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Scream 3 2000

Not great by any means, but also not that terrible.

However, is it just me or did Wes Craven and writer Ehren Kruger tried to call out Harvey Weinstein, the producer of the movie, because characters constantly kept mentioning "sleeping with the directors and producers to get certain jobs" and "Hollywood is full of criminals whose careers are flourishing."

Very scary, but not as scary as Courtney Cox’s hair! I mean, what the heck was that!

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This one is different enough from the first two to make it feel fresh. I like to imagine Jay and Silent Bob are always just walking around touring film studios. Also I watched this on Carrie Fisher's birthday. Makes me sad we won't see her in more movies. RIP

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I feel like in this one they returned to
form. It’s much better than 2 imo. It almost feels that aside from a couple of story beats, you could skip 2 entirely and it would feel like a direct sequel to the original

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patrick dempsey is SO attractive in this. It is honest to god his prime age. So much better than GA as not only was he an asshole in that, but the show in general just sucked.

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Real diminishing returns as this series goes on.

This one was toned down compared to the others because of Columbine, but the real problem is the script by Ehren Kruger (Transformers 2-4, The Ring 1 & 2, The Brothers Grimm, Reindeer Games, Dumbo).

The comedy is much broader but also blander, the only really funny bits come from Carrie Fisher (who I suspect wrote her own scene) and Parker Posey. Mostly the tone is set by Jay & Silent Bob’s cameo. Characters run in & out of doors like in a Scooby Doo episode.

Characters check if someone is dead by touching their wrist, as if it’s a 1950s movie. “I took one second to check his pulse and he’s definitely dead.” There are exactly zero tense setpieces. Craven attempts an Elm Street-style dream sequence but it falls flat.

The backstory involves the systematic abuse of women in Hollywood, which seems extra queasy now because it’s produced by the Weinsteins.

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Best part of it is Carrie Fisher :(

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The voice changer in this movie is what the masks were in Mission Impossible II.
Some of the worst over the top acting in the franchise. Parker Posey, the queen of 90s indies was ridiculous. Emily Mortimer was slumming it but it was a nice misdirection.

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So cute that Kincaid was in that end scene. I :heart: found family

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Still excruciatingly long for a slasher, but definitely better than the second. The deaths are more entertaining, and you can see that they are working on a bigger budget. The humor works, and the “Stab” movie franchise supports the meta-commentary well. Sure the plot is all over the place, but I always thought it was meant to be like that. The actress playing Jennifer is so outrageously bad that I wondered if she was sucking on purpose.

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I miss you Kevin Williamson

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According to the rules of the trilogy, a slight breeze of freshness did not hurt in this case.

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scott foley is so cute in this movie

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This desperately needed that Jamie Kennedy cameo to contextualize the roles of trilogies. Without it the only meta film criticism it has is the sleazy Hollywood system and high up producers taking advantage. Audiences weren't ready for that message in 2000, but the secret kid will come bite ya in the ass eventually.

Points for Jay and Silent Bob.

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Scream 3 is a decent movie despite having the weakest new cast additions. With the least realistic voice change. That lets you sound like anyone. Though that was pretty creepy at least.
Parker Posey is the best new addition. So good that “spoiler alert” you’d wish she survived.

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Man this movie was long. It seemed like it was never going to end. Also, why did they make Gale Weathers so ugly in this one. She was pretty hot in part one, and mega hot in part two, and they ruined her in this one. Other than that, the movie was okay.

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My least favourite in the franchise but I still really appreciate it. The movie within a movie is a lot of fun but the killer (singular) is underwhelming.

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Urgh, this sucked hard. Boring and slow, I knew the killer within 30 minutes which is never a good sign. Also, Parker Posey sucks in everything she is in.

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As soon as this one starts, you know something is different in the writers room. The suspense, kills, character writing, twist, humor it’s all toned back. It’s still a good movie, but it’s a big step backwards from the first two. This one is unlikely to be watched outside of a marathon of the others.

Rating: 3.5/5 - 8/10 - Would Recommend

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Shout by Luis Lourenço
BlockedParent2023-03-17T13:35:44Z— updated 2023-03-21T23:08:42Z

AMAZING MOVIE! Jokes aside... once more we get that long, terrible and random final gore scene, as well as a basic storyline during all movie. I get that this is a slasher movie, but this was mostly boring.

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Like those clothes racks where all the Ghostface costumes hang to hide the killer, I don't know how y'all can tell these fucking things apart.

