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Shin Godzilla 2016

Really refreshing take on the old monster. Goes back to its roots and brings fresh new ideas, like how the government's would actually deal with such a threat. Love the depiction of just how devastating and terrifying an actual event like this would be. And all the nods to classic Godzilla was awesome.

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Came for the monster, stayed for the administrative bureaucracy (desperately hoping there would be more city destroying action!)

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I rate Shin Godzilla above Ankle Godzilla but below Knee Godzilla.

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One of the most boring Godzilla movies I've ever seen (and I've seen all the Toho films). This one makes the most recent US version like Shakespeare. Nothing compares to the original Honda film.

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Shout by Adecool
BlockedParent2017-07-30T00:54:54Z— updated 2021-10-14T18:42:35Z

Shin Godzilla: The movie where people talk about Godzilla. This has to be the most boring movie i have ever seen in my entire life. I fell asleep for an hour, woke up, re-winded the movie, drank some coffee and STILL began to fall asleep again. The editing is borderline cartoonish, the cinematography sucks and the CGI sucks too. Godzilla looks like he has plastic googly eyes for christ sake. The soundtrack is also complete and utter garbage. HOW IN GODZILLA'S NAME DOES THIS MOVIE HAVE AN 84% ON ROTTEN TOMATOES. PEOPLE NEED TO STOP KISSING JAPAN'S ASS AND ADMIT WHEN A SHITTY MOVIE IS A SHITTY MOVIE.

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Incredibly slow paced and boring with no character development for the human characters or Godzilla. Some of the buildings in the movie are more active than Godzilla who stands in one spot for 30 minutes of the movie, and the rest of the time he is almost as inactive. The directors focus is upon the actions of government rather than focusing on any human characters or the monster. Imagine watching cspan for 5 hours straight to get a feel for the excitement level of this film. There is also a mix of shaky cam shots added to the film with no real artistic reason that are only more distracting from the attempted story. Godzilla also starts out with a ridiculous kindergarten hand puppet look that suggests the graphic effects artists were mad at the film director. Not the worst Godzilla movie ever made, but very close.

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When you ordered a Kaiju movie but you got an unfunny episode of The Office instead.

A refreshing twist on the Godzilla movies as Godzilla is now evil incarnate and must be stopped before he destroys everything. I love the new scary look, coming right out of a horror movie and the "evolving" concept is a great idea. It focuses on the government reacting to the crisis which is boring as hell and slows down the movie considerably between action sequences. Only three action sequences in it's 2h runtime—shame! The action we got was epic but weird, the laser sequences were so exagerated and silly compared to the serious tone in the human storyline. The CGI is nothing to praise. A spectacular score that amplifies everything and gives the illusion that this is a great movie. Laughable final fight, it looked and felt like a fan-made movie.

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How did they manage to make a Kaiju movie boring and Godzilla the radioactive giant goofy?

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Godzilla makes for a compelling and worthy Angel.

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A pretty good retelling of the classic Godzilla story. I will say the CGI was a little rough in some spots and the characters were pretty flat, but everything with Godzilla was great.

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Very innovative and original. I Love how tragic Godzillas potrayed.

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Definitely takes an open mind to enjoy properly, but this is a solid modern re-telling of the original Godzilla story. The ineffecient, beurocratic government response to the Godzilla threat is the real obstacle here, and is done brilliantly, although Godzilla is properly terrifying in a fresh and unique way, too. The team of underdogs who decide to tackle the Godzilla threat all on their own consists of likeable characters, which is rare in any monster or kaiju movie. The way Godzilla is finally dealt with is both clever and gimmicky; you'll either love it or hate it.

Godzilla himself takes his time to get going and start wreaking proper havoc, but that doesn't mean this film is slow-paced. The scrambling government officials and their comedic antics allow things to move at a speed that should keep one's attention.

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I LOVED the first 68 minutes of this film! Imo, they are perfect. Easily one of the strongest 10/10 I've ever given a certain stretch in fiction. They were able to capture the feeling of the original movie when it came to Godzilla's destruction, while also solving my biggest problem with the original movie, the human cast. In the original, I personally thought they were too silly/cartoonish, especially when put side by side with Godzilla, but here, they serve as a critique of the modern politics. They exist as a way to put the viewer into the shoes of the decision makers. How hard and unnecessarily long it is to be the one calling the shots.
As for the rest, I liked it, but it definitely didn't hit as hard as the first half of the movie. It was pretty damn slow and the soundtrack, for some reason, felt very out of place, particularly in the final fight against Godzilla.

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Godzilla, deeply rooted into the Japanese culture. Harvests a bit of humor with the snailish and unnecessarily convoluted beaurocratic response to the attack, dabs its feet into the post-war sentiment of Japan all the while consistently flashing some Godzilla action sequences. Has a 'soul' so to speak, devoid in most of the american spin-offs.

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Rated 10 by my 19yr old son.

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Not great, but hella better than Hollywood fails

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King of the Monsters is a superior Godzilla film I think. Yet this was rated much better. Sure there’s less of a silly story here. But there’s much talking and face wise the monsters are laughable.
Still it is pretty well made otherwise. The look of Godzilla is creepy but the eyes look so bad.

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Shin Godzilla, or, Godzilla vs The Bureaucracy.

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The initial Japanese bureaucrats are worthy of smacks to see if they wake up, then improve, fight the giant bug well and get out a lot, learn new American Godzilla

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Really loved this movie. An essence of classic godzilla, really entertaining and really good effects. all round very good

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godzilla in this movie looked really cool but there waas to much talking and not enough action for me

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Ok, this can be misleading.

If you came in for Godzilla I'm sorry for you.
But this movie has done a well job in portraying the endless pit of burocratic void that is the Japanese government.

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The action scenes are great, but as with any other Godzilla movie, you gotta grind through all the "human" scenes first.

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Worth it just for the atomic breath scene.

The first form of Godzilla was really freaking weird looking. Seemed like they focused all their CGI money on the later stages and completely forgot about the first part. But after that all scenes involving him look fantastic.

The pacing IMO was way too fast. And the human scenes were kinda boring because it focused on the bureaucracy and politics of such an attack and I really didn't expect that. Very un-american typical monster movie but it worked.

Overall it's a fun movie. Would recommend it. I will definitely check out the older Godzilla movies now.

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