when CGI is used for mescle humans in scenarios, it becomes strange.

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Despite being very far removed from the target demographic, I found the original film to be a totally serviceable distraction. Unfortunately, that is not the case the second time around. The story was not as cohesive, with the human characters taking much more of a back seat in order to make room for two classic sonic characters (Tails/Knuckles). Given that I have no legacy attachment to these characters, their mere presence wasn't enough to win me over. Ultimately, I found their characters and arcs too childish and simplistic to enjoy. The same thing applies to the central plot element of the "Master Emerald". I much preferred the smaller scope of the first film to this all powerful proxy infinity stone. While Jim Carrey's Robotnik and his assistant Agent Stone still inject some fun moments, it doesn't feel quite as natural as what we saw of them in the first film. Overall, I'm sure kids will still have a good time, but there was very little for an adult, non-Sonic fan to enjoy.

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First one was better. This second outing just hasan weird vibe about it. Not even weird in a good way. Its just awkward and forced. Also about 30mins too long. They could have cut the entire side arc with the wedding, it added absolutely nothing to the main story. 4/10

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What a waste of money and time. These 2 movies make Sonic look like crap. SEGA what the duck man. They could have spent all the money to develop a good Sonic game which would actually sell. The only person I can appreciate in this movie is Jim Carrey as he always nails it.

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Lazy, generic, boring. The whole wedding section looks like a cheap tv movie trying too hard to be funny. The rest is just generic plot executed in the most generic way possible.

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As with the first Sonic movie, the young target audience should have fun with this sequel. Beyond that, however, I don't think so. There aren't many new ideas being explored. I was also less entertained than with the first one. The humor in "Sonic 2" is once again simplistic, the characters are exhausting, and the plot lacks depth. There are many slow-motion sequences with CGI creatures darting through the frame in primary colors. The film almost desperately tries to appeal to a young audience. The whole thing is not at all timeless. For example, when they show some Fortnite dances, I doubt very much whether they will still be relevant in a few months, let alone years.

Like the first part, the film is saved by a solid performance by Jim Carrey and good effects. In addition, there is some fan service. Since I haven't played the games, I don't know how satisfying this actually is for fans. Either way, not many things will stick in the end. But at least Sonic doesn't fall into the category of the worst video game movies due to its few plus points.

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So so sooooo freaking basic. There's nothing in this movie you wouldn't expect. It's like made from blueprint for "action movies for children".

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Let’s start by saying, I’m a sucker for origin stories. I prefer the first Sonic. I simply think it is a BETTER movie. However, where this movie dips in quality, it gains in action. The action scenes in this are top notch for a family movie, and I can honestly say this was a very worthy sequel. Very much excited for Part 3 in December 2024!

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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While obviously intended for younger audiences, IT FREAKIN SLAPS. I love everything about this movie and it might just be better than the first one with it’s delivery of characters and their development! This movie did the the characters justice, something that hasn’t happened in the game franchise for a while now. EXCITED FOR THE THIRD MOVIE!!

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I know my bias for the Blue Blur is showing when it comes to these movies; I know I shouldn't like them, but for some reason they still charm me like no other. The throwaway references and gags are laser-targeted at Sega Kids like me, and Jim Carrey elevates the movie every time he's on-screen. If you know what you're getting into and you've a little nostalgia for Sonic & Co, I think you'll be hard pressed to not enjoy your time with this one. Check your brain and expectations at the door and just enjoy some dumb, child-friendly fun.

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I'm probably too childish, I'm always chuckling at "Donut Lord". Every. Single. Time :)

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The plot is what you would expect from such a movie. And, as usual in American productions, it is imbued of annoying and childish American moralism, that makes the viewing bothersome. Children deserve really deeper plots and topics, something Japanese (who are probably not that satisfied of how one of their flagship characters have been used) are perfectly aware of but Americans are not.

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Interesting that there are views and a rating for a movie that doesn’t even have an official trailer yet.

