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Sergio 2020

I love the performance of Wagner Moura, I think he's and amazing actor.
He makes me connect to the character.
I enjoyed the movie, but I was expecting a little more attention maybe. Sometimes the flashbacks confused me a little and I didn't know if was the present, a dream or another flashback.

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Escobar smiled a lot. Strange.

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Pretty good. It follows a well-known formula of an event which places a character in a position to reflect back on events of their life, and that works well for this story. I gave it an extra star because I liked the man portrayed as working for peace and self-determination. Unfortunately, near the end the film nearly grinds to a halt. Netflix's ability to increase viewing speed allowed me to make it to the end, but the final 20 minutes certainly needed draconian editing.

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Really good drama following the extraordinary life of a top UN diplomat intertwined with a romantic love story up until the very end. The film depicts this through ‘flashback’ like memory sequences but was overall a very good celebration of a real persons life and his dedication to society and his wife.

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