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Sea Fever 2020

It has a promising plot but somehow it lacked substance, especially towards the end of the film. Somehow I was expecting a conclusion to the entire “monster” situation, but then it was left unattended.

Overall, I enjoyed watching the film though. Would I watch it again? No. Would I make my friends watch it? Possibly.

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Not bad little chiller but it could have been better. Could have been The Thing at sea. Instead, its something far more shallow.

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I went into Sea Fever not knowing much about it, and it didn't disappoint. It has some things from Alien and the Thing, but it makes it different enough that it's interesting, I like the setting, I enjoyed watching Hermione Corfield. There's some blood and the ending was somewhat predictable. But for its 90 minute runtime, you won't be disappointed. It is a nice little horror gem on a boat and Irish accents.

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An impressive eco-thriller that could do with more clearly delineated characters

The debut feature from writer/director Neasa Hardiman, Sea Fever examines such issues as humanity's disregard for the size of our ecological footprint, the knee-jerk argument that if something hitherto unknown can't be exploited for profit then it should be destroyed, and Mankind's utter insignificance in the face of the wonders of nature. Heavily influenced by David Cronenberg's body horror films, Ridley Scott's Alien (1979), and John Carpenter's The Thing (1982), it could do with some refinement, especially in terms of characterisation, and the dénouement is a little anticlimactic, but Hardiman gets the atmosphere spot on, and overall, this is an impressive debut.

For my complete review, please visit:

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Disappointing with no real conclusion or explanation... at least, if there was one I couldn't see it! You might have better luck and enjoyment.

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[Sitges FF] A proposal that deals with how the human being faces the unknown. The best thing is the claustrophobic atmosphere, and the description of the fears and frictions between a group of people who are surrounded by something incomprehensible. When the nature of fears is represented in the form of viruses, it loses interest. But it builds an interesting reflection on the human condition pushed to the limit.

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It was actually a pretty good movie.

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If you, like me, enjoy slow paced atmospheric movies set in one location then you'll really enjoy this. If not, I'd recommend skipping this one.
It was obvious by the first half hour where it was heading but I really enjoyed it anyway. I have nothing bad to say about the acting and the script was pretty good. I feel like some of the characters could have been developed more if the screen time allowed it but oh well. Solid simple movie.

If you did like this one I'd recommend Life (2017) and The Bay (2012). Or if you were disappointed and want something similar but better.

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Before film: Oh, this looks bad but entertaining.

Early film: Yep. This is bad but entertaining.

Halfway through film: Ok, some stupid but still entertaining.

Second half of film: Parasites, please take my eyes.

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You really should catch this....

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Really let down with this one.
Built up nicely from the beginning and the first incident was suitably shocking.
Most movies would continue to ratchet up the tension from there but unfortunately this one meanders along until the whimper of a conclusion. Not much really happens.

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Like airplane food in business class: better than you expect, but it's still pap for the masses.

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Interesting exercise for common sense vs scientific knowledge. If it was more production and more duration, maybe all the things would be better.

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kinda bland to be honest

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Okey, so ?

Give back my 1,5 hours !

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Awful, just awful. Don’t waste your time!

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