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Skin 2019

Heartbreaking, raw and real. Genuinely thought it was an American History X ripoff and I am extremely happy to say it's not. it's a touching story of a Neo-Nazi turning his life around and finding purpose through love and being a father. it was refreshing amongst all the bullshit lifetime dramas out there.

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Spectacular performance from Jamie Bell!

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A good film, and a hopeful one. So, for all you white supremacists out there - you know who you are (The Birth Of a Nation is probably your number one film) - please know that there is still hope for you,

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Really good film, sort of american history x but not as good, still worth a watch.

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A interesting take on where as good as Romper Stomper that's for sure and American History X and another one called The Believer all interesting movies,got to say Jamie Bell(Can't believe that's Billy Elliot,a very different role from that movie) is a very sexy as a Skinhead and those tattoos are hot and a shaved head always look good on a bloke.....good to see Vera Farmiga from Bates Motel....

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An Amazing performance from the main character. All in all a Wonderful movie

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