An under-rated old school adventure film.

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This movie was very creative even though it borrowed a lot from other flicks. The opening scene was very good. It featured giant robots invading NYC. It really geeked me out! In fact, anytime the robots appeared on-screen, I was locked on. Overall, it was a fun watch but it was uneven and slow at times. The story was truly secondary to the look and special effects.

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I had never heard of this movie until last week, but I wish I had more nostalgia for it. In a way it reminds me of Spy Kids 3D, but for adults. It is a wacky concept with over the top visuals that did not hold up. The cast keeps this one watchable, but I simply wish I enjoyed it more than I did.

Rating: 2/5 - 65% - Not Recommended to Everyone

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A really good and quite unique adventure film. It looks and feels really old-school which was definitely intentional. The cast is great and the story is compelling and kept me interested until the very end.

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While there are lots of movies set in the 20's this actually feels like a 20's movie. The cinematography was done in such a way that all the scenes have a sort of glow to them making everything seem highlighted and unreal. The movie is quite cheesy and yet that is how 20's movies were so you almost can't fault them for it. It's not a great movie but it is fun to watch if nothing else.

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Vergonha alheia de tanta falsidade!

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