Just take my review of Scream 2 and apply it here. If they're not going to make the effort to be original, why should I?

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You'll Scream once you see Gale's bangs.

This is where the franchise starts feeling recycled and a bit tired of the meta stuff. That being said it's the most entertaining and fun, the action and thrills don't stop until the end. Scream in Hollywood is just perfect, it's my favorite setting for the franchise, it just fits. Ghostface is more scary and the kills look more brutal. The Randy legacy tape was everything. Gale really shines in this one but my favorite was Parker Posey. Lots of comedy, overlong, investing mystery, cool sets and so many twists and turns. The killer reveal was so far-fetched and kinda jarring who could of ever guessed that?! Also, you can't say "Stab 3" and not stab three times...

"Boys, boys, why don't we compare our gun calibers later."⠀ -Gale Weathers

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After two good films, "Scream 3" was rather disappointing. It's also the only installment of the series that I wouldn't call at least decent. That's mostly due to the humor, which just didn't work for me this time around. Moving the story to Hollywood may take the whole meta aspect to the extreme, but the step went too far. On top of that, some of the retcons in the story were really outlandish. And the final reveal is just downright stupid. Fortunately, numerous characters from the two prequels are back as well. They still save the whole project to some extent for me. Nevertheless, it looked like everybody was ready for a break. No wonder that the next sequel took a long time to materialize.

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Theme- 6/10
Rewatchibility- 6.5/10
Acting- 7/10
Kinematography- 7.5/10
Time- 8/10
Total - 35/5 = 7

Not too much diminishing returns for the third film. I do appreciate the genre label of 'Mystery' in addition to 'Horror', as I do find these Scream movies to be more of a 'Who dunnit?' movie than your typical hack-n-slash. As others have mentioned after (re)watching this post #metoo is a bit unnerving now. The meta-callout of shall we say the 'Weinstein Treatment' of actors, most being women, is a tad disturbing for two reasons: One, with Dimension Films at that time a label under a Weinstein-controlled Miramax, Harvey had to have watched this before it was released and rather than seeing the scene about the producer trading sexual favors for work as hideous, it may have normalized it for him giving him some gross justification. Two, the fact that Wes Craven chose to keep this in likely knowing Harvey would see it and the giving insight to the public of how show biz was and no one bats an eye about it, is just sad. Aside from that bit that makes me wince for its implication, the Scream franchise continues to entertain me.

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Shout by Reiko LJ

An entertaining and as always, meta filled film. The cast are on form, the Gail x Gail moments were Brill and Syd's strength is the real star.
Rewatching this in 2021 though, I found a new level to the meta. Considering Miramax was Weinstein's company, the experience Syd's mother had is all too real. A horrible next level to the film.

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Definitely the weakest and dumbest of the original trilogy but it's still a lot of fun. I'm happy to see Dewey and Gale got more screentime. I'm really invested in their love story. Parker Posey's comedic performance was so hilarious. Honestly, Gale and Gale moments are my favorites! Love the comedic and meta stuff. Sidney's "mother" covered in white sheets is the creepiest thing! So, what's your favorite scary movie?

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"All I know is that in the third one, all bets are off."

While still a serviceable film, it felt pretty different from the first two. Dare I say it might've gotten too meta? It is always fun to see Neve, Courtney and David working together again, just didn't feel as strong as the others.

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The meta-narrative of the film killings is fun, but has been done by Craven better before. Fun watch, a little long, and definitely worse than 1 and 2.

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Scream 3 is complete garbage, and has devolves into the very thing that the series started out mocking. Now in trilogy territory, Sidney must once again confront the Ghostface Killer when he taunts her with clues to her mother’s past as he kills off the cast of the latest “Stab” movie. Campbell, Cox, and Arquette return and are joined by Parker Posey, Patrick Dempsey, Lance Henrikson, and Jenny McCarthy. The story is abysmal, and the acting (if it can be called such) is terrible. There’s nothing clever or insightful in this film, it’s just insipid tripe. Scream 3 is a sad, pathetic sequel that bears little resemblance to the original.

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As the weakest part of the Scream series, Scream 3 is still enjoyable but cannot reach its predecessors levels.

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Estan rodando una nueva pecuela de "Puñalada" la pelicula basada en en lo sucedido en la primera pelicula de Scream, cuando la Pelicula supera a la Ficcion...

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A great wrap up to this classic trilogy, it brings the whole saga to a close [until the newest film] while introducing a new side of the story we've never seen.

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