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The best thing I can say about these movies. Is that despite corny dance scenes and etc. They are better than the live action Smurfs and Alvin and the Chipmunk movies. Despite this too being too much about a CGI creature having a human family.
Since the Sonic movies are a combination of corny and entertaining. There’s still too much of the human side characters though.
Like who cares about Maddie’s sister getting married in a Sonic movie ? Though, there’s at least plenty of the CGI video game characters and we’re at least not smothered by the human story.

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Idris Elba was a great fit for knuckles, his voice spoke volumes

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:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: - “Being a hero isn’t about taking care of yourself; it’s about taking responsibility for other people”

10:heart:- Masterpiece :100:
9:heart:- Excellent
8:heart: - Amazing :ok_hand:
7:heart:- Great :sun_with_face:
6:heart: - Good :thumbsup:
5:heart: - Average :head_bandage:
4:heart: - Bad but watchable :octagonal_sign:
3:heart: - Bad :sob:
2:rage:- Awful :face_vomiting:
1:face_with_symbols_over_mouth: - Bull Shit

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Great Movie.
But if you are german, do yourself a favor - watch the english syncro!
The german dialogue book is terrible and "Julien Bam" did a horrible job with the sonic syncro. Just got the job of his popularity.
Even if you don't speak the language and compare english audio with german audio you will get the quality gap. It's day and night.

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Did not expect to enjoy this as much as I did. Nostalgia has got me locked in for part 3 based on that post credits scene

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Had to turn it off... It can't decide whether to be a movie for 10 year olds or all ages.

One moment all is good... The next your watching a dance off..

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I enjoyed this was a decent sequel in my opinion. I never played the sonic games. Looking forward to 3.

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it's a beautiful movie, brings me memories... and very fun to watch with family

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Shout by JC

A bit long but it pulls back on the humans and the cop stuff and goes all in on the Sonic stuff to be a real crowd pleaser. Elba as Knuckles is the standout, but you know I’ll be there day one for Sonic 3 for my man Shadow

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I can't believe sonic ressurected Jesus

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The story is fun and light and kind of on the same level as the first one, but I still liked this more. I think the decision to introduce Knuckles and Tails in the second movie was great. It feels like a natural progression. And they both look great!

I’m still on the fence about dr. Eggman. He looks better, but it gets a bit too Jim Carrey-ish. Which can become cringy at times.

Sure, it’s still a kids movie, but it deserves credit. Most video game movies are terrible, but they pulled it off with these two movies. They’re not classics, but there really fun. What more can we expect from a movie about a blue, fast, talking hedgehog.

I’m actually excited that we get Shadow in the third one. If they stick the landing, we have a really nice trilogy on our hands. I’m up for it.

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yikes that was a cringefest. i really enjoyed the first one, but this one was just bad.

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I'm a little disappointed. I think they should've made this movie for our generation, who grew up on Sega games and knows who sonic is... but this? to many childish scenes and acting, feels like this movie is targeting ages 5-10 at max... and they probably don't even know what this movies is based off...

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So far in the sonic film franchise, I’ve enjoyed both and when comparing them, this one comes of best with more action but not by much and good to see more sonic universe characters and loved all the sonic references. Bring on more!

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The best line was There are good people on both sides.

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While I appreciated the nods to the gaming franchise, I still felt disappointed. Die-hard fans of the games will appreciate it more - and they will spot more references than I did - but the plotline was pretty predictable, the effects weren't always on par, and the wedding sub-plot was a waste of time. At least its better than the later games in the Sonic series.

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The Sonic universe looks promising.

