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Snag 2023

Shout by HellcatM

What the hell!? He wakes up and it's over? That's just lazy writing.

Even if he woke up and it's Valentina and then they go back to the house and you see she killed her mother to be with him, that would have been ok.

Or Victoria thinks about what Marco said and really didn't kill him, and Snag goes into the house and Valentina sees him and kills her mom.

Or sees him and takes out a gun to shoot him but Valentina jumps I the way and she kills her own daughter, then Snag kills. Her and takes his baby and walks away. Any of these endings would have been better than the crap ending they had.

Shit, you want an ending for a movie, just pay me to write it. The movie itself wasn't bad until that lazy ending. Did they runout of money or creativity?

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Wtf it just ends no resolution, it was an ok action movie but no ending.

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