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Singularity 2017

I want to give this movie 0/10 Stars

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OMG... My eyes... My eyes....

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This story has been done and redone to death....

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The story was drunkenly scrawled onto the last squares of toilet paper in a loo that breeds things only fire can kill. When the writer/director made the film the next day while knee deep in his hangover, he decided the parts of the film he didn't understand were to be filmed exactly like that. Then John Cusack came in for an hour and a half to stand in a room and read lines for a dollar, and the producers used his name to dupe other people into making this film. The 'stars' are so bad they can't even act out, and the sets were a green room where the crew couldn't think of anything better. When people talk about a disgusting film covering pond water, this is the film they mean.

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How has this piece of shit gotten a 7.0 rating on iMDB (2041 votes at the time of writing this)? Im guessing you can now buy iMDB votes? Cant think of any other reason for it having that high rating..

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This is the kind of movies that i still achieved to see until the end just to see if it was that meh!

Waste of time
Story is just to bad
But i think the actors still made a good job

Hope they dont make a second movie after that end!

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Singularity - :heart:x5

It's your basic AI story. Human creates super-AI. AI decides the world is better off without humans . . . yadda, yadda, yadda . . . you know the rest.

How I rate:
1-3 :heart: = seriously! don't waste your time
4-6 :heart: = you may or may not enjoy this
7-8 :heart: = I expect you will like this too
9-10 :heart: = movies and TV shows I really love!

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97 years after the total destruction of human civilisation, ASOS seems to have survived, with their shitty clothes being bought and worn by the surviving humans. All the abandoned buildings our protagonists end up in seem to be maintained to be in pristine condition by the machines. That Polaroid camera must be powered by a nuclear reactor or something ..... the list goes on and on.

I understand that this was originally shot in 2013 as a low-budget production and then remastered to add John Cusack into it. What were they expecting? A miracle at the box office? These days I see better sci-fi productions on YouTube. :rofl:

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the robot-boy is completely useless, Kronos can follow the girl by itself. And what about the old man assistant? omg

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John Cusack - one of my favourite actors - but you wouldn't understand why if you looked at his recent body of work. With this, Blood Money, Arsenal, and The Prince (as examples), he has clearly taken film roles for the paycheque alone. Yes, he has atoned himself with Chi-Raq and Love & Mercy this last few years, but I still miss the actor who could do no wrong a decade or so ago, those halcyon days of Say Anything, Grosse Pointe Blank and 1408. I watched this film for Cusack alone, still holding out hope for something worth his name, but alas, this is a long way from his glory days.

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Shout by Deleted

The movie isn't really a top notch. The story is poor developed, but the visual effects are nice, actuallly good. You can enjoy the movie if you're patient and willing to. The beginning isn't well explained, going directly to the history itself. But the movie does involve you somehow. I'd rate it a 4/10, but if you like the genre, go for it.

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