"Like Vin Diesel and The Rock." memorable words:laughing:

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Watched this only for the Dolby surround sound which in my case was 5.1 Dolby digital. The sound was immersive and there was a lot of bass presence. The explosions missed a bass kick at the end, so that could have been better. Will watch the Dolby True HD 7.1 version when available. All in all 8 out of 10 for sound

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Wow! I didn't think I would enjoy this second movie this much. I was hoping it would be a fun movie like the first, but it's better in almost every way. The action, the humor (yes it's very dry), the characters. Knuckles (Idris Elba) and Tails (Colleen O'Shaughnessey) are great additions and give Sonic more fun interactions. Jim Carrey get's more screentime as Robotnik and that pays off big time.

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cheesey movie. Not funny. do not waste you time.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is a good and worthy successor in the Sonic the Hedgehog trilogy. Storywise it is on par with the first movie. It’s again very enjoyable, funny and from the beginning catching. I also loved how they brought new characters of the Sonic franchise into the movie and how their relationship with each other developed over the movie.

The CGI and special effects on the other hand are not on par with the first movie. There are a lot of pretty impressive moments, but some effects seem not as well integrated. Especially if they added real people in an otherwise computer-generated image. It’s not completely disruptive or even terrible but it can be visible in some scenes.

Otherwise, it’s like the first movie pretty great and has a lot of rewatching potential.

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A giant leap up from the first film. Carrey is no longer the worst part thanks to a wedding subplot and a dance number. Some nice Easter eggs for fans of the game but this seriously didn't need to be over 2 hours

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Better than the first film. I enjoyed this a little more. Still both decent for what they are.

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Overall, lived up to the hype after the first movie! Still a family movie that is suitable for adults with references and a soundtrack that very few kids will even catch onto. While I still prefer the story of the first, this one has bigger action sequences and was more than a worthy sequel! I am excited for the eventual third

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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The show was alright, some cringy moments and too much of trying to make sonic characters look cute? I can't stand it when cgi cartoon remakes ALWAYS have to make the characters DANCE and/or SING. Too much of that in remakes to the point where it's so predictable and painful to watch. The overall plot of the show was good but it would be EVEN BETTER if they focus on making this show more action packed than trying to make them look cute. The character design on its own is cute enough (esp knuckles, he looks cuddly even though he's angry all the time), there is no need to throw in dancing (and a very lousy plot that led to a dance battle) to show them off. It was v cringy at that point, to me at least. I'm still not a huge fan of Jim carrey being Dr eggman since he acts the same way in all his goofy characters, but it is what it is. I will definitely follow the Sonic the hedgehog movie series but i hope there would be more action packed plots and less cheesy stuff.

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Mis the Juice Keep up soundtrack sadly

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Too juvenile and too long. Jim Carrey is the highlight.

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ok to watch, but imbued with annoying and childish American moralism

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I am excited for it's part 3.

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Shout by Acoucalancha
BlockedParent2022-05-11T00:56:31Z— updated 2022-06-19T04:15:27Z

A lot of fun! Liked it even more than the first. Having more characters really elevates this and Idris Elba's voice is perfect for Knuckles. Jim Carrey steals the show of course he is so good and funny.

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It's a lot of fun and far more faithful than the first film. Dragged down slightly by some cringy humor and I wish Tails had more screentime but that's it.

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Shout by eoi100

Wha- how can Dr Eggman harness the strength of the master emeralds and the 7 chaos emeralds at once - not using a machine

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Not a bad sequel. Once again, it's an enjoyable movie, but it is not a great movie.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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The first film was good, this one's even better. A fun, nostalgic, and wholesome ride for the entire family.

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A fun movie, but the story lacks focus. It feels too random, jumping all over the place. Also, the random references to things take you out of the story a bit. Still quite enyoiable.

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Very good! I could watch it again.

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Much better than I remember the first film being. This thing is extremely corny and definitely geared more to younger audience but I genuinely enjoyed almost every second of this. Even though it has the same flaws as the first one, that it can get way too cheesy with how much they brought up family, the adventure is much more entertaining. It's fast paced, filled with cartoony action and violence, the visuals are on another level, and the human characters who I didn't care for in the first film are actually fun to watch, especially Rachel. And that mid credits scene has me excited for the next one